Do you nod/wave to scooters?

Do you nod/wave to scooter riders?

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although i get less wave backs than i do with Harley's i still give them a wave, I figure... at least they are on two wheels.
I'm still laughing at the video in the first post. hahahaha! I love the "new wave". lol To answer the question to the poll no I don't wave at scooter riders. I grew up in Key West Florida and I had enough of people driving scooters around and cutting people off, and enough tourists who had no idea what they were doing to last me for the rest of my life. I look at it like, if you are going to get a bike, get a real one.
In Denmark we see very few motorbikes around at this time of the is too cold and wet.

However you do see quite a lot of scooters around in all weather. They deserve a thumbs up, a nod or a wave at all times of the year for putting up with our winter.

It`s not what you ride. It is just the fact that you ride.

I said no, because most scooter riders where I'm at don't wear helmets.

I don't think there should be a helmet law, because I don't think the government should force anybody to do anything, but I think it's common sense and it's just one of my values. Like, if you're riding in an organized cruize, like <20mph where everyone is going the same way and it's for a reason or something on a blocked off road, or in a parade, or to move your bike in the driveway, ok don't wear your helmet if you don't want to. I'm not a helmet nazi, just think if you're on the street doing anything but what I just mentioned pretty much, you should have one on.

So, I don't nod to people that don't wear helmets. Which in my case is mostly scooter riders in my area.
Hey, I'll wave to anyone on 2 wheels, and the occasional good-looking young thing in the cager, too.

Sometimes they wave back. Brings a smile to my face, but hey, I'm easy.
I get more waves back from scooters than from cruisers.

Therefore, I assume they understand the "biker code" better than some of these so-called bikers out there on cruisers. Many scoots around here are at least wering a 3/4 helmet, too, which, given a state with no helmet law, is more than most sportbike or cruiser riders, and therefore they deserve the respect that goes with that.

I do not, however, wave to bicycles, unless I am feeling unusually spunky.
although i get less wave backs than i do with Harley's i still give them a wave, I figure... at least they are on two wheels.

They don't wave as much coz if they did they would start WOBBLING and DRILL the rear of the closest bus or truck....Seriously most of the scooter riders I see are DANGEROUS...:ban:
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I don't know if anyone mentioned this somewhere in the thread (I got bored and skipped to the end - ADD style) but personally I know that loads of guys on scooters commuting in London also have R1s and R6s sitting in the garage at home, but thy don't ride them due to the risk of theft. Plus, a 125 scooter is a lot more manuverable in heavy traffic.

Don't get me wrong, they still ride like twats and I generally don't wave to them. I just wanted to say they aren't all teenagers. Some have no excuse.
I will nod to anyone on 2 wheels, but only if they practise ATGATT! Don't nod to squids in shorts, etc! Not cool in my books if you can't take responsibilty for your own protection.
I ll nod to them no matter what since we all here share similar risk on the street with 2wheel, even they dont have engine jet like us...:rockon:
is like would you stop and help the scooter people if they got accident..?
I don't know if anyone mentioned this somewhere in the thread (I got bored and skipped to the end - ADD style) but personally I know that loads of guys on scooters commuting in London also have R1s and R6s sitting in the garage at home, but thy don't ride them due to the risk of theft. Plus, a 125 scooter is a lot more manuverable in heavy traffic.

Don't get me wrong, they still ride like twats and I generally don't wave to them. I just wanted to say they aren't all teenagers. Some have no excuse.

But those guys probably won't put an L plate on the front of their 125 scooter! :)
I don't pass many scoots. But there is one guy/gal who if I ever see them riding I will wave too. They are always at the metro before me and always leaves before me but there are days when it is just us in the motorcycle spaces. They have a full face helemet locked to it and about 50 extra refelectors attached to it some of them battery operated flashers. To top it all off he has about 200 spiderman stickers on his scoot. But the guy/gal rides no matter the weather.
i nod to them if they nod first..granted most of them are little chavs who probably dont even have a licence but i would feel like a hypocrit (sp) and become what we hate most about the HD you said we all started somewhere

I feel the same way as Gilo.

I didn't vote because I normally don't wave to them, but if they wave I'll wave back. I'm not gonna be like those hog riders who only wave to to other hogs.
Scooter people ain't riders!!!!

They are just annoying little piss-ants that don't have the brain to get a licence for a REAL bike!!

Hmmmmmm, just love to let out steam :)

the wife od a guy at my work had to get a license to ride her "scooter" it's a step through scooter but i think it is like a 500cc or so i think she bought the suzuki burgman
I feel the same way as Gilo.

I didn't vote because I normally don't wave to them, but if they wave I'll wave back. I'm not gonna be like those hog riders who only wave to to other hogs.

I've gotta say that I too would wave back if they waved to me. But it's NEVER happened! :) I keep looking out for it though.
I dont unless they wave first. With the exeption of about three. Two that are customers at my work and one woman that would get her pink gear on and ride in weather that I didn't fell safe driving in my car. I saw a kid with a scooter just covered in chrome dressed in flip flops, shorts, tee shirt, and his aviator sunglasses. He is the reason I will never conside the majority scooter riders bikers.