Carrying a concealed weapon???

Whenever I read about people wanting to carry a gun I think about the cops. How many times do you read about police, with lots of firearm training, missing their target much of the time when firing under stress? I don't want to be anywhere near the gun toting citizens when they feel the need to blaze away. I'm sure a very small percentage take special courses but how many keep up the training? It takes years, and a special skill to be able to keep calm under pressure and accurately return fire.

Whenever I read about people wanting to carry a gun I think about the cops. How many times do you read about police, with lots of firearm training, missing their target much of the time when firing under stress? I don't want to be anywhere near the gun toting citizens when they feel the need to blaze away. I'm sure a very small percentage take special courses but how many keep up the training? It takes years, and a special skill to be able to keep calm under pressure and accurately return fire.


I don't here about that scenario too much. If a citizen is not with 5-10 ft of their agressor, they should not be firing as their lives are not in immediate danger and/or they have other options (like run away?). Cops are shooting at someone under entirely different circumstances, IMO.

Believe it or not, American's are not all crazy gun-nuts!

The concealed carry movement began slowly in the 1980's starting with isolated counties and then entire states allowing the concealed carry of firearms by trained and licensed citizens. There was opposition, and (there still is) who claim folks carrying firearms in public will end up shooting each other during traffic disputes, or while arguing over the last gallon of milk at the store. These fears have never come true, and crime in general has decreased.

As a Police Officer, I feel absolutely comfortable knowing there are thousands of trained and licensed individuals who are readily able to protect themselves and others during violent encounters. Not once have I seen a properly trained CCW permit holder act improperly with a firearm.

Also as a police officer, you need to understand that even though I'm not wearing my uniform and "on the clock", my duties are 24/7. If I observe a violent crime, I'm obligated to intervene to protect the lives of innocent persons. Carrying a CCW gives me the ability to blend in as a civilian, but also to protect myself and others as if I were an on-duty officer.

The rest of the world can laugh all they want, but the fact remains that CCW carry is a good thing. That's not coming from a gun-nut or some kind of weirdo. From what I've seen first hand while on-duty is more than enough to convince me that CCW carry just plain works!
Crime is everywhere, gun or no gun it's going to find you someday. Best thing to do is avoid it if you can. Guns are nothing to play with. Takes a lot of thought about pulling a trigger while starring another man in his face. You might think you can do it now and then when the time comes for real you will freeze and your screwed. Get some gun training and really think and say to yourself "Do I really want a gun or do I really need it?" The Army is looking for new recruits everyday. You want some real training enlist and fire your weapon in Iraq and Afghanistan and see how much you like it and how it affects your mind when you get back.
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All the people who are like: O M F G! why on EARTH should someone want to carry a gun! and: It's just going to make you want to pull it out and use it if you have it with you, those people don't have the right mentality about it to be carrying a gun anyways, so do us a favor, and don't.

I think champion221elite said it very well that as a police officer, he feels comfortable knowing that there are trained and licensed people out there willing to protect themselves. And I think the nail is really hit on the head with "Not once have I seen a properly trained CCW permit holder act improperly with a firearm."

If you don't think it's for you, don't do it. But don't try to take the ability away, or support the inability to from your neighbor, such as Ghost Weim who has already been broken into once.
Right on Dako, these subjects are always a pain because of people who can't fathom that their opinion isn't the worlds opinion. If you want to carry a gun, right on, I have my permit, but I don't carry. But I like having the option to. This might be straying from the topic, but remember, it's not the legal guns you have to worry about.
I don't know a single person who thinks to themselves "When I go out to a movie tonight, with my wife, I just think some guy is going to try and rape her. I just have a gut feeling that we are going to be attacked by a gang who are in need of a dope fix. I just have a sense that I am going to get into a situation where a gun is going to save my life today. Better strap up."

Who thinks like that? If you have the ability to see into the future and avoid any situation where you will ever be forced into a situation that calls for you to protect your loved ones then good for you.

I for one will not be on the 11 p.m. news talking about how the guy who raped my wife got away with it. Cause it will never happen. That is why my wife and I are going through the training and legally obtaining our firearms that we will be able to take with us to any of the places that we frequent. And she will never get raped ever.

For anybody that is thinking "Well, you don't have to shoot and kill the guy who is attempting to rape your wife. Just let him go and the cops will take care of it." Anybody who is thinking that is so far from my mindset that they would never understand anybody that carries.


to go along with what was implied here and as champion221elite said it is a good thing.. think of it this way..

do you wear helmet, gloves, jacket ect. when you ride??
do you have frame sliders and full coverage on your bike??

it is for the "just in case"

but we know things can happed out of our control

same thing for a firearm, IF the situation comes about people would like to know that they are prepared "just in case"

i guess you could think of it as leathers for off the bike, IF the situation comes about, it could save your a$$
Don't bring it to Maryland even with with a CCW. We don't reciprocate, and the socialists that run the state would love to put you in jail and take your firearm
As was said by somebody else on an earlier thread, " I would not carry a gun except for, carrying a Police officer around with you is just too much work"

Police and other public defenders/servants are not typically called before an incident happens, they respond after it has already taken place, they can not be everywhere all the time.
They have the unfortunate responsibility of post incident intervention.

