Ever been laughed at for "gearing up"??

I've never had adverse comments myself. I personally find when I get off my bike somewhere in my gear wherever I turn chicks are looking and blokes are looking nervous...lol. Don't get me wrong...it's the bike and gear they are checking out:thumbup:, not me. I just have good taste in bike and gear:D....lol. Just don't let them get too close on a hot day as the stink could be a little off-putting:eek:. Who cares what some shmo thinks?
Having crashed a mountain bike on rocks with nothing but a helmet for protection I now ride that with full Rockgardn gear on... Why would I not do the same on the motorcycle. These numb nuts that wear a tshirt etc. simply haven't crashed yet. There are two kinds of riders, those that have been down and those that are going down.

Hell I make fun of myself, I call my gear the "Geico Caveman Outfit" after their motorcycle commercial. I'd rather be laughed at and do without the roadrash thanks.

We also like to call it "queer gear" in Maine... Just swallow your friggin pride and vanity and do yourselves a favor. I picked up Fieldsheer pants for $70 bucks and the jacket for $60 through Motorcycle Superstore - Motorcycle Accessories and Motorcycle Gear on closeout. It doesn't have to cost a fortune to get setup.
...who's laughing now 'squid boy'....



ZERO sympathy for thiese wads!
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Got laughed at last night...went to dinner...first comment was..."oh my god, the aliens have landed"...when i turned up at the door, in full gear, helmet on!

Then when i was taking my gear off, much sniggering was about, then when it took me ten minutes to put it all back on again....more outright laughing.....and "Why didnt you just take the car"....

They dont understand, and i dont care to explain, i just ride off with a big smile on my dial!

actually.. i have been saving this story... so on easter sunday my whole family goes over to my grandmothers.. well the bike was there and i was going to pick it up so i had to lug all the gear over.. well i had purchased a new set of overpants and was going to try them out.. We'll it was time to go once all the family stuff was over.. (oh and my day owns a harly and my older cousin owns a star custom, neither wear more than a helmet). i start to gear up and my dad proceeds to say that the pants look like snow pants.. so everyone else chimes in.. and then i get mad because i dont feel like being made fun of for wearing good gear..

I know right.. this pisses you off.. your saying "how can your family make fun of you for ridding gear???" btw, my dad has worked as a firefighter for a long time and before that worked on an ambulence.. i have been to alot of motorcycle wrecks with him when i was younger.. my older cousin has voluntered as a fire firghter for 8 years.. and i got the most laughed at by them.. real nice right.. i ask later why would you make fun of someone who wants to protect themselves, and my dad tells me to not put all my faith into gear because it does nothing to stop bone breaking.. .. i have never had road rash or broken a bone, but my guess is that i would perfer a broken something as opposed to any road rash.. crazzy right... but then again he rides a hardly ;)
I have people give me funny looks all the time when I walk around looking like the Michelin Man. They really do a double take when I do this on my Harley. I guess they think I just don't look the part :rockon:
Wow, this thread is a year old now! Then again, it's a timeless story.

My wife & I got laughed at by the couple that we went on a day tour with.
We showed up to their place with full gear & the two up intercom/music system. They hopped on his Hayabusa without helmets, jackets & with her in high heels for a day-long ride.

Their joke when we suited up after lunch: "What are you guys gearing up to go scuba diving?"

Argh!! We're still friends with them, but you can guess that we found other circles to ride in.
Wow, this thread is a year old now! Then again, it's a timeless story.

My wife & I got laughed at by the couple that we went on a day tour with.
We showed up to their place with full gear & the two up intercom/music system. They hopped on his Hayabusa without helmets, jackets & with her in high heels for a day-long ride.

Their joke when we suited up after lunch: "What are you guys gearing up to go scuba diving?"

Argh!! We're still friends with them, but you can guess that we found other circles to ride in.

eh.. my sis's new boyfriend really look puzzled when i asked him about his gear.. he was like, "i need a leather jacket??, my buddy never said anything about jackets"... :rolleyes: clueless.. bought a bike cuz his friend said so... oh well.., brought him to cycle gear yesterday and he bought himslef a nice new jacket and boots...
I sometimes wear my Fieldsheer textile, but normally I tend to go everywhere in my 'Stich, no matter the weather and I get plenty of strange looks if I'm off the bike, but no one's really made any dumb comments lately. It was classic this past weekend...rode down to Atlantic Beach (NC) 2up with my wife, weather was around 95. Arrived at the beach, where my wife promptly sheds all her gear and runs down to the shore to frolic in the sea, leaving me to watch the gear (wish I had hard luggage, lol). Since we were only passing through, my wife came back in 20 minutes and gave me time to go find a bathroom....which happened to be about 200 LONG yards down the beach front. Off I go, in my 'Stich, marching to the bathroom like a constipated monkey...EVERYONE stared at me in disbelief and some pointed, lol. I was surprised, only 2 jarheads (I'm former USMC) stopped to say "Man, you must be sweating like a pig in that thing!", to which I replied, "oh, it's not so bad." I didn't have any witty comebacks, heh. I was actually comfortable, my 'Stich is well broken in and the wind at the beach kept it nice. Besides, I'd rather keep my suit on than strip it off and walk around in my riding boots and the riding shorts I was wearing. I'm no beauty queen. ;)

