Friendly reminder, careful riding out there


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Mar 28, 2009
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Toronto, Canada
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caught this on cam, things can happen fast. let's have a crash free riding season :thumbup:

[ame=]YouTube - Just another day riding in Toronto...[/ame]
Yup, happens all the time...gotta keep your whits about ya! Those cagers are out to get us!

What is it cagers? Can't look over your shoulder? How about looking BEFORE you move lanes.

Indicating means you INTEND to change lanes/move over and you are checking if it's clear.

It doesn't mean you can just do it!
What is it cagers? Can't look over your shoulder? How about looking BEFORE you move lanes.

Indicating means you INTEND to change lanes/move over and you are checking if it's clear.

It doesn't mean you can just do it!

Too busy texting, changing the radio station, eating, drinking, smoking, talking to their passengers, etc...or just plain lazy!!!

Let's remember basic rider skills here, people.
Riding in the right hand "no-no spot" when a clear lane was available on the right? Wow. Talk about putting yourself in harms way! Spacing, lane choices, etc. Cagers are notorious for this stuff. But one should know the drill regardless. It'll save your life. Fortunately the rider had an out.
Common, had a Sonata do the same thing to me the other day, except he didn't signal and didn't bother to pull back into the other lane... I was in the left lane already, so i ended up in the emergency lane for a few:Flip:
caught this on cam, things can happen fast. let's have a crash free riding season :thumbup:

YouTube - Just another day riding in Toronto...

While I empathize and am glad you were aware enough to avoid contact (with what appeared to be good driving/evasion skills) why were you trying to pass on the right? That's one of my pet peeves while driving (here on the US roads) - everyone appears to have "driving dyslexia" and uses the far right (i.e., "get on/off") lane as the passing lane (Gggrrrrr).

There's nothing wrong with slowing down, moving to the left lane behind the car and backing off a bit, is there?

Let the "who the $%^* do you think you are begin (LOL).
While I empathize and am glad you were aware enough to avoid contact (with what appeared to be good driving/evasion skills) why were you trying to pass on the right?

my speed was pretty much constant. it looked like i was passing cuz the audi and the car in front slowed down a little. :cheer: also, the left is the passing lane, moving there to slow down makes no sense.
While I empathize and am glad you were aware enough to avoid contact (with what appeared to be good driving/evasion skills) why were you trying to pass on the right? That's one of my pet peeves while driving (here on the US roads) - everyone appears to have "driving dyslexia" and uses the far right (i.e., "get on/off") lane as the passing lane (Gggrrrrr).

There's nothing wrong with slowing down, moving to the left lane behind the car and backing off a bit, is there?

Let the "who the $%^* do you think you are begin (LOL).

I pass on the right in my car on a consistent basis around here. The only reason why I do it, is because of all the idiots who are in the passing lane going the same speed as everyone else.

When on the bike, I'm normally in the carpool lanes so it's a non issue for me.
OP: nice reactions :iconbeer:

On a side note, if someone does something stupid, once out of harm's way I always pull the clutch and rev the bike a few times to try and tell them that what they did was not cool. + I enjoy the sound ... a lot :BLAA: I guess you could say I'm looking for excuses to play some VFR 2Bros music :D

While I empathize and am glad you were aware enough to avoid contact (with what appeared to be good driving/evasion skills) why were you trying to pass on the right? That's one of my pet peeves while driving (here on the US roads) - everyone appears to have "driving dyslexia" and uses the far right (i.e., "get on/off") lane as the passing lane (Gggrrrrr).

There's nothing wrong with slowing down, moving to the left lane behind the car and backing off a bit, is there?

Let the "who the $%^* do you think you are begin (LOL).

I always pass on the right if the dumb ass going the speed limit on the left can't figure out what's causing the huge line of cars behind him. I have no problem with people going @ or under the speed limit. But for crying out loud - why the hell do you have to do that in the left-most lane?!!?!?! (not saying you in particular are driving like this - just expressing my irritation :)) Till people continue on doing that - I'll pass on the right :BLAA: If I see that someone is getting closer and closer I'd always go right and let them pass without slowing them down ... most people seem to be pretty unfamiliar with common driving courtesy tho ...

