Double sided tape does not stick! Help!


Junior Member
May 22, 2010
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Hey i got flush signals and they came with double sided tape to use but theres a gap around the signal and its not sticking to well. I was thinking of super glue or jb weld around the crack to hold it on. Any suggestions?
superglue wont last long, JB weld def, but it will be messy

if theres a hobbyshop near by, id try some servo double sided tape, ive never run accross tape that can hold as well as hobby double sided tape
gorilla glue is excellent but i didnt mention it because its really messy, it expands to a yellowish foam like appearance... and insane to clean up if its dried/set
Put masking tape all over the area that you don't want to get glue on, then you can peel it off after you're done and there will be no mess. You need something like JB weld or Araldite to hold it on. Tape will peel off after it gets dust/water/shampoo etc on it. I would also recommend putting masking tape over the indicators for 24 hours to hold it in place while it dries as otherwise gravity may take hold and it will slide down. Then you can peel all the tape off a day later. Superglue is a definite no-no as it won't hold and also you'll get white marks everywhere.