First ride of the season!

Iron Cross

Junior Member
Jun 23, 2011
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So, where I live, winter gets kinda cold (but no snow this year :( ) So today was the first day I was able actually ride, albeit a little cold the longer I stayed out, but ridable. (low 40s into 30s is my limit!)

So when was your first ride of the season? Did you ever stop? lol.

Plus first day I was able to hear my new cans (M4's), had to get used to listening to when to shift though!
Congrats on the new cans and your first ride of the year!

I can stand the 40's with my gear but below that I have to turn hardcore. :eek:

Where in Jersey?
Nice to ride back!!!

Down here in FL we pretty much never stop riding, I do not have proper cold riding gear and several layers would only help me until the high-40's at the most!!!!!
Same here took the bike out for a 100 mile ride today. Been itching all winter to go! BUT IT WAS FREEZING out in Long Island from NYC
I have been riding all winter so far, well, at least when its not raining or below 30deg. Work is only 7 miles away so I dont mind the colder temps.
Good choice on the M4 I have them myself. Ive been riding here in VA one or twice a week we've been fortunate to still have days in the 50s and 60s still.
I live only 5+ miles from work and am considering making the comute. but i am on night shift until the end of feb. 30 degrees at 0615 hrs is a bit out of my comfort zone when id be leaving for the house.
I'm from Northern NJ, I live in Ringwood which has some pretty nice riding up here. And yea we've had some warm days recently too, unfortunately they've been during the weekdays, on my work hours (35 miles away), and by the time I get home its cold. So today was the first good weekend to do it.

So far, other than me having to relearn my shifting times (by sound), I'm loving the M4s. Pretty low sounding cans, and they get that crackle and lower RPMs.

Here are some pics!!! a FE kit....might as well while I was back there lol.
I've done two short rides (200 miles) this year. We've been having a mild winter in January with lots of days in the 55-60 degree range. I went ahead and opted for heated gear (jacket liner and gloves).

I'm planning a return trip to Taos, NM for next weekend, around 700 miles.
I don't stop riding here in VA (unless if there is snow or ice on the road)....but my 3 - hr ride today was pretty cold by the end!

I love it when the weather is co-operating, congrats on getting a ride in!
Glad to hear you managed to get out on the bike, and got to listen to your new pipes :thumbup:
I commute most of the year on my bike, but most of the time the weather's not too bad, although we had a bit of snow last night, so I left the bike at home this morning.
Got out for a ride yesterday even though it was only for 2 1/2 hours :thumbup:
Finally was able to go home over the weekend and rode for a few hours on Saturday and Sunday. My first ride of the new year was actually back on January 8th but I didnt take any pictures. Has been an awesome winter here in Michigan, just wish my bike was down where I am going to school!
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