Does Your Bike Have A Name?

LOL are we all freakin nutso!!! lol

Hmmm I refer to mine as my Horse... and Somtimes after an exilirating ride, when I put her away in the garage I say thanks Baby as I walk away....
To my girlfriend it is the red bike, as opposed to my other yellow bike.

The name changes depending on the moment I guess. It's "C'mon Baby" in the twisties, to Hoss when I put it away wet.

The yellow bike is Suzy though.:D Strange name for a dual sport I admit.

I did have an old Ford f-150 named Omar:confused: I am just as confused byu the name as you, it just sort of happened.
"the FZ" :thumbup:

EDIT - my good friend bought a silver SV650S last night and has already narrowed it down to Sophia or Silvia....he'll talk about his reasoning for a half hour if you let him. His last bike, a black GS500E, was named "black betty" or just "betty"

Haha - I have a silver SV650S too... She's called "Bullet", as in "Silver Bullet", I guess.... Which is odd, since I think Coor's Light is kinda gross... :D
I can honestly say that I have never named any of my vehicles, including my bike. I think there are a few doctors on the forum. j/k ;)

How's it going? I wonder if anybody here has custom license plate numbers? Sometimes people pay money to get special words written on them.
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How's it going? I wonder if anybody here has custom license plate numbers? Sometimes people pay money to get special words written on them.

It's going great, but I don't understand your post (quoting mine)
Dude that is harsh!

I refer to her as, her or she.

It isn't that harsh, I'm sorry FZinNH, I meant no offense, but i take it that there has been none seeing as he thanked me to the post...

I got nothing but love for all you folks on the board...

I can honestly say that I have never named any of my vehicles, including my bike. I think there are a few doctors on the forum. j/k ;)

I've never named any of my bikes either.

One time, I had a teddy bear I named, "Button." One of his eyes fell out, so I sewed a button on his face to fix that. That's how he got his name.

I think...the next time my bikes break...the first part I fix them with will be their name! How's that sound?

Thus far, I've got Signal, Lever, Mirror, Threddy...
i cant remember mine for some reason. I got confused when the missus started throwing names at me. First she wanted her (yep, thats how i refer to her) to be called as blokes name and i didn't really feel comfortable throwing my legs around some guy and twisting his throttle for heightened pleasure. Then she wanted to call it "Sophie" after her best friend. I don't know if she wasn't listening or was thinking too far ahead...

Either way, we settled on something different. I think it was Joanne but I didnt like it anyhow.

My previous bike was Mary-Lee...


I've never named any of my bikes either.

One time, I had a teddy bear I named, "Button." One of his eyes fell out, so I sewed a button on his face to fix that. That's how he got his name.

I think...the next time my bikes break...the first part I fix them with will be their name! How's that sound?

Thus far, I've got Signal, Lever, Mirror, Threddy...

Going by that Philosophy i am hoping my bike will be named Oil, or Tires...i don't want anything to break. but that is an interesting way to name things.
Okay... maybe it's just a girl thing, but I don't think so... So, what do you affectionately call your bike, if anything? Mine started out as "Dimples", because of the little dent on the top of the gas tank when I bought it. But she's now become "Rosie the Rocket", or just "Rosie"... I must admit, I have given names to most of my vehicles over the years. Is this odd? Do I need therapy?

Tell me your bike's name and make me feel better!!!


The FZ6 is "The Burner", the Roadstar is "The Boat" and the Sporty is "The Beast." The Sporty and the FZ6 have personalized plates and the Roadstar has a penal plate.
Dude that is harsh!

I refer to her as, her or she.

Naaaah! I've met Reiobard and I know it's all in fun. I've got a lot thicker skin than that!

Reminds me of a camping joke though..... Aren't we camping in August? :p
I call my bike "Blue Hornet," since the bike is blue and to me she looks like a mean hornet from the front. Might sound cheezy...but i like it. Don't hate... LOL :thumbup:
Wow... I feel so much better! Glad to hear I'm not the only one... Keep 'em coming folks!

On that note, Rosie and I are off for the final leg leg of our trip - slabbin' it up the I-5 from Salem, OR to home...
Hey I hope you all don't mind me resurrecting this thread! This came up with me and a friend of mine this weekend. He has a ZX-14 and just bought a used Honda VFR for short rides. He's calling the VFR MaryAnn and the ZX Ginger. THEN he had the nerve to call my already beloved and yet unridden FZ................... MRS HOWELL! :spank:

I am now calling my bike Zelda - which means "woman warrior"!

Anyone else have a name or story of a name for their bike to share?
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