Fz6 Down

In some cases that is exactly what they are thinking. The last 2 years of my grandmother's driving life she refused to use her turn signals. She said she didn't want to burn out the bulbs.

Sorry about your bike. Glad you are not hurt worse. get well and don't make any rash descissions aobut riding again.

I do hope you pointed out that a .50 bulb is helluva lot cheaper than her deductible.
I'm glad your relatively alright, I mean you still living. Thanks for posting this info about your accident, it makes me realize that I'm not leaving that much room in the front of me, in case of situation like yours.
I'm glad your relatively alright, I mean you still living. Thanks for posting this info about your accident, it makes me realize that I'm not leaving that much room in the front of me, in case of situation like yours.

Then this thread has done its job!! Thanks to the OP for posting it. You may have just saved Disc a bad accident. :thumbup:
Hope you are feeling better soon.
Excellent question as I was thinking the samething. What first popped into my mind was your safety margin as well, if there is anything to be learned from this is make sure everyone keeps their time and space from the vehicles that your followng. You just never know what these Bozos will do. Nothing should surprise you.

Most importantly, your all right and thanks for posting.

i think my margain was safe enough i just think i waisted to much time, thinking i could go around him, or if i should go around him or if i should just have stopped i dnt know maybe if i would have locked my brakes i might have saved my bike who knows
Glad you're ok! The first major off is a bit of a shock. The bike isn't in that bad of shape at all really from what I see in the pics. Probably could be fixed for ~$600, unless there is some other damage not pictured.

Heal well and G'luck with whatever you do.

well yea i thought so too but since it with my insurance i took it to my dealer and prices are different then from ebay or aftermarket the added up 7000 i saw the quote 4 pages worth of parts they must have found alot more
If you love riding the love will put you back on the mount! I put a BMW down some 4 years ago, totaled it but was able to limp it home. Upon getting home I was more injured than I thought, but was already looking forward to getting back on.

Limping that thing home, in hind sight, wasn't very smart. But it did put me right back on to overcome my shaken sense of confidence. After I healed I had a different sense of responsibility to become a better rider. My spill was my fault, upon realizing it I made every textbook mistake you can imagine. 6 months later I was at the dragon!

Glad your relatively well. Speedy recovery!:rockon:

i felt the exact way when i picked up my bike i just wanted to hop back on it and take it home like nothing had happend but it was damaged then about 15 min i started to feel all my pain i know what you mean
1st sorry to hear about the wreck
2nd glad your ok for the most part

No need to give up riding, you got a family so I take it that means kids too? why not use the cash to pick up several used dirt bikes and ride with your kids? It's even funner;)

thanks trust me i already though about that i cant quit my garage feels so empty soon soon ill find something small to work with
sorry for the late reply was going about 60mph, i cut alot of it down but was really tough specially with gravel i kinda just slid

Getting surprised at 60 isn't easy to deal with. I think the key is to avoid getting surprised in the first place....but that of course is easier said than done.

How's the pain coming along?
Good to hear you are gonna be fine.

The damage looks to be mostly fairing damage. (is does not look to bad) but still 7k dammage :(
Getting surprised at 60 isn't easy to deal with. I think the key is to avoid getting surprised in the first place....but that of course is easier said than done.

How's the pain coming along?

its much better i think its mostly in my head then anything, im really paraniod right now, me and my wife where driving to the store she was freaking me out i would be flinching telling her to slow down all the time, thats suppose to be here job i guess its just a bit of anxiety it should go away with time i do hate watching people ride there bikes i wish i could just get back on but it might be some time