I've never had the inclination to ride without gear. I think the only time I did was when I test rode a 454LTD at a dealership way back when I was in the military...in the time I rode around the block, I clearly remember getting smacked in the face by some sort of bug, lol.

BTW, does anyone know if a Roadcrafter suit will fit into any of the Givi luggage? I plan to buy some soon and one of my hopes is that my suit will fit inside either a top or side case.
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I guess the same people that can't figure out on their own why they should wear gear are also the same people who need to be told to wear a seatbelt. :spank:

Darwin works in mysterious ways......
I did by a Harley man, but I think he was making a pun at my ear phones and electric Gerbing jacket liner. I like to ride warm and listen to my sat radio.

I have had a couple people say that to me before . my answer as always been and will always be what would you rather pay for a jacket or a skin graft ! I had one guy roll is eyes at me only to have him get cut off a month later while on his crusier and he almost lost it . the next time I saw him is greetting for me was a hand shake and a "you were right kid"
Gearing up only takes a couple of minutes, I'll get those back easily.
I'm laughing when I'm jumping queues at traffic lights, riding through the traffic jams, and park everywhere without paying :D
I saw a big dude on a metallic orange 'Busa last night with his matching orange helmet hanging from the helmet lock. Over his head and face he had one of other skull face masks. Muscle shirt, shorts and sandels. My 7 year old son saw him and said, "Dad that man is stupid." I think having my son wear all the gear on our rides together has sunk in. He asked me why he had to wear all the stuff. I asked if he remembered the time he fell and cut his knee real bad and how hard he cried. He said, yes. I told him all the gear will stop him from getting hurt. He said, "Oh, okay."

Really makes you wonder, -
If a 7 year old can understand it, - what does this say about the evolutionary state people that don't get it is at?????
I've had a bit of banter from work from car drivers having a laugh but when I bought my bike I remember all the old fellas telling me I MUST wear my gear at all times! Haha, suprised me.
Got some smirks the other day. Was riding by the local university and a guy on one of my dream bikes pulled up in back of me (he was on the Repsol CBR). I was in mesh Tourmaster pants, boots, jacket, gloves, helmet. He was in a t-shirt, shorts and shoes.

I thought about how he didn't have quite enough money left for gear after buying such an expensive new bike. He was smirking the whole time riding in back of me, he got a kick out of me in my gear. It was funny to me.
you kno what the joke is on them when they hit the pavement in a t shirt on a 80 degree day there skin will peel like a bananna ouch so i say :Flip: to hd riders with no gear lol
In winter I wear a RST jacket w Fluoro patches, and in Summer an *stars mesh in blue and white. I love the shoulder pads and I always say in a loud voice down the work corridors" Look out there's a PowerRanger behind you" people laugh, thats fine, all the cyclists understand too. Its about being seen and being protected.
Anyone that disses me for the gear, I tend to ignore( Hope they never learn the hard way, but I'd rather not have to go through the pain).
I still havent got to use the this is my seatbelt thing but the other day, a younger guy about my age came riding up at the gas station on a r6 with jeans and a button up shirt, saw me in full gear and said yup it's that time of year where all the bikes come out and people got to show off how ever they can even if it means sweating their balls off. I said excuse me, I'm sorry I don't meet your riding standards but come here, ( showed him my odometer explaining I've put more than 15,000 miles on this bike in less than a year) and I said I never stop riding unlike people like you who just buy a bike to be "cool" he mumbled whatever and walked back to his bike...

The best part though we both pulled out o the gas station at the same time he jumped on it he must have been in 2nd I know i was but I dropped to 1st a literally rode past him on 1 wheel...he didn't even try to come close to me anymore after that, he stayed way behind me for about 3miles lol

Man that felt good passing a r6 in the air!!!!
One month in hospital, five months recovering and so many missed opportunities! That was the last time that I rode without my leathers - 1966!

This is when hot is cool!

Stay safe!:uk::uk: