End of an era for Boneman

OUCH!! Wounds are supposed to get SMALLER, aren't they? I hope the specialist has an easy and quick answer to it. Take care of yourself!!

The new bike looks sweet!! :thumbup:
Glad you are recovering. The abrasion sounds like potentially got superinfected a little which impaired healing. Wound specialist is a good idea.

WOuld be very curious to hear your comments on the VFR once you ride it. I am looking at a used 2007 this weekend that is an awesome deal..

I agree. See a wound specialist. I know a wound specialist. She wrote the book. I mean she really wrote a book on it. I've seen pictures of wounds that you don't want see. You look at it and know the guy is a gonner. I've seen her take something you couldn't imagine healing and turn it around. The doctor should be referring you if you have an infected wound and he doesn't know the course for treatment.

The bike looks great and BryanDH was telling me he road his friends Interceptor and when that second set of valves open it's very impressive. I've seen video of one on the track and it will surprise you. You have to put cans on it!
Glad to hear your getting there , slowly but surely mate :thumbup: They say you cant rush perfection :D
It'd be killing me having that sweet new ride & not being able to get on it & gooooo :(
Ok, finally got the Police Crash Scene photos scanned! They are a bit jumbled, but you will get the picture.

In a nut shell, car to my right suddenly turned left into me (was trying to turn last second at the upcoming interesction). Her car struck my right side. I was ejected from the bike, over her hood and flew, rolled and slid 15M (50') through the interestcion and accross into the oncoming traffic lanes. The bike took a slightly different angle, slid through the intersection, accross all 3 lanes of oncoming traffic lanes, hit the curb and jumped up and took out a sign poll and bounced back into the oncoming traffic lane.

Here are the pics:




Last pic is of the car that hit me...an Audi A8 ($120,000 luxury sedan)

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Thanks for the pics Dave. You are very lucky :eek:

So sad seeing her on the ground like that :(

What did the idiot in the Audi have to say to you?

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What did the idiot in the Audi have to say to you?

Say to me?? Lol, to date...not one damn thing. But then again, saying "are you ok?", or "holly cow I'm so sorry" would be an admission of guilt.....and we can't have that now can we!?! I just love our society....:thumbup:
Been following your thread for a while, glad to hear you are healing up ok. I agree with the group see a specialist i got wacked by a chain saw a few years ago (long story, long time to heal ... dont cut your self with a chain saw). I had a nagging wound that took a while to heal, saw a specialist in Vancouver that got me fixed up in no time.

I really like your new bike looked at one earlier in the year and i was smitten with the look and sound of them.
Say to me?? Lol, to date...not one damn thing. But then again, saying "are you ok?", or "holly cow I'm so sorry" would be an admission of guilt.....and we can't have that now can we!?! I just love our society....:thumbup:

Well that says it all!

The "I've got a big car - I own the road attitude....".

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Hope you heal up soon Boneman!! I really love the paint scheme of your new steed. You'll love that bike - don't ask me how I know :D

Im so sorry for what has happened to you and your bike boneman.

Is your customized seat stilll good? If you intend to sell it, please PM me. Im interested. hehehe

ride safe!
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