Gainfully Employed!


Mrs. Reiobard
Mar 28, 2008
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Hillsboro, NH
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I know I have been away for a while and just starting to get back in the thick of things here, but some of you may remember/know that I have been severely underemployed for the past two years. I was offered the choice of going to school on my own dime for a degree I didn't want, or resigning from a job back in June 2010, and chose to resign. I was unable to find work from that point forward, so I have been working part time in a retail store ever since. The amount I make barely covered the gas it took to get to/from work, so I have been looking and applying since I started.

Yesterday I was offered a full-time position with Woodcraft-CFM, doing sales and service (among other things) in their headquarters. I am super excited about this opportunity to get into the motorcycle industry and help the company continue to grow and expand. There are so many things that they want to do, that they haven;t had the man-power to start, so it is a very cool opportunity to share my insights and strengths, and try different things. And I promise if we start making things for the FZ6, you guys and girls will be the first to know ;)
Congrats! I went through kinda the same thing a few years back, just the whole company went under =\. Enjoy the new job! Wish I could find a web developer job that dealt with motorcycles somehow.
Congratulations on the new job and kudo's to you for at least working while looking for a job. Been there and it isn't pretty but when you finally land that new job you wanted you appreciate it so much more.

I went from a $25/hr job to a $9/hr job after moving to TX (back in 2000), it hurt but was all I could find. Kept looking and only took a few months to land one that paid more. Made more money but didn't like the CO I worked for so kept looking. 3 years later found the job for me and now it's been 8 years. When you work for it it means so much more.
I went from a $25/hr job to a $9/hr job after moving to TX (back in 2000), it hurt but was all I could find. Kept looking and only took a few months to land one that paid more. Made more money but didn't like the CO I worked for so kept looking. 3 years later found the job for me and now it's been 8 years. When you work for it it means so much more.

That's very similar to the pay cut I took. Except not only was I making crap, I was only working 8-20 hours a week. I just got promoted a couple weeks ago and the dollar amount went up a bit, but still only up to 32 hours/week. When you have to be available for everything, you have to pay for childcare, and not having guaranteed hours, and making crap, I still wasn't coming out on top. This is going to be a huge financial relief for my family, but more importantly, I'll be working in an industry I am passionate about for a company I believe in. And THAT feels GREAT!
Congrats Keira , fantastic news :cheer: :cheer: Looking forward to the discounts ;)

So does this mean Rob gets to retire now & ride all day while the little one is in day care ?? :D :BLAA: :rockon: