Cryptic messages


Phantom Rider
Elite Member
Oct 18, 2008
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Edenvale, South Africa (GMT +2)
Visit site
I have noticed these appearing in the last few weeks:


I don't know what purpose they serve, especially as they seem pretty random. This one was at lunchtime on Sunday. Back to work?
Mine says "supper time" and it's 17:15 here :confused:
I quite often get "are the kids in bed" in the evening, I was wondering what the guys without kids see :BLAA:
...I quite often get "are the kids in bed" in the evening, I was wondering what the guys without kids see :BLAA:

I get the same message and am worried that the site knows something I don't. I don't think I have any kids...
My take on them; they are random generated messages that are linked to the server time, hence it may send a message about breakfast when in another time zone it may be dinner.

Just one of those things.
I have noticed these appearing in the last few weeks:


I don't know what purpose they serve, especially as they seem pretty random. This one was at lunchtime on Sunday. Back to work?

I don't see anything cryptic about it. It says, Get your a$$ back to work! :rof: :rof:
Does anyone else get the one that says,"Kill your friends. They are demons." or is that just me?


A little low on your medication level aren't we??!! Those darn voices can sometimes get the best of you.:BLAA:
mine says "hope you enjoy your visit" and I cant help think it's being said in a way of "Because your never going to leave." All thats missing is the creepy little twins
Yeah, they are a bit random.. It's 1 PM here and it says "Dinner time".. I haven't even had breakfast yet! :p

I spent some time in the deep south...some people down there call the mid-day meal dinner, and the end-of-the-day meal supper... My messages seem to be accurate with time...nothing cryptic here. Except for that one that said, "We're worried about you...":BLAA:
Mine currently is saying "So, having a nice day, Have2BeFree?"

It makes me want to scream "NO OK? I AM NOT HAVING A NICE DAY!"

Oh sorry...................... :disapprove:

But for the most part I like the messages.
Time related messages will be accurate if you set your time zone correctly in your profile. No demon related messages for me yet. I guess, server likes me. :)
Mine says, "Time for some popcorn, Psnbye." Uh... OK. I like carmel corn...but I once ate an entire jumbo buttered popcorn at the movies and then got sick all over the parking lot so I dont like buttered popcorn anymore.