Can somebody check my math?

I ride my bike 200 miles each way to go home every other weekend and i get 45-50 every time thats 70-75mph the entire way. I ride it pretty hard during the week and still get 45 around town. (stock gearing, Two Brothers Exhaust)
Stop lights, and accel, decel type traffic eats up fuel.
I was getting 45-47 when I went easy, now with commuting getting around 38-40. I keep the rpm up in the city though. Its got to be able to move in any direction quickly, and accel is easier if your already at 7 or 8k rpm.
i agree with chunkygoat in that if i keep the revs at around 6k i get 55-60mpg but if itry to keep the revs down to say 3k at 30-40mph, then im looking at 40-45mpg. i think its because in high gears at low revs you need to open the throttle more than you would if you were in the correct gear for the speed that youre doing.
I'm averaging right at 50 mpg. Even on my trip to FL from TX, running down I-10 at at least +5 over the speed limit, with fully loaded Givi sidecases and topcase and the taller Yamaha windscreen, I averaged about 50 mpg on that trip. I took the stock Bridgestone tires off and put Michelin Pilot Roads on.
There was some evidence that 04-06 model year got better mileage than the 07-08. I have 07 with 5500 miles, ride sedately, and get 44mpg every single time. F-trip usually comes on at 170 miles or so.

Having owned both models, I can vouch for this. This myth is CONFIRMED! I got easily closer to 50+ on a regular (commuting) basis on the 2005 model. I've never seen better than 48 on my 2008 model and THAT was a Grandma Commuter week to see how far I could stretch a tank (what a flippin' BORING week of riding!) :D
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Don't forget to factor in fuel spent warming up the bike. In the summer that is almost immediate in the winter it can be almost 5 minutes. I have noticed that has eaten into my mpg a lot more than I expected.
do u like the taller yamaha windscreen? Does it really reduce wind drag?
I have a nice PUIG smoke ... but since I'm tall, I get buffeted about on the freeway.
Florida has not had inspection for bikes or passenger cars since 82' IIRC. A deputy will sometimes come out to your house to verify a very old vehicle when you try to register it at the DMV though.

And I lost my owners manual for the bike the very first day i had it. I trailered the bike home, unloaded it, pulled the manuals out, quickly read them, and promptly misplaced them. Then i got a helmet and started riding it.

Where in Florida are you?
Since my Bike was new this year I was keeping track of milage for the first
few fillups.I got 49.78MPG,55.37MPG,& 57.10MPG.The 1st fill (the lowest mpg was
all town driving)the others are town/country rides.I should also note that
this is imperial gallons(canada).I believe the canadian gallon is "Bigger?" than
the usa gallon.4.54 liters to a canadian gallon.
I couldn't be happier with my FZ6's miles per gallon.
10/01/08 218miles 62mpg
10/18/08 208miles 54.7mpg
11/03/08 143miles(not on reserve) 52.9mpg
11/10/08 173miles(not on reserve) 51.5mpg
I'll chime in. I get around 48 mpg. But most of my driving is on the expressway doing 70+. If you do a lot of stop & go commuting, and like to excellerate quickly, I could see the mileage dropping 10 mpg easily?