First Accident on a Bike

Phat Tony

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Sep 4, 2008
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Over the weekend I had my first accident on a motorcycle. I had my FZ6 for less than three months before some jerk on the highway decided to lose control, cross three lanes of traffic sideways hit the concrete divider and then me. I was lucky enough that I braked fast enough to miss broadsiding him but he rebounded off the concrete divider and hit my bike knocking me off of it. My riding gear kept me from leaving skin on the pavement but didn't keep half of my body from looking and feeling like it was beat with a baseball bat. The fz6 looks totalled. Looks like the frame was twisted. I'll be posting pictures soon.
Over the weekend I had my first accident on a motorcycle. I had my FZ6 for less than three months before some jerk on the highway decided to lose control, cross three lanes of traffic sideways hit the concrete divider and then me. I was lucky enough that I braked fast enough to miss broadsiding him but he rebounded off the concrete divider and hit my bike knocking me off of it. My riding gear kept me from leaving skin on the pavement but didn't keep half of my body from looking and feeling like it was beat with a baseball bat. The fz6 looks totalled. Looks like the frame was twisted. I'll be posting pictures soon.

Crap man, that sounds like a horrifying experience. The important thing is that it sounds like you walked away from it relatively unscathed. Did you go to the hospital anyway to make sure you didn't break anything? Is the other guy insured? Keep us posted on how things go.

What will be the replacement bike if your's is totaled? Another FZ or something new?
couldn't quite walk away but I'm alive. Going to get a CT scan tomorrow for a possible fractured hip. Got an express trip to the emergency room. You get all the good drugs at the hospital then they write you a scrip for something ineffective.

Oh the FZ had less than 400miles on it. I'm not sure how long it will take me to convince my better half to let me on a bike again.
Sorry that you are busted up, but glad you are still breathing. Take care, and get well.

Are you going to get another bike? If so, whatcha thinking?
I think that it's going to take a while for things to cool down at the home front before I replace the bike. My wife is hating bikes and people that try to kill me by driving stupid at the moment.
I think that it's going to take a while for things to cool down at the home front before I replace the bike. My wife is hating bikes and people that try to kill me by driving stupid at the moment.

I can completely understand that. My wife probably would not even let me watch a tv show with a bike on it.

Once again man, Get Well!!!
am glad to see u are safe..wounds will heal...get well soon! About the sorry to hear that a new bike is totaled...that really sucks..after this incident im sure u would have a lot of revolt at home if u even think of buying a new one? what did the insurance company say? did u get a chance to asked that crazy ass what was he thinking while driving? I wish u had got a chance to blow his head off. I cant imagine how it would feel to see a bike u have babied get taken away like it was a dead meat:(..
All in all you are safe and breathing well. end of the day thats all it matters. I am sure your wife is relieved to see u back on ur feet. Get well soon..
Ouch! that really blows man. The good thing is that bruises go away.

You get morphine at the hospital and ibuprofin for home, sucks don't it!
Glad to hear that you will be ok. Also sounds like you have a wife that cares for you...she'll come around to the thought of another bike...someday.!
I had my FZ6 for less than three months before some jerk on the highway decided to lose control, cross three lanes of traffic sideways hit the concrete divider and then me.

Agh! My worst nightmare! Anyway, enough about me...really sorry to hear about this. Reminds me that no matter how safely we ride, how defensively, there's no accounting for the other jerks!

Still, glad to hear you're (relatively) ok - in a way you're lucky, tho' it probably doesn't feel that way at the moment. And in the post-accident negotiations with your better half, don't give up on riding a bike altogether - once it's in your blood, it'll always be there!

Get well soon!
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that sucks man. Get well soon......eventually your love of riding will overtake what the wife says so make sure she understands that now so when it does happen, it doesn't blow up in your face.
That sucks man sorry to hear that. Hope the guy had insurance so you'll get a brand new shiny FZ. And the most important part is you made it out ok. Could have been alot worse from the sounds of it.
Glad you survived. Just think how lucky you are that you were wearing your gear!

Hope the best for you, and a quick and complete recovery.

Holy Shiate! Glad you are okay man. When you get a chance, can you disect the crash in more detail. What lane were you in, how fast were you going, how far in front the vehicle was when it started lose control, what type of gear and how it faired, yada yada yada. and pics of course.

This is a very serious crash, as freeway crashes involving high speed and with other vehicles are rare.

All of us can learn from your experience. You mentioned that you only had 400 miles underneath your belt, which may have contributed to the crash due to just inexperience, but we still realize that it was definately the other vehicles fault.

I hope the other party is well insured, because they are going to need it. You will need to be compensated for your loss of the FZ as well as your pain and suffering. There are a couple of threads giving great advise on how to receive maximum amount for your bike, gear, and medical expenses from the insurance companies. I just have to find them. But as I recalled, the advise was to get a lawyer if you are inexperienced in these type of things. Insurance companies are real pro's, and unless you know what you are doing, you could get screwed.
Holy Shiate! Glad you are okay man. When you get a chance, can you disect the crash in more detail. What lane were you in, how fast were you going, how far in front the vehicle was when it started lose control, what type of gear and how it faired, yada yada yada. and pics of course.

This is a very serious crash, as freeway crashes involving high speed and with other vehicles are rare.

All of us can learn from your experience. You mentioned that you only had 400 miles underneath your belt, which may have contributed to the crash due to just inexperience, but we still realize that it was definately the other vehicles fault.

I hope the other party is well insured, because they are going to need it. You will need to be compensated for your loss of the FZ as well as your pain and suffering. There are a couple of threads giving great advise on how to receive maximum amount for your bike, gear, and medical expenses from the insurance companies. I just have to find them. But as I recalled, the advise was to get a lawyer if you are inexperienced in these type of things. Insurance companies are real pro's, and unless you know what you are doing, you could get screwed.

+1 on the insurance part
Wow....I am so glad you are OK. I never like reading or hearing bike accidents. I hope you get full money for your bike and wish ya a speedy recovery.
Take care.
Ya, like Vega Rider mentioned. Don't talk to the other's insurance company until you have talked to an attorney. The insurance company only wants you to endorse the back of the smallest check they can write to get them off the hook.