Do you have a bug out bag?


Redneck MacGyver
Jun 12, 2011
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So all this talk about the end of times is near and what not has got me thinking a lot lately, first let me say I seriously doubt anything will happen, but there are a lot of people who do and I think if anything happens it will be just from people going crazy rioting in the streets and chaos might follow. So in the .0001% chance that something does happen I have made the decision that I will "bug out" rather than "bug in" I've started preparing a bug out bag that i can throw in the truck with my bike on the back and head for the hills. The bag that I have started to prepare is larger than most at about 4 1/2ft tall and 36" in diameter. I don't plan on stuffing it to the gills but I chose this bag because for one it's fairly water proof, very durable and has a huge capacity. So far this is what I have prepared to go in it and things I intend to put in it. The things I already have will be *

*1000rds 9mm 124gr NATO fmj ammo
*200rds 00 buck shot 20ga
*300rds rifled slug 20ga
*300rds .243 ammo
*About 500 waterproof matches in water tight containers
*30 coleman fire starters
*1 magnesium fire starter
*1 hammer/pry bar/entry tool
*1 leatherman multi tool
*1 small tool set I put together including; 2 pairs channel locks, 2 crescent wrenches, 1 10 in 1 screw driver, 1 Allen pack metric/standard, pair of dikes, pair of needle nose
*1 hatchet
1 kukri (I've always called them banana knifes)
*1 survival knife with assorted supplies in the handle w/compass
*1 ka-bar
*1 folding saw
*4 wire saw
*1 small hack saw w/blades
1 self filtering water bottle
About 100 water purifying tablets
*500' of 50lb Fishing line
*Small fishing tackle set
*5big rolls of duct tape
*small cooking set with camp stove, propane, seasonings, small pan, small pot, and fuel tablets
About 20 power bars
2 large bottles of centrum performance multivitamin
Assorted MRE's
* easily compacted mummy sleeping bag rated down to 10*f
*2 survival blankets
4 mini mag lights
10 big packs of AAs
I want to find some easy way to pack about 5 gal of water, I'm thinking about some camel back inserts
I also want to find a good high quality hand pump that is fairly small so I can siphon gas if i need to

I'm sure there will be some other things I think of along the way, or things I might take out that I don't think are necessary. But like I originally said I seriously doubt ANYTHING will happen but in the event that something does I don't want to get caught with my pants down. So do any of y'all have any sort of plans of bugging out, bugging in? Made any preparations? Plan on making any preparations? Think it's all just a big joke?
Most of that stuff is pretty small and light weight, the ammo weighs more then everything else combined
I've got a little bag ready to go. Mainly medical supplies, tactical gear, water purification pump and tablets, I'll post up a full list when I'm not on my phone. I do not, however, have ammo. I need to get some.
How do you plan on moving that bag with all that kit?

I should also add that the bag is big and heavy, it does have straps that i could throw it on my back or tie to the bike but in the unlikely event that something happens I just plan on throwing it in my truck, and when or if I have to get on the bike or on foot I have a smaller back pack I could transfer over some of the absolutely necessary stuff
Let's see what I have in my bag right now....



and this. That is all....:D

Pork 'n beans! Pork n' beans!! (from There's Something About Mary)

I needed something in my patrol car the other day when I had a serious bout of food poisoning. Went to the hospital and didn't have a change of clothes, toothbrush or cell phone charger. Those were the things I missed the most. Luckily only stayed one night.

I remember Y2K and all the hoopla. With all these broke countries lending other broke countries money they don't have (and the U.S. is printing more money without anything to back it up) I'm well aware that martial law could be induced. At least I'm in Law Enforcement. Many years ago I saw the direction that Progressives are leading the country and thought I'd rather be in a position where I'm not just an average citizen but able to buy guns and such because of my job, if it ever came to be outlawed (2nd Amendment). Heck, Obama just signed away 1st Amendment rights this week with H.R. 347 and the full backing of Congress. We're well on our way.
LMAO! I don't keep that in my bag! That's always on my belt at the handy!! :D

Zombie spray, pepper spray. I hit a pit bull with pepper spray last month, he wasn't too happy but did run away. Had my handgun in the other hand in case the pepper spray didn't work. One of my district partners dispatched a pit bull that ran at him on the street, used a single .40 S&W hollow point to do it. I keep thinking of the Resident Evil movies and those Doberman's...
And just to add to the conversation about preparations for the end of times.

As I live in Oz, I have exactly nothing packed, or ready for when the world ends.

We'll just sit back and watch you all destroy yourselves!

Our dollar is worth more, we have lower unemployment, we have MUCH lower crime, have a higher percentage of home owners per capita etc.

