Chemiker's 2010 Yosemite Trip

Travis and John, I rode F to H in June (camped at Cherry Lake). It's moderately goaty...which I love...but maybe not be everyone's favorite. Rear brake is your friend on a road like this. How did you find the conditions, Travis? Did you notice that some of the sealer they had recently put down was much more slippery than normal sealer?

Those tar snakes were crazy! Definitely more slippery than any other ones I have ridden on. I can't say that I didn't have a little bit of fun sliding around, but it was like riding on butter. My friend even pulled over to check his tires. That was only a small section though - a couple of miles - of Cottonwood. Otherwise, I didn't find them particularly goaty, but maybe my definition of goaty isn't the same as others'.... Although the roads were not striped in parts, they were relatively wide, enough to dodge oncoming traffic.
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...On another note, I think I found my new favorite road on Sunday. I think its better than 36 and 3 by just a hair. It was raining at times, I was on a loaded dual sport, and I was running full knobby tires so I'll need to get back there ASAP on the FZ6. The road is south of Lassen and runs for about 70 miles....

Sounds great, do you have a map link to this?