ever been bullied? (story time)


Professional test dummy
Nov 16, 2011
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kennesaw, Ga
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I was riding on the highway last night with my full gear on, the bike loaded with my duffel bag on the back, in the 2nd from the left lane at ~75mph...minding my own business and a group of 5 or so bikes came up on me and surrounded me :eek:
usually if it were a car I just knock it down into 3rd and haul a$$ away.....because if I try and stop....they can stop too.

well I ran it thru 3rd, then 4th, and hit the limiter in 5th (which is FAST) and they were all still around me, kinda lunging over at me and what not with various hand gestures and challanges....
so I was hella nervous. I slowed back down, as did they, and took the next exit, they followed, so I lane split and got right back on the highway, winding out EVERY gear and they were still there! this went on for the better part of 20! miles until the lanes narrowed for construction and a Fulton county cop was sittin there with his lights on to alert traffic of the construction and I pulled right in behind him and stopped and talked with him....
I dont know what I could have done better... what could I have done different?
I was riding on the highway last night with my full gear on, the bike loaded with my duffel bag on the back, in the 2nd from the left lane at ~75mph...minding my own business and a group of 5 or so bikes came up on me and surrounded me :eek:
usually if it were a car I just knock it down into 3rd and haul a$$ away.....because if I try and stop....they can stop too.

well I ran it thru 3rd, then 4th, and hit the limiter in 5th (which is FAST) and they were all still around me, kinda lunging over at me and what not with various hand gestures and challanges....
so I was hella nervous. I slowed back down, as did they, and took the next exit, they followed, so I lane split and got right back on the highway, winding out EVERY gear and they were still there! this went on for the better part of 20! miles until the lanes narrowed for construction and a Fulton county cop was sittin there with his lights on to alert traffic of the construction and I pulled right in behind him and stopped and talked with him....
I dont know what I could have done better... what could I have done different?
You did good! Not worth the conflict, but this would have been good too...watch from 1:20 on:thumbup:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uvFc0EPRSI4]Top Gun (7/8) Movie CLIP - Final Dogfight (1986) HD - YouTube[/ame]
You did the right thing. They were obviously some real $%&#heads, and it's not worth it to tangle with em, much less 5 or more of em. If they bugged out at the sight of a cop, you made a smart move. :thumbup: Don't sweat it.
That's messed up.

Unless they were attempting to stop me by creating a rolling road block, I wouldn't have tried to outrun them. Even then, the amount I'd be willing to push it would be limited only to preventing them from getting me to stop moving.

They can gesture all they want. Any miss-steps in lunging is likely to hurt them as much as it will you, if not more. Definitely want to try to keep your cool as much as possible and ride directly to a police station, flash a patrol car, or if it's really nasty, pull into a well lit/populated gas station or convenience store. What a bag of d.cks.
the lanes narrowed for construction and a Fulton county cop was sittin there with his lights on to alert traffic of the construction and I pulled right in behind him and stopped and talked with him....
I dont know what I could have done better... what could I have done different?

I am happy the cop was there, that sounds like it could have turned ugly.....what did you say to the Officer as to why you stopped?
the other thing that bothers me is I have no idea why.
I was listening to Tom Petty and going with traffic....

I cant help but wish I had more power to get away, the FZ ran out of go with as much as I had with me at the top of 5th.
but I know if I were on my R1 that it would have ended up with a 180 mph reckless ti-raid thru Atlanta...and I dont know if they were on liters or 600's so for all I know they coulda matched the R1 and I would have been in the same situation just with another 40mph tacked on top.

either way it was bad.
Kind of hard to get out your cell phone and call the cops in that situation!

As a fellow GA rider I find this disturbing, and would dearly like to know wtf.

Maybe I should just strap my Remington to my back if I ride at night. Getting tired of all these morons in the Atlanta area making me feel that need.
Everything, but trying to get away part was good. I think you're very lucky that you run into an officer. Who the heck knows where this would have gone.
A similar thing happened to me, but not as dramatic. I was leaving a local restaurant on my bike. My co-rider left me and went a different way. A Harley group of 8 with matching leather vests and patches was at the bar next door. As I geared up, the one having a cig disappeared into the bar. I was a few blocks away when I saw them all a few cars behind me. Four of them passed the cars between us and surrounded me.

It made me uncomfortable, but I thought they were just curious. Like sharks. And I'm a seal pup. When I got to my street, I turned and they didn't follow. This was shortly after I had started riding, so I naively assumed it was just an aggressive way guys check out girl riders. :shakehead:
The encounters I've had with other riders on the road generally go like this:

Hey, I see you ride.
Yeah. I noticed you as well.
I guess we better get to racing then?
Yes. Let's do this now and get it over with.
Whew! That was fun. Good show ole chum!
Indeed. Clearly, your bike's peenis is larger than mine.
It's all good brother. Have a good ride.
The encounters I've had with other riders on the road generally go like this:

Hey, I see you ride.
Yeah. I noticed you as well.
I guess we better get to racing then?
Yes. Let's do this now and get it over with.
Whew! That was fun. Good show ole chum!
Indeed. Clearly, your bike's peenis is larger than mine.
It's all good brother. Have a good ride.

LOL! :rof:
The encounters I've had with other riders on the road generally go like this:

Hey, I see you ride.
Yeah. I noticed you as well.
I guess we better get to racing then?
Yes. Let's do this now and get it over with.
Whew! That was fun. Good show ole chum!
Indeed. Clearly, your bike's peenis is larger than mine.
It's all good brother. Have a good ride.

Too funny. One of my encounters went like this:

Hey, nice bike.
Check it out, I can do a wheelie at 90 on the wrong side of the road. Check out my awesome bare chested manly muscles!
Whatever dude. Not going to get you laid.
Wait, I can go even faster! Brrwwwaaaaaahhh
*sigh* Yeah, just keep going and try not to make a mess.

I'm just glad this is the first time I've heard this kind of story, and also glad you found an LE officer as a buffer.
Damn. :confused: :(
I was swarmed on the interstate in my my first year of street riding and I must say it was very intimidating. I don't think they meant any harm but as a tight group of SS riders and being about 35++ of them it was like the Death Star had descended on me and I was to be assimilated! When the wave hit I was the loan rider in full gear and two did wheelies in my lane (there were only 3 lanes).

The good news; as soon as traffic allowed the swarm had passed rattling between the cages and I'd covered roughly 4 miles at 70 mph in a group of rebels....
Overcome in numbers is not a feeling I enjoy even from the same team.
geezus, well i'm glad that $**t never has happened to me... luckily everyone i've encountered in the few months i've been riding has been for the most part cool.

not sure what i would have done in your situation... probably wave and give a thumbs up, maybe i'm a moron... i just wouldn't know any better.

happy it ended well, just some frayed nerves.
Yes I got bullied by my mom when I told her I bought a motorcycle. And I'm a 31 year old married homeowner. She snuck up on me from my blind spot and *WHACK!* right in the shoulder with a rolled up newspaper.
You did good man, you never know if those guys could have followed you home and stole your bike later. That wasn't the time to be a hero. You should have gotten off at an exit and then got back on. That would have put you well behind them. And shown if they where following you, running is never a good idea.
I just blow em kisses....then they mostly leave me alone.. some still follow :eek:

Yea, well, that's because now they like you. Blow kisses at the wrong crusty biker and you might turn over the Beast's heart. "It's been a long ride, too many miles on the road, and you got a pretty bike, boy."