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I'm with Kazza. The turn signal is meant for everyone EXCEPT the person using the signal. People get into the habit of using their signal just before they turn because they forget WHY a signal is used. They are just going through the muscle memory motions of flipping the signal, then turning. It sounds a little corny, but driving a car, riding a bike IS operating heavy equipment. This needs to be first and foremost in an operators mind, but who really thinks like that. Most people go into la la land.

Another point is that the REAL hazard wasn't either the rider or the cager who almost hit him, it was the guy out in front, in the left lane, forming a parade behind him. The right lane is for cruising, the left lane for passing. If everyone was operating their machines as a primary task, with safety/strategy in mind, it would be a hell of a lot safer out there.

BTW, if I have to pass on the right, I do it very quickly with my thumb ready to honk.

Glad you're not toast fazer.rider. Something like that happens every 20 minutes on some days of riding...
I'm with Kazza. The turn signal is meant for everyone EXCEPT the person using the signal. People get into the habit of using their signal just before they turn because they forget WHY a signal is used. They are just going through the muscle memory motions of flipping the signal, then turning. It sounds a little corny, but driving a car, riding a bike IS operating heavy equipment. This needs to be first and foremost in an operators mind, but who really thinks like that. Most people go into la la land.

Another point is that the REAL hazard wasn't either the rider or the cager who almost hit him, it was the guy out in front, in the left lane, forming a parade behind him. The right lane is for cruising, the left lane for passing. If everyone was operating their machines as a primary task, with safety/strategy in mind, it would be a hell of a lot safer out there.

BTW, if I have to pass on the right, I do it very quickly with my thumb ready to honk.

Glad you're not toast fazer.rider. Something like that happens every 20 minutes on some days of riding...

:BLAA: That's why when I see someone using their signal "late", I call it the, "Look at ME!! I JUST made a turn w/o hitting anything" :cheer: signal :D :rof:
great defensive skills, I'm pleased to see you were alert :thumbup:

now both cagers were Idiots the front car shouldn't have been in the outside lane (whilst not overtaking) and the second should check his mirror and look over his shoulder before changing lanes.

Now I'm no angel when it comes to overtaking and I would definately have riden past someone in the inside lane if someone in the outside lane refused to move over :spank:

The alarm bells were ringing in my head as soon as I started watching the film :eek: I would have moved into the inner lane and passed these two jokers, leaving a safety gap. If there was someone in the inside lane I would have slowed down and at least have checked that the car had seen me before making my move.

The most dangerous point was as you rode into his blind spot on the inside, now although everyone knows that cagers don't check their mirrors at the best of times but whilst the road is pretty empty this is even more so, and they may not be expecting someone on the inside.

Now don't get me wrong the cagers were totally at fault but it would have been easier to avoid the situation if at all possible.

I'm really pleased you had your wits about you today :thumbup:
I had exact same situation some months ago at the freeway. (worse than the video)
But me was far fast lane, and cage was right next lane.
If cage driver had turned his head 5-10 degrees, he might have seen me.
I was really frustrated right after the incidents.
Other cages and me were slow down to cool down, but the cage that almost hit >> still going fast without any idea that he almost hit me .. ha ha ha...

Safe ride all...
I must've missed something. The guy in the silver car didn't pull into your lane completely (because he saw you?).

I saw you get into his blind spot. They can't see you over there.

I'm kind of half kidding here but you have a bike -- superior in handling and speed. You can easily avoid this.

What you showed is typical cager behavior around here.

But I hear your message -- Thanks.

What??? no Stebel horn blast?

I agree 110%. Perfect scenario for this! If he had a Stebel, and If he used it in time, the rider probably would never have to swerve.

First, the rider was currently in the driver's blind spot. Give the driver credit using the turn signal and gradually changing lanes, giving the rider time to execute, swerving in this case.

In my honest opinion, the rider over reacted. This is a very typical riding scenario. Even though we can't rely on our horn to get us out of certain situations, in my opinion, a loud horn at the right time is all was needed. I beg for these type of scenarios developing so I can blast the crap out of the cagers. I had the exact same scenario happen to me except from the right side. I didn't budge and just blasted my Stebel, scarred the daylights out of the woman, and nearly rolled here SUV by overcorrecting.
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