First Ride


Junior Member
Mar 26, 2008
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Winnipeg, Canada
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This weekend I went through my 21 hour safety course. I passed both tests - one for my license - and one for a rebate on 1/2 the cost of the course. The second test was on emergency maneuvers. I'm very glad the courses are mandatory here in Manitoba.

We road around all weekend long on little Buell blasts. When I pulled my FZ6 out of the garage for our maiden voyage last night I was a little concerned. What was all that additional power going to be like? First thing I did was take the bike out of the city to get away from traffic as soon as I could.

The bike was - in a word - docile. Now granted, I didn't take it past 6000RPMs - but i also didn't feel the need the too. There is obviously lots of power available in the bike. There was a couple of times where i was uncomfortable with my position in traffic and elected to move on ahead and it took a simple flick of the wrist to get there.

After some of the other forum postings I was becoming very concerned about the suitability of the bike for me. What I found while riding is that while there is a lot of power there it is surprisingly easy to avoid. You have to really tell the bike to use it.
Yep, I have had a similar experience. I got a Fazer (against some recommendations, I might add) but I haven't had any trouble with it yet. Sometimes I have to remember that all the power is in my right wrist. The bike can't do anything without it.

I took it very slow for the first few thousand miles, but I'm getting more and more comfortable every day.

Good luck and happy riding!
Congratulations, just remember usually things go wrong as you start to feel confident. it seems that confidence is obtained faster than skills are. Ride safe.:thumbup:
I had/have the same experience, Mike. Bought my FZ last July, been riding continuously since, I'm now up to (heh!) 10,000 rpm occasionally! :p As long as you can control that right wrist, it's a fine bike to learn on; what 4fun said is right on the money, too.
Incidently, how old are you? I'm 48, and I shudder to think how my riding career would be if I was 18 last summer! :eek: