Cryptic messages

Mine says Homeworks, Bren, homeworks.

How does it know I have "better" things to do than hang on the web? :eyebrow: I feel ashamed...

Wait. This is not right. I'm not in school anymore! Haa! :Flip: I can ignore the dishes as long as want!
lol its s bit buggy... ( Beta ) ... Shall we keep it or nix it

I think they are fun. Mine is currently saying "Let's get back to work, Elizabeth." I just say ":Flip:--My experiment is incubating for another hour, OK!!"
But in the evening I am starting to crave popcorn more often than usual....hmmm, subliminal advertising???? :eek:
Well let's keep it. By all means! If for nothing else than to laugh at from time to time. Good work, people! Can I take off the tinfoil hat now?
My vote is to keep 'em around. Just a little qwirky-ness occasionally is good for you, right?

I just want to know who is Admin sending for the massage...:D
When I logged in earlier it said "lets get back to work", I thought how does it know? but now it's coffee break it says "so having a nice day", it's enough to make you paranoid :rolleyes:

Despite the big brother feeling I vote for keeping it as well :thumbup:
seems to me like these messages are straight from my mother! Always reminding me what I need to be doing (especially since I usually skip breakfast) with: "breakfast time" "having a nice day" "how about a massage"..... ok that last one is a little creepy :BLAA:

I think they are fun!

Right now it says " 'Morning krid80"
Well we've had characteristically in yer face Aussie humour ("Where's the coffee already, Jez?" - as they punch you slightly too hard on the arm), and now I seem to be suffering from some kind of Transatlantic banality: "Hope you enjoy your visit, Jez."

Hi! I sure will! Thank you so much! I really admire your talent, by the way. Love your work!

Can we have some really sarcastic and miserable British comments as well, in the interests of equality? ;)
What's on the News tonight, Gilo-FZ6?

Earth quake, Muslims and the horrilbe weather if you must know :thumbup:
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