Covering Bike while Warm?



Is it bad to put a cover over the bike right after you get back and it's still warm? Could trapping/retaining the heat on an off but still hot engine cause any problems?
I cover my bike at night and the only real concern I would have doing this while the bike is warm would be something melting to the bike. Most of the covers I have used or seen do not list themselves as being flame retardent. It would really suck to come out in the morning and find part of the cover melted to a cold clutch case or pipe.
i wouldn t risk it, probably nothing will happen if you cover it while warm. but i would leave it for a quarter of an hour and then cover it. the exhaust would have cooled down quite a bit by that time and it would be safe to cover it
I've done it every night for the last 6 years & never had a problem , just be careful that your cover doesnt rest on the headers & you'll be fine :thumbup: If you are a little worried just wait 10 mins & everything will be cooled to touch then & it will never be an issue :D
What others have said...wait 10-15 minutes then cover it. If the cover touches the headers 1 minute after you get home it is going to melt to it! The headers only need 10 minutes to cool to air temperature.
Had that question a week ago when on a trip to Florida. I let it cool about 5 or 10 minutes then put the cover on. Had just ridden 2 to 3 hours without stopping and the bike was fully heated up. My concern was not the headers as they were cool enough but rather all the heat in the engine radiator etc. The bike was fine with no problems. My cover fastens under the headers so I have to wait till they are cool but as other have said they cool quickly - be careful about the touch test to see how cool they are. When I arrived at the beach I parked behind the building we were staying in but the bike was in the direct path of the wind coming off the beach! Since the wind was blowing about 30 MPH due to storms going thru there a lot of salt spray was in the air - bike cooled really quick though! I put the cover on after about 5 minutes but didn't get it totally pulled down over the rear sprocket which resulted in some rust on the chain and a discolored place on the sprocket, not a problem as I'm going to replace them very soon anyway.
I've never made a point to wait. I often ride for several hours at a time, and then stop to fuel a few miles from home. After that, I crawl through town and my coolant temp usually climbs up above 200 (at least during the warmer months). So when I park it, it's pretty warm. I usually take about a minute to pull the tank bag off and remove my gloves and helmet. Then I put the cover on. I've never had any problems. I even use a bungee cord run under the engine (bottom of headers) to further secure the cover. I've had zero issues, and it's only a $35 Nelson Rigg cover.
Covers are better now days so you can just lob them on. Caution with headers as mentioned.
In the olden days of 1980, I used to cover my bike straight away but condensation and moisture used to build up under the cover.
This lead to premature tarnishing and rusting of various bits:(.
