Figured I would post in this thread so everyone can have more reason to advance their timing. I had ordered a second trigger plate so I could always keep a stock trigger plate in case I wanted to go back. I filed the plate and got it installed tonight. I'm letting the thread locker set for over 24 hours, but I took it out for a quick and easy ride after about an hour of curing. This is easily the best modification I've done to the bike so far. The throttle response is spot on, and the bike revs MUCH happier. I advanced approximately 4-5 degrees and I'm VERY happy with the result. I can't wait to really get on the bike and see how she runs once the thread locker is really set up.
I couldn't remember the torque number for that retaining bolt so I went with 40 ft-lbs as it really felt like anymore was pushing it and the last thing I want is a split bolt in my crank and a parked bike.
Edit: After reading the initial post, I see that the bolt is supposed to be torqued to 25 lb/ft. I used loctite and torqued to 40 so I figure I should probably (definitely) pull that bolt and reassemble at 25 lb/ft otherwise I'll risk that bolt working it's way out, stripping threads (on the crank), or just shearing at the threads. Stupid me, I should have checked on here before just going and tightening the bolt down. I would imagine that is grade 8 hardware, no? If so, then I don't believe I torqued past the stress point, but I'd feel better if it was torqued at or closer to 25 lb/ft.
Edit 2: Just went ahead and ordered an OEM replacement flange bolt and a new cover gasket so I'll change those both when I get them in the mail and then I'll have peace of mind.