Do you wave to other riders??

Do you wave to other riders??

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The first cop I ever passed on my bike waved at me at about the same instant I started to wave at him. I have since waved to about half of the other cops I have passed (for a month or so) and only one other has waved at me. Now I just wave to cops I know or really sick/scary cop cars. Like a white unmarked mustang GT with stock mustang decals going down the side of it.
When I first moved here from the UK I was surprised at how little recognition of other bikes there is here, particularly sportsbikes.

Sure, the Harley riders have their cool wave but it is pretty rare for them to respect a sportsbike, and there seems to be very little acknowledgement between sportsbikes.

I used to wave or nod but to be honest now I rarely do as it is never returned, perhaps it is this area as the harley crew only come out at weekends when the sun is out and the majority of sports riders are the shorts, t shirt and sandles brigade, with no helmets by the way.

In the UK it is common for every biker to nod, here it seems different.

The one exception was the toys in the sun charity run, huge difference, everyone was friendly and the camaraderie was great.

So, just for fun, I am going to wave at every bike I see over the next few weeks and try to guage a percentage of returns.
When I first moved here from the UK I was surprised at how little recognition of other bikes there is here, particularly sportsbikes.


In the UK it is common for every biker to nod
here in Holland too ,
here it seems different.

The one exception was the toys in the sun charity run, huge difference, everyone was friendly and the camaraderie was great.

So, just for fun, I am going to wave at every bike I see over the next few weeks and try to guage a percentage of returns.

Lets hope it rubs off on some of the others, so that at the end of the week they'll all be returning your waves :thumbup:
here in Holland too ,

Lets hope it rubs off on some of the others, so that at the end of the week they'll all be returning your waves :thumbup:

Unfortunately for the rest of this week I have to be on a boat at the Miami Boatshow, so my plan will have to wait until next week.

I will try and keep a rough note of the percentage of responses.
I always wave or give a head shake when taking a curve, but latley nobody wave's back and i feel like a tard. :Sport:
I actually live in Channelview, a burb of Houston and its Harley Heaven around here.(Harleys and trailer parks.) I try to wave at everyone, I waved at a guy on a harley, who didn't wave back and had the guy in the truck behind him laugh at me. Yep Folks round here are real winners.:D
I try and wave to every rider and most seem to wave back, those who dont, thats there problem if there life sucks so much. I wave whether they like it or not.
Cool. Do you ever get a wave back from a cop? Depending on which part of the neighborhood you're riding in L.A., you may not get the expected friendly "wave" back from a cop. About a week ago I was pulled over by an A$ cop (alas he was not on a bike). I was not obstructing any traffic laws, nor riding unsafely when I noticed flashing lights, and loud siren scream right behind me. I pulled over, hit the kill-switch, only to hear - "Get of the bike, take off the helmet, and place it on the sidewalk!". The cop asked me to show him my license to which I happily showed him my earned class C and M1 license. He asked why I did not have my plates on the bike, so I had to explain how the bike is brand new and that I am simply going to the dealer to get my break-in service in. Anyway he seemed uninformed as he was surprised at the fact that the bike had only 600 miles and required a maintenance service. Oh, and before letting me go, he also commanded me to place my plate on as soon as it arrived from the DMV. YESSIR!, I replied ;-) I know he was not a bike cop, but he deserved other type of gesture from me :Flip: The funny thing is that my license plate arrived that very same day in the mail

Just a thought here but that no plate stop was right on. While living in California "southern" and working as a Ranger for the Forest Service, seeing a vehicle without a plate was an automatic stop or check it out if it was not occupied in a parked fashion. Now, the cop may have had a bad attitude or whatever but the stop was a good call as you wouldn't believe how often the VIN comes back stolen.
I wave to bikers, only bikers understand bikers. I also wave to kids in cars, it puts a big smile on their faces and it give them a story to tell their friends. Bikers have enough bad image out there. Maybe if we all wave non-bikers will see we are friendly. My $.02. :Sport:
I Nod to all bikers. except scooters and "L" Plates, they have to earn it... lol
i used to get narked off when people didnt nod back. But i got over that :rockon:
Just a nod of the head usually gets a reply, well apart from harley/cruisers. what planet are they from???????:banghead:
I wave to bikers, only bikers understand bikers. I also wave to kids in cars, it puts a big smile on their faces and it give them a story to tell their friends. Bikers have enough bad image out there. Maybe if we all wave non-bikers will see we are friendly. My $.02. :Sport:
Good call, + 1 for me. I also wave to pedestrians, especially very pretty ones lol
Does anyone else do this? Is there any meaning behind it? & I wave to all bikers.
I guess it must be a warning, When I was in Germany I noticed that some riders just took their left foot off the peg and stuck their leg out as a wave?
Does anyone else wave to bicyclist? They are on two wheel too. They have it even worse than we do. At least people worry we will get off the bikes and kick thier asses. Some poor sap in a styro helmet, and spandex doesnt really inspire a lot of fear in a cager. LOL

haha...ya crack me up! :p I NEVER wave to cyclist...I dont even acknowledge their existance unless they have a question for me when I'm stopped. Reason being is that although the minority are lovely people the majority of them break all rules of the road, dont give clear and timely hand signals displaying directional intent and they seem to mostly break red lights...something I'm not very keen on. I have come close to killing two before, once was my fault so I do apologise to that guy...but I didn't like his foul language!! :p The second time was on a roundabout, I was already on the roundabout when a cyclist entered it from my left (we ride on the left hand side of the road here!!)...the cyclist shouldn't have entered the roundabout since I was already on it....but he nearly caused a massive crash with us two in the centre of it!!! I had to upright myself from my lean, and slam on the breaks and pray for the cars behind to stop too!!!

So no...I stay well clear of those loonies.

As for cute girls on bikes...I tend to ride behind them in the bus lanes checking out that fine fine fine ass of theirs (spandex does WONDERS only to women!!) :p