If someone should to chose to carry after obtaining all the appropriate training and has clear understanding of the repercussions of using a firearm, great!

I still have every intent after getting the proper training to eventually have a permit to carry, that being said I will not carry on my bike (just a personal choice) because I need all my wits about me for the task of operating a motorcycle and do not want that level of responsibility to affect my enjoyment of the "ride".

Perhaps I would never really carry it anywhere for that matter, but it is comforting to know that in my state, I have that right! As an American citizen.
This is simply sumed up in one statement. There are 3 kinds of people in this world Wolves, Sheep and Sheepdogs.........I chose to be a sheepdog and will never allow one of the wolves to harm myself, my family or any other innocent sheeple. Anyone willing to commit a random violent act against another is not deserving of the air they breath IMHO and would not lose a moments sleep over it.
Yes I am a CWP holder and liscensed to carry and 33 different states I do not leave the house unarmed ever. In 10years I have luckily never had to use my weapon but it did save me from bodily harm one time just by the sound of the slide racking closed. There was no need to point it, no need to show it just the sound of it being there was enough to stop the situation.

In answer to the OP question I prefer to carry on the ankle(summer) or shoulder holster (cooler temps)when riding.
There was no need to point it, no need to show it just the sound of it being there was enough to stop the situation.

I totally agree. One time some guys were talking smack and the sound of my Mossberg 500 Pump Shotgun chambering a round sent them running for there life and they didn't even see it.
Heads up Disco...
America is a gigantic country with an incredibly diverse population... Some people carry some people don't.

do you anything about any other country than the US?
AUS has a MASSIVE amount of multi culture and is what makes AUS so good
the different cultures/food/ppl the works,im a 1st gen Aussie mum Sicilian and dad italian. sure we dont have the population of the US but **** man

I just love how the rest of the world wants to dump all of this stereotypical American BS on us about how we are imperial racists and completely ignorant to the rest of the world...

there could be good reason for that as i actually know a few americans here in aus and untill they moved here and lived for a few years they where exactly as you described, not so much the racist bit

Take a look at yourselves first a look at every country that decries American persecution. Does your country suffer from a bit of homogeneity? Has your country ever imperialized? I'd ask if prejudice was a big part of your life, but that's already been answered.
No aus does not have the history of the US
we where born from the fact our country was used as a prison and the majority of the 1st settlers where prisoners do you not think that would be worse ?
dude dont even think about calling me prejudicial i am the most unbiased and racist person i know, i went to school with blacks both american and aussie
along with half of asia! and met some great ppl!

Is this country a little broken, yes... what count
ry isn't?

Get off your high horse and grow the confidence to create your own experience rather than listening to a tabloid...

how about you shut the **** up as you know sfa about me and what experiances i have, my opinion has come from my own experiences and what others have told me, not from the tabloids

I and by the looks of it many others cannot seem to agrree that carrying a gun espically at such a young age of 21 is a good idea
regardless of what country you are in.

sure there are exceptions such as ppl for work or safety in woods as others have mentioned

it is simple americans are gun mad and love to carry guns
sure not all of them do but the percentage is higher than anywhere else in the world!
To answer the question from the OP...yes, I carry my pistol even when on the bike. As far as specifics, I carry it the same way as I do the rest of the time, Glock 19 inside the waistband at about 1:00 (belt-buckle being 12:00). This method is commonly referred to as "Appendix carry," or A-IWB.
I just adjust my jacket so that it will zip comfortably over the extra bulk in the problems at all.

moving on...

it is simple americans are gun mad and love to carry gunssure not all of them do but the percentage is higher than anywhere else in the world!

First of all, in addition to being incredibly stupid, your statement is also a sweeping generalization.
If you took the time to look at the numbers that are available you'd find that a very low percentage of people in the USA actually choose to carry a concealed firearm (probably no more than 1-3% across the board).

Aside from that, there have been claims in this thread about how people who carry guns are just nutjobs who "are just looking for trouble," or "are likely to kill someone over a parking spot," or whatever else. These statements have no basis in reality. The number of permit-holders who have their license revoked for committing a violent crime is so small as to be statistically insignificant (we're talking about fractions of a %). What that means, in simple terms, is that those who legally carry a firearm are the MOST law-abiding members of our society (they have to have a clean background to get the permit in the first place) and the vast majority of them take very seriously the responsibility that comes with carrying a weapon.

