Get off the motorcycle!


The tall one
Jul 9, 2009
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[ame=]YouTube - Motorcycle traffic violation - Cop pulls out gun[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - pullover2[/ame]

flip to near the end for some more context to why hes pulling back. the cop in the grey car comes pretty close to him. thats def pretty intimidating. any of us would have backed up. and no thats not commentary on the cop pulling a gun. all i have to say about that is he should have IDed himself a little bit quicker than he did.

edit: ah ya beat me to it lol.
Holy Crap, just pulled his piece out like it was his best friend. I would gladly slowed down (not that I drive that fast anyway) if he was just going to pull out a gun.
What did the poor guy do wrong? :BLAA:

Here in America, what the rider did was probably considered reckless because (I'm guessing) he exceeded the speed limit (65MPH or 104KPH) by more than 25 MPH or 40 KPH, even if it was just for a short distance.

I know, in some other countries it wouldn't be a big deal what the rider did.
the car that ended up pulling in front of him tho was unmarked... where did that one come from. I didn't see him pass it ever in the video.

Check out the car right infront of the rider in the first seconds of the long vid. I think that's the unmarked car.

On a side note, if the cop wanted to be really strict about it he could have written him off a hefty ticket. Wtf is up with the whole gun thing ... *rolls eyes* Those things are used against criminals and not some random speeding dude who went 110mph in his lane for a few seconds.

Frankly, I would have shat my pants if someone pulled right in front of me, got out, started shouting at me and pulled out a gun. Thank god he FINALLY identified himself as a police officer and not some road-raging random whacko with a gun ...

Note: forgive me for using the word "identified" so inappropriately ...
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I'm pretty sure you aren't allowed to pull a piece on a citizen like that without identifying yourself MUCH faster than he did, given that he's in plain clothes. Otherwise you're some gun-toting wacko, and ... well, f_ck that -- if I can get past you I'm ducking down over the tank and FLOORING it. How is he supposed to know it was a cop?! Only cops pull guns on people?
I guess the cop saw the camera on his helmet, and decided he wantet to be on next weeks episode of shocking USA.

At the very end of the film you see a policecar behind the biker, why didn't they put on the sirens like they normally do?

ps. the cop looks like ben stiller.
There are other factors at play here that make this stop unique and I wont even start on the some of them. In the defense of the unmarked law enforcement vehicle. He's making a stop and has no idea whether this guy is going to fake and launch the bike. At that point in the stop as with a car, the vehicle can be used as a deadly weapon, so until the officer feels that threat has been abated he is covering himself and others. The bike rider crossed the boundries when he was passing on the right and probably in the triple digits. He crossed over into the, "You've lost your rights as a citizen until, we as officers have secured you and understand your intent" zone.
Try to look at it this way. This is one of the areas that a citizen has a vehicle that can leave very quickly and continue at speeds that are beyond these patrol cars. The LEO doesn't know exactly why you've gone into, "Warp Mode"
You broke the law and the LEO didn't shoot you he just covered himself and others. If you were the guy that was going to do a fake and launch and end up killing or maiming my loved ones, I'd be glad he was ready to and executed clipping your wings!
I think we have a great responsibility to own up to how we ride. It's not the fast part of riding or the crossing the double yellow to get by slower traffic when you know you have the room. It's about taking responsibility with in your self as a person and facing the consequence of how you ride. These are the rules. You would like those sticky tires to last forever but the rules of physics for the time being is they are going to wear quickly and you have to replace them when worn or check out!

Make a difference in our riding community by treating everyone with courtesy and respect! Try to keep in mind how cagers and LEO's view you. Remember there are LEO's who ride! There's plenty of opportunity to light it up. Are you trying to impress some one? Okay....Well....?

I think the stop was very professional.:rockon:
The defense rests your honor! :spank:
I'm with you 100% except when he gets out, draws gun, starts yelling, and THEN identifies himself as a LEO.

Why not sooner?
Looks like the whole thing wouldn't have happened if he hadn't lofted