And to think some Americans STILL look down upon us as a backward country that is beneath them!



P.S. Possibly some of this is because we're not allowed to be armed anyway! (and despite the gun-lobby saying we'd be more in danger once we were disarmed, the evidence would show otherwise)
And Australians are like - WTF?


Nice skit!

(and I agree, once you've met a kangaroo at 70mph on the highway, you'll say facken kangaroos too!)

2012 catastrophe or not, I always keep at hand at least 2 weeks of water & non-perishable food, 1000 rounds of 7.62x39mm & an AK-47 to quickly be able to dispel them. I learned from the ice storm we experienced in '94, when several local areas were without power for up to 6 weeks, to always be prepared. I agree with ChevyFazer that most problems will occur due to unprepared people's over-reaction during an emergency. We have seen evidence of that during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. People went f**king apes**t! I can only imagine how bad it would get during a nationwide (or worldwide) emergency. My bug-out location is my parents 64 acre farm where we have (or can grow) anything we may need.
I don't have a bag as of yet but then plan is to load the bike in the truck and head north to farm. The big thing will be making sure I have enough gas to make it there with out having to stop.
I agree with ChevyFazer that most problems will occur due to unprepared people's over-reaction during an emergency. We have seen evidence of that during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. People went f**king apes**t!

When we in Australia suffered the tragedy of the Black Saturday bushfires, or Cyclone Larry, or Queensland floods etc, we just knuckle down and get 'er done. (And they are just of recent years!)

BTW - I was shocked when I saw that TopGear episode when they drove around after hurricane Katrina and the place STILL looked like a disaster zone, years later! Doesn't your government or people CARE?

There is tragedy in all of the world, and having thousands of rounds of ammo, 15 years worth of foodstuffs and all the fuel you can carry oft-times just wont help.

Were Australians 'prepared' for the above tragedies? (other than the pervading sense of 'We'll fix it' instead of the 'Boohoo, somebody help!' mentality)

How does one prepare to have hundreds of thousands of hectares burnt out, with little to no warning?

Sometimes life can be cruel - but I say a lot of you watch too much TV about the 'end of days holocausts' and thus, constantly live in fear.

If there was a nuclear holocaust, and the world was uninhabitable - is having firearms going to help?

Live for today - and, sure, don't be entirely unprepared, but just don't obsess about it!

"Tread softly and carry an armoured tank division, I always say" (great line!)

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When we in Australia suffered the tragedy of the Black Saturday bushfires, or Cyclone Larry, or Queensland floods etc, we just knuckle down and get 'er done. (And they are just of recent years!)

BTW - I was shocked when I saw that TopGear episode when they drove around after hurricane Katrina and the place STILL looked like a disaster zone, years later! Doesn't your government or people CARE?

There is tragedy in all of the world, and having thousands of rounds of ammo, 15 years worth of foodstuffs and all the fuel you can carry oft-times just wont help.

Were Australians 'prepared' for the above tragedies? (other than the pervading sense of 'We'll fix it' instead of the 'Boohoo, somebody help!' mentality)

How does one prepare to have hundreds of thousands of hectares burnt out, with little to no warning?

Sometimes life can be cruel - but I say a lot of you watch too much TV about the 'end of days holocausts' and thus, constantly live in fear.

If there was a nuclear holocaust, and the world was uninhabitable - is having firearms going to help?

Live for today - and, sure, don't be entirely unprepared, but just don't obsess about it!

"Tread softly and carry an armoured tank division, I always say" (great line!)


That's the whole point, this isn't Australia, people over here are nuts and if they think for a second that something bad might happen they instantly over react. And if put in a situation where they fear for their lives and feel that you have something they need to survive they might just try to take it from you at any cost, thats what some of the ammo is for. For example I live in the south and we don't get much snow, if the weather even forecast a chance of snow the local grocery stores sell out of water, some can goods, and even batteries, and lines at the checkout can wrap around the store. Fights have broken out as well as people getting shoot in the parking lots. Knowing that and seeing what happened in the wake of Katrina, I don't want to have to rely on anyone one but myself IF anything happens, and believe me I don't think anything will, but I also don't plan on wrecking my bike but i still wear full gear in case I do. I don't fear that the world will end or anything like that, and and far from being what people would call a prepper, most of that stuff I already had laying around the house because I am a avid hunter/outdoorsman. And again I don't live in fear, If anything it would be the opposite I'm a optimist, with the stuff I have and plan on getting, in a worst case scenario I should be able to trek out on my own and and keep on living instead of rolling over and saying oh well I guess that's it theres nothing I can do.