Free anchovies on your pizza!

Get the nets out Cliff and you're in business!! Blah

Can i throw in 12 sides of DEER!?
PS Jaws is playing on AMC tonight and i say we connect the dots an feed the deer to the sharks to save Cliffs anchovies! :thumbup:
Thought about you today Cliff. I was pulled over on the side of the road flicking a stinger out of an area never my right clavicle. One sting didn't seem so bad while contemplating the possibility of four.
Thought about you today Cliff. I was pulled over on the side of the road flicking a stinger out of an area never my right clavicle. One sting didn't seem so bad while contemplating the possibility of four.

You know how you put hot sauce on a taco? Well that's what bee stings are to me when I go riding, except the honey bees stinger left in, blow me up! Lol!

Great ride last weekend and thanks for riding the whole day with us. I know you had planned just the morning. :)
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^^@ Cliff,
Dude a Honey Bee's stinger is a stinger inside of a stinger!
Met an old Bee Keeper when I was young,
That told about the two stingers.
The outer one is clear,You only see the inner one,
And pull that out leaving the outer one to poison you.
If you get them both out it doesn't mess ya up so bad.
Good Luck with 'em!
^^@ Cliff,
Dude a Honey Bee's stinger is a stinger inside of a stinger!
Met an old Bee Keeper when I was young,
That told about the two stingers.
The outer one is clear,You only see the inner one,
And pull that out leaving the outer one to poison you.
If you get them both out it doesn't mess ya up so bad.
Good Luck with 'em!
The honey bee has a barbed stinger. the stinger has a venom sack attached that comes out of the bee and stays with the stinger. The venom gland keeps pumping the venom like a little beating heart all by itself while the bee is long gone.... Once the bee leaves it's stinger and gland behind the bee soon dies.

Wasps and hornets don't have a barbed stinger and can keep stinging you in multiple sites and leave venom at all the places they put a hole in you. For me the honey bee is the worst because I have a systemic reaction. I basically swell up like a balloon in the area I'm stung. I did a little studying and surprisingly, although I do swell up I don't fit in the category of life threatening reaction to the bee sting. I should however stop immediately and remove the bee stinger and venom sack which I haven't done in the past which cause severe swelling. Wasp and hornet stings just leave me with a sting mark and a welt.

[ame=""]Amazing bee stinger IN ACTION! OUCH!!! - YouTube[/ame]

Now back to our regularly scheduled Pizza with anchovies! Blah

Sent from Moto's Motorola
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