~~Daily Feed, post what made you laugh today ~~

I gave it 2 min. then had to turn it off......I'm gonna have that song in my head all weekend:thumbup:

THE FORCE is strong with this one - ^^ -
Me, maybe a minute! lol
Thankfully at no previous time in life was I subjected to that!:thumbup:
This might qualify as offensive. If you're bad at knowing sports (like me) this video is very helpful!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uE7qVAtNwQk]A Guide To American Football - YouTube[/ame]
As you may have seen on the news it's been very cold in Minnesota. So cold, in fact, that the US Army ​Corp of Engineers has borrowed a Norwegian Icebreaker to clear the Mississippi River for freighter traffic. The Icebreaker is starting near Winona and working its way northward.

Here is a photo as the hard work of ice breaking begins.
​Very ​ Impressive!


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As you may have seen on the news it's been very cold in Minnesota. So cold, in fact, that the US Army ​Corp of Engineers has borrowed a Norwegian Icebreaker to clear the Mississippi River for freighter traffic. The Icebreaker is starting near Winona and working its way northward.

Here is a photo as the hard work of ice breaking begins.
​Very ​ Impressive!


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That guy lost his give-a-damn in that lake last spring. His wife told him to go get it since he hadn't had pants on for 3 weeks, and so here we are.
Oh boy those last two are truly 'dad jokes'
How about this then:
Why are there no aspirin in the jungle?

Because the parrots eat'em all

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A redneck cowboy rides into a town on a hot blistering day riding his horse with his dog following. He ties his horse and the dog under the shade of a tree. The Redneck cowboy goes into the bar for a cold beer.

About 20 minutes later a policeman comes in and asks who owns the dog tied under the tree. The Redneck cowboy tells him that its his. The policeman says; "Your dog is in heat".

The redneck cowboy answers; "No way the dogs in heat; he's cool, cause he's tied under the shade of the tree".

The policeman says; "No, you don't understand, your dog needs to be bred".

The redneck cowboy shakes his head and says; "No way the dog needs bread, he's not hungry, I gave him beef jerky this morning".

The policeman finally gets mad and says; "Look, your dog wants to have sex".

The redneck cowboy looks at him and says "Go ahead, I always wanted a police-dog"
Brian always wanted a pair of authentic Harley Motorcycle Boots, so, seeing some on sale, he bought them and wore them home. Walking proudly, he sauntered into the kitchen and said to his wife, "Notice anything different about me?" Maria looked him over, "Nope."

Frustrated, Brian stormed off into the bathroom, undressed and walked back into the kitchen completely naked except for the boots. Again he asked Maria, a little louder this time, "Notice anything different NOW?" Maria looked up and exclaimed, "Brian, what's different? It's hanging down today, it was hanging down yesterday, it'll be hanging down again tomorrow!"


Without changing her expression, Maria replied, "Shoulda bought a new helmet Brian!"