fz6 making us PROUD chasing cbr 600rr

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I couldn't watch it all either, too much traffic for me, great camera though. What year is your FZ6? Do you have any MODS? Mine only goes 245kph, it's a 2005

I think some wind on the same direction could have helped!
Its a 2008!
2008 with the round instruments? What year is the Pirate bike. I've ridden a 2005 CBR600RRRRRRall the r's and it would definitely do a 2007 FZ6 up top. Has he gone -2 teeth on the front sprocket....it seemed to pull pretty hard. That'll cause him to run out of legs also.

I know what you mean by being able to see what the camera can't, and how you can see a long way round corners on the flat by looking through them, but I remember this one time (no. Not at band camp..lol) when I found a downed pushbike rider in my lane as I came through a turn. Not being a nanna, just putting it in the front of your mind that you may still meet something you can't see so be prepared to duck and weave.

Thanks for the vid, and stay safe.:thumbup:
Ha ha! 20 moms per hour - we should use this as a new measure on future posts to show how risky/stupid a video is. I think you were going a bit more than 20 moms per hour here - but I've seen far more risky vids, easily 50 moms per hour!

You have really nice straight roads where you live ;)

Race him on a twisty track and see if you can still beat him. I find curves more interesting personally! :D

Ride safe!
I wasn't asking on advice on how to or not to ride.

You post a video like that on here & expect that we will all accept the complete & utter comtempt for the LAW !!!! :spank:.... Im suprised even more people havent already torn MEGA strips of you :disapprove: , you didnt do no FZ6 proud.... All you did was disgrace yourself in the presence of 1000's of law abiding citizens & fellow riders.... What did you want ?? HERO STATUS :rof: your kidding arent you , everybody here knows what the FZ can do , thats why we ride it.... I can do an FZ6 proud against bigger bikes aswell & still stay on my side of the ride , riding like that KILLS innocent people.... I drive trucks for a living & see far to many situations like this that end in DEATH :eek: Thats it , it is the END no more riding period... You may of had fun but , your Mum , Dad , Brothers , Sisters & so on suffer for the rest of their lives.... Think about it , PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE SLOW DOWN & RIDE SAFE
Ha ha! 20 moms per hour - we should use this as a new measure on future posts to show how risky/stupid a video is. I think you were going a bit more than 20 moms per hour here - but I've seen far more risky vids, easily 50 moms per hour!

You have really nice straight roads where you live ;)

Race him on a twisty track and see if you can still beat him. I find curves more interesting personally! :D

Ride safe!

we have a lot of twisty roads out here, I preffer them to against going fast at a straight road...
I'll post the video or send you the youtube link when so!
I just got new ebc front pads, as in the twisty road last time I went for a little ride with anothet fz6, my brakes were boiling and smelling!
Now up to 21 moms per hour ;)

Just kidding Humperdinkel. The great thing about this forum is that it is populated by (mostly!) responsible riders. None of us are perfect, and some of the attraction of motorbikes includes the speed and risk, but I would not want to see this site turn into just another squid site full of fools showing off.

Risking your own life is your own choice, but risking the lives of innocent people is certainly not cool. It's easy to forget about possible consequences when you are out riding and having fun. I see so many people speeding through little villages and just think 'what if a little girl ran in front of you and you killed her?'

As I said, I am not perfect and don't want to sound like a hypocrite - just be aware of your responsibility to other people when you are on the public highway.

I think this makes 22 moms per hour :D
Now up to 21 moms per hour ;)

Just kidding Humperdinkel. The great thing about this forum is that it is populated by (mostly!) responsible riders. None of us are perfect, and some of the attraction of motorbikes includes the speed and risk, but I would not want to see this site turn into just another squid site full of fools showing off.

Risking your own life is your own choice, but risking the lives of innocent people is certainly not cool. It's easy to forget about possible consequences when you are out riding and having fun. I see so many people speeding through little villages and just think 'what if a little girl ran in front of you and you killed her?'

As I said, I am not perfect and don't want to sound like a hypocrite - just be aware of your responsibility to other people when you are on the public highway.

