Facebook friends



So, how do you guys and girls feel about facebook friends?.....are your friends strictly your family, current friends, past friends or do you have friends on their that are from the net whom you've never met....say from....oh I don't know....the fz6 forum?!

Do you keep the forum people seperate from your facebook people....that's what I'm asking.

THANKS! Was just curious.
I try to keep mine to people i know, and people that i know from my work as a DJ....there are a couple people from here on my Facebook friends list...

Was only thinking Yesterday, that it would be nice to have a few of the people from here that i am quite friendly with, on my Facebook friends list...

i only have people i know personally. when you have too many fake friends, you miss the updates from the real ones. and that defeats the purpose of the site imho
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I went through and trimmed my list cause there were a lot of people that I never ever talk to. Some are good just for future network possibilities but other than that its only people that know me.
I accept pretty much everyone i know the identity of. Forumers, current friends, past friends, old classmates ect...
Just family and friends so far for me. I started a facebook account as a networking tool for my business. I hate the games and all the invites and stuff - I am way too busy to get into any of that - AND I sit in front of a computer all day so it's the last thing I want to do at home. I wouldn't mind having forum members as friends - just don't invite me to play games or anything LOL.
Still feel kind of weird about the whole facebook thing.....haven't joined or accepted any invites.:scared:
I keep track of friends I know in person, but I also have a bunch of people for "help" in games on there (mafia/mob wars, football, etc...). The rest of them, I just set to "ignore", so my wall isn't completely cluttered with useless crap from people I don't know.
Only friends I know and family (but some of the family I don't even know LoL).

Yes and I'm more in feel with some members here than I'll ever be with some facebook friends.

Won't mind THE forum members on my facebook, just add FZ6-Forum when you want to add. (Mannetjie van der Bergh) But then again my facebook is not busy, more of a lurker like on the forum:spank:

Me & my wife met on a forum, GLR - GriefLossRecovery 4 years ago - hehe, no, the last thing we had in mind was relationships and we were forum friends for 1.5 year before we actually met eye2eye - and never look back since.:cheer:
HA! I joined because of a forum member!
But because of FB, my whole family became friends! As if...............
But there are names popping up, and I don't know who the h*ll they are. :eek:
I have friends, family, classmates and some people from the forums I belong to. I do have them separated into three lists.... Family, Classmates and Friends. Some belong to two lists and a few are in all three lists. :D

If you'd like to add me, please add by email addy: toyohtadude (AT) gmail (dot) com and include a personal note stating who you are on the forum please? Thanks!
Most of the people in my FB friends list are people I have worked with, family or classmates. I have a few that I have met from the internet and a couple who are there because of games.

I don't mind having people I might not have met in person on my list, and I've thought about how I would like to get to know some of the members here better. I've been away for a few months from the forum and will be away again in the near future seeing as I am getting ready for a deployment that will take me away from the internet. :(

I find that I'm not here as much when I can't ride.
My mother-in-law added me on facebook. It took me about a week to decide if I wanted to add her back or not. Boy was that a long week.
Burger King was doing something where you delete 100 friends on facebook and you got a free whopper. Dunno if it's still going though...
Just family and friends so far for me. I started a facebook account as a networking tool for my business. I hate the games and all the invites and stuff - I am way too busy to get into any of that - AND I sit in front of a computer all day so it's the last thing I want to do at home. I wouldn't mind having forum members as friends - just don't invite me to play games or anything LOL.

That goes for me, too, except I started my account because of a high school reunion. I do just friends and family, no "strangers" requesting friends. I'm happy to add people from the forum, but am not into the games. (So don't send me a farm animal!!!) I also really don't care for the status updates of "eating dinner" or "watching TV." Zzzzzzz. Send me a PM if you wanna be my facebook "friend." :D
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My mother-in-law added me on facebook. It took me about a week to decide if I wanted to add her back or not. Boy was that a long week.

Having those kind of friends can be hard in your friends list, I had my step-mom as a friend, then one day we were fighting and I found that she deleted me from her friends list. (claims that she didn't do it, but that is neither here nor there) So when things settled down again she sent me another add request. I didn't add her because I didn't want to be accused of deleting her if there is another fight (which fights are one of those things that happen all the time). I do have my mother-in-law as a friend but she is almost never on so it don't matter as much.