Carrying a firearm for personal protection isn't about being "tough," compensating for other inadequacies, or "loving to carry a gun." It's about having another option for defending yourself or those you care about from a violent criminal assault. Are there other ways to defend yourself (knives, OC "pepper" spray, empty-hand techniques)? Sure, all of those have their place. But there is not one answer for every problem. A firearm is a force-multiplier that allows one to deliver a level of force that they might otherwise be incapable of using. It also allows one to "even the odds" when confronted with a situation in which a significant disparity of force exists (facing multiple attackers, an elderly person being attacked by someone much younger/stronger, a female being attacked by a larger male, etc.)
Probably the biggest reason is the issue of self-reliance. Being prepared to take care of you and yours rather than hoping that the police show up in time to save you (which isn't likely given the fact that you seldom have time to call them and wait for them to arrive before the unpleasantness commences).

Just my $0.02...I'm not going to waste my time trying to convert the hoplophobes or those who don't want to approach the issue objectively.
I carried mine with me all the time in the last state I lived in. I would just recommend that you follow the law of the state you're in and know the laws of any state you might go into. Some states reciprocate, some don't require any permit, some are open carry only, and some won't issue any type of carry permit. Just read up on the laws and don't take anyones word for it.
Nope, no gun's illegal in Canada. Let the drug gangs have 'em so they can shoot each other up. Don't think carrying one on a bike would be much good anyway, unless you have a turret attached to your front fairing. Might be good for you southerners to shoot armadillos off the road ahead of you. Maybe if my bike skills improve I'll get me a slingshot...
Nope, no gun's illegal in Canada. Let the drug gangs have 'em so they can shoot each other up. Don't think carrying one on a bike would be much good anyway, unless you have a turret attached to your front fairing. Might be good for you southerners to shoot armadillos off the road ahead of you. Maybe if my bike skills improve I'll get me a slingshot...

It's only illegal if you don't have a permit. Anyone can apply for a Carry Permit. Few are issued, however. Prospectors or people employed in the bush can apply for an Open Carry permit, which is usually issued as long as you have a PAL (Possession and Acquisition License) and have no criminal record. An Open Carry Permit allows you to carry a pistol or revolver openly in a cannot conceal it.
As a matter of interest, I have taken pistols to the range on my bike in a backpack which is quite legal.:thumbup:
Being a federal agent living in the state of Arizona, I've seen the evil and sin of America. I’ve arrested drug dealers, gang member, Mexican cartel, terrorists, etc. Confiscated countless weapons, hundreds of thousands of pounds of drugs. These people are living within miles of your homes. It would be who of you to carry some sort of intermediate or deadly force weapon to protect yourself and your family. A gun is good in the hands of good people. At least have some sort of firearm in your home in a safe place. DO NOT BE A VICTIM IN YOUR OWN HOME!

I live in a very nice neighborhood and in the past month there have been 9 vehicles/homes broken into (involving a weapon). Why? Because it is an easy target.

It saddens me to say that we live in a world where we have to protect ourselves in violent ways; That all we see on the news is violence and death. But this violence is real and all around us. Don’t be a victim.

Prepare yourself for the unexpected. Take time out of your schedule and familiarize yourself with a firearm at your local firing range. Exercise your rights.

I could go on all day but a lot these posts seem silly and in my opinion niave. I hear it all the time... "i never thought this would happen to me." Oh bad things happen, more than you think. Im seeing the worlds' evil when you are sound asleep in your bed. Its an evil and vile world. Protect yourself.
Wow someones a little drama queen.
Expressing the diversity of the American population has nothing to do with incitement of drama, I am by no means small and find it funny that you think I'm a queen and a redneck...

Americans have a worldwide reputation due to two things, how they act when they visit other countries, and their countries treatment of other nations politically.
Unfortunately a large percentage of Americans who travel really don't help this view either.
You have no clue what my political opinions are and the point of my post was to express the diversity of the American population. To address the former, how do they act? I'm curious, because I don't know, and frankly when it comes up in conversation, most of my foreign friends say that it's a stereotype that's largely blown out of proportion. The latter, what does the American foreign policy (decided by elected officials and decided by a majority of voters, not necessarily population) have to do with the personal actions and feelings of Americans?

I won't comment on the gun issue, because here they are illegal. On your comments though, I wouldn't want to meet you carrying a gun, you came across as a redneck who would shoot anyone who disagrees with you. Seems very 'tabloid american' to me :eek: Glad your not spreading that reputation further :confused:
Guns are illegal in your country so you won't comment, but just what makes you qualified to comment on my words which you have not processed past coloring them with your own misperceptions of an American.

FYI- My gun is disassembled in my garage 2 blocks from my apartment in Queens. I am a 15 minute (pedaled) bike ride from midtown Manhattan. I live in a neighborhood that is largely composed of Greek and Egyptian immigrants, however in an area that has the greatest ethnic and national diversity possibly on earth. But, hey you know me a big redneck drama queen, wow, you're ignorance is stunning.

Everyone else I apologize for bumping this thread up, considering this person's personal feelings of prejudice and judgement.