I think this makes 22 moms per hour :D

You are absolutely right!
That's why me and the other 15 bikes that day or any other day don't ride fast while crossing any village or houses on the side of the road!!!
If I just got 265 and the others probably to 200, it's just as risky!
Any ways, that feels a little risky, but we like it.....
That's why I bought a fz6 and not a chopper!
You are absolutely right!

I always like to think so :D

Making a decision is often done without much thought at all, especially if it is something we do all the time (for example, how much thought do you give to the process of changing gear? It's just an automatic process right?). But I am glad to hear there is at least some thought process in your decision as to when and where you ride fast.

I do the same - I assess the risk to myself, my bike and most importantly others before AND during when I decide to ride faster. If I have the smallest doubt I don't do it, or I slow down. I'd much prefer to have the option of riding another day than going home in an ambulance - or worse, sending someone else home in an ambulance. I've never done a track day but I know that this is the right place to push outside of my comfort zone and be able to take riskier decisions with no effect on others.

I have seen vids of bikers who seem to have absolutely no regard at all for this decision making process (some posted by members here!). The only place they will end up is in the cemetery.
You are absolutely right!

I always like to think so :D

Making a decision is often done without much thought at all, especially if it is something we do all the time (for example, how much thought do you give to the process of changing gear? It's just an automatic process right?). But I am glad to hear there is at least some thought process in your decision as to when and where you ride fast.

I do the same - I assess the risk to myself, my bike and most importantly others before AND during when I decide to ride faster. If I have the smallest doubt I don't do it, or I slow down. I'd much prefer to have the option of riding another day than going home in an ambulance - or worse, sending someone else home in an ambulance. I've never done a track day but I know that this is the right place to push outside of my comfort zone and be able to take riskier decisions with no effect on others.

I have seen vids of bikers who seem to have absolutely no regard at all for this decision making process (some posted by members here!). The only place they will end up is in the cemetery.

It's all about the laws of attraction but still, when riding, if you doubt, it's just not right, so don't.
And most important is Never take the bike to Your limit or to where You cannot handle!

I don't want to bring your vid up to 23 moms per hour, but I didn't watch it all. I was too convinced there'd be a big SPLAT at the end and a few seconds of snow.

There was a time here where driver's ed students were shown horrible crash videos to hopefully intimidate them from speeding. I know of a few pictures that may do that for you. PM me if you're interested. Certainly not something I'd post here for anyone to accidentally click. Too disturbing.
i might be the only guy halfway coming to his defense. seeing that he was from colombia i was instantly taken back to time i spent in india and indonesia. the driving is completely different there. although they have speed limits they aren't really enforced. also, people drive more sensibly around town and villages (which he pointed out that he would have), but drive like they have a death wish between villages. i would NEVER ride a bike there... but that is how everyone who rides a bike in those places rides. it's kinda the benefit of riding a bike... you can get between villages a lot faster than everyone else. btw, cars pretty much drive that way too in those two countries.

having said that... i can't imagine it's safe and i'd never do it or condone it in the states. and indonesians know it's not safe either... it's just the way it's done.
1) straight roads suck.
2) 265km/h indicated (165mph) = 235km/h (145mph) actual
3) the CBR is faster than your FZ6. You're just a little crazier than the other guy. Bragging about that makes you look immature.
4) trying to clutch it while accelerating won't make you go faster (actually the opposite).
5) a friend of mine who was crazy (but less than you) died last year going around a wide open right hander... he could see far far away too, except that car that was hidden for a split second behind the truck he was trying to pass. It takes 0.2 seconds and you're dead.

RIP Pancho...


and here is what was left of his bike after the crash:

Sorry to hear that wavex...really sorry.
We arnt trying to preach to you, just dont want to see them picking you up with a scraper. That road had a lot of patches on it which usually scares me. I did like the video, because it wasnt me, :rolleyes:
Let's not forget that this is ALSO AGAINST FORUM RULES!

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Why have none of the mods done their job and closed this?
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