FZ6 to R6 questions?


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Mar 10, 2009
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Tucson Az
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Ok, so I hope this doesn't sound ignorant but I've heard that the FZ6 engine is basically the R6 engine just tuned different, so is there any parts or tuning I can do to my 06 fz6 to give it the r6 balls?
It's "based" on the R6 engine from 2004 and earlier. Some parts and designs are the same, but some are different. One of the most notable changes are the camshafts, which are tuned for more midrange torque than the R6's high end. The compression ratio is also higher on the R6.

The R6 usually puts out around 115~ WHP, while the FZ6 usually puts out 90~ WHP.
You can add an aftermarket exhaust, airfilter AND a dynotune to get near 100~ WHP, but doing the same mods on an R6 will put it out of range for an FZ6.

The question you should ask yourself is, how much time and money are you willing to spend in an attempt to get more power from the FZ6?
I never feel like my FZ6 is lacking in power. For a detuned 600cc "super-standard", it puts out more than enough.

99% of complaints I've heard about the FZ6 lacking in power are from people who admittedly never go over 6,000RPM.
I have often thought about taking an r6 engine out of a wrecked R6 and swapping it in, but i am too lazy broke and happy with the FZ the way it is to go through that much effort :)
One of the least expensive ways to go faster is to change out the front sprocket for one with fewer teeth and/or change out the rear sprocket for one with more teeth. By doing this, the engine itself does not gain more power, it just accelerates faster, but loses top speed.
buy an r6 as a second bike :).,.. but ask yourself what made you buy the fz6 in the first place.. price?? looks?? the fact you can ride it for more than 1/2 hour without your wrists falling off?? .. just trade up if you are not currently satisfied :)
My suggestion, buy and R6, get a Corbin seat and pair of ConvertiBars. This is the least expensive way to get R6 performance with sort of FZ comfort.
One of the least expensive ways to go faster is to change out the front sprocket for one with fewer teeth and/or change out the rear sprocket for one with more teeth. By doing this, the engine itself does not gain more power, it just accelerates faster, but loses top speed.

You betcha!! :thumbup:
Install a 15t front sprocket and don't look back.
It should be a mandatory first mod on all FZ6's. :rockon:
There seems to be lots off talk about sprockets in here, in the last few days....it's a great mod, going down a tooth or two on the front, brings the power within easier reach at lower revs...

Cool guys, I'll prolly go for the sprocket soon, and the reason I'm on the FZ6 is the comfort, the problem is my best friend rides an R6 and never shuts up about how his bike is better, I personally don't ride for pride but it would be fun to keep up a lil:) THx for the replys
If you're talking about keeping up with him in a straight line, then yes, I can see where you might have trouble (albeit not much) keeping up with your friend on the R6.

However, if you're anything like me and you hit the twisties almost every time you go out, this should be your mantra: It's the rider, not the bike. I was on a group ride yesterday through some of the best twisty roads Kentucky has to offer (and we have a lot!). There was every sort of sportbike imaginable there...Gixxers (of every flavor), ZRX's, VFR's, R6's, R1's, a Duc 696, a Busa, and yes, another guy I ride with on an FZ6. 27 bikes in all. But here's the thing...if I had any trouble keeping up with the other bikes, it was because of my skills (or lack thereof) compared to the skills of the other riders. It certainly wasn't my FZ6's fault.

Anyone can ride a bike in a straight line, but if you really want to keep up with your friend on the R6, read up, practice your technique, and take him out to the twisties. There's no reason, other than rider skill, that you shouldn't be able to keep up with him there.

A shot before we started yesterday, just for the fun of it:

One of the bike mags over here (Ride) did a test of how much power a rider used on the road. Some were journalists, some racers. But the average was about 27bhp. (if I remember rightly). Point is, horse power will give you acceleration, skill will let you carry speed through a corner and not need so much. Also, if your speed is lower on the straight, then you can brake later than a faster moving bike, meaning you can catch up.

I also remember another bike mag (Bike, I think) Put Ron Haslam on a 125 and one of their bike journos, with race experience on a 600. Ron was only a second or so behind.

It just goes to prove, its not what you've got its how you use it.
Totally agree with the other guy, Dont buy another bike because of pressure, buy for the ride, hell I rode my friends r6, and it was fun and its sharp looking, but wouldn't trade mine fz6 for it. I tour a lot in the summer and touring on an r6 wouldn't be pleasant, well not for me at least. To each his own.

Is your knee touching the ground on turns?
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If you're talking about keeping up with him in a straight line, then yes, I can see where you might have trouble (albeit not much) keeping up with your friend on the R6.

However, if you're anything like me and you hit the twisties almost every time you go out, this should be your mantra: It's the rider, not the bike. I was on a group ride yesterday through some of the best twisty roads Kentucky has to offer (and we have a lot!). There was every sort of sportbike imaginable there...Gixxers (of every flavor), ZRX's, VFR's, R6's, R1's, a Duc 696, a Busa, and yes, another guy I ride with on an FZ6. 27 bikes in all. But here's the thing...if I had any trouble keeping up with the other bikes, it was because of my skills (or lack thereof) compared to the skills of the other riders. It certainly wasn't my FZ6's fault.

Anyone can ride a bike in a straight line, but if you really want to keep up with your friend on the R6, read up, practice your technique, and take him out to the twisties. There's no reason, other than rider skill, that you shouldn't be able to keep up with him there.

A shot before we started yesterday, just for the fun of it:


I agree that someone with more experience on a slower bike can normally outrun someone with less experience on a faster bike. Sorry to get off topic but CCHOUSEKY where do you guys usually meet? I've been back in Lexington for several months and haven't found any groups to meet up with to ride.
Cool guys, I'll prolly go for the sprocket soon, and the reason I'm on the FZ6 is the comfort, the problem is my best friend rides an R6 and never shuts up about how his bike is better, I personally don't ride for pride but it would be fun to keep up a lil:) THx for the replys

if your buddy is rubbing it in on how much sweeter his R6 is, roll with him doing about 40mph in first gear, jam on the gas and as your front end comes up and you take off he will keep his mouth shut. (for those of you who dont know, an R6 cant do a power wheelie, they can pop the clutch to get it up but thats it. they dont have the torque.)