gasoline and bike chain


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May 24, 2008
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Spartanburg, South Carolina
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Is it okay guys to clean my bike chain with gasoline? I just did it and it cleaned it well but then I got to thinking about that gas can hurt stuff. Do any of you guys know? Thanks
Hollow - your on the right track. Gasoline tends to make rubber swell and damge the O-rings of the chain. The recommended thing to use is kerosene, but several members have used simple green. However, be aware that simple green can damage your rims so they should be rinsed as soon as possible.:thumbup:
My friends used up my can of WD-40 when they all cleaned their chains for the first time. :(
Welp I sprayed the gas on with a spray bottle. How will I be able to tell if the chain is messed up from the gas and damaged O-rings? I took my hose pipe and rinsed the chain right after I cleaned the chain with the gas. Then I got my back pack blower and dried everything. I used PJ1 Blue Label to relub the chain. I sprayed a good bit on as I turned the back tire. Then took a rag and wiped the extra off. I do have to say I cleaned the tires real real good with WD-40 and then went to ride about 50 miles and no spots on the wheels from slinging the lub off. I do have to say the chain wasn't clanking and making all kinds of noise anymore either. Also sory pooty I did use the search tab and a bunch of threads came up but I never seen anything saying I shouldn't use the gas. I want no more I will use WD-40 for now on.
I don't think you did any harm to your chain by using gasoline this one time. Rinsing the chain and then blow drying it probably evaporated any residue left on the chain after rinsing.:thumbup:
Years ago, my dad used gasoline to clean and degrease car parts during the overhaul process. Worked great and there was always some available in the gas can. Someone later commented gasoline leaves a residue behind, so for parts like gears and wheel bearings, it could prevent the lube from doing it's job. I'm not sure how true that it and can't recall having parts failures because of it, but I don't use it as a degreaser any more. There's better stuff out there.

Also it's fairly nasty stuff and hard to get off skin/clothes.
...but I don't use it as a degreaser any more. There's better stuff out there.

Also it's fairly nasty stuff and hard to get off skin/clothes.
I agree with both of these statements. The flammability issue makes me nervous and it doesn't perform any better than commercial cleaners. I hate the effect it has on my hands..

As far as a chemical reaction, unleaded gasoline is compatible with Viton, Buna-N and Neoprene elastomers which covers 99% of the o-ring materials used on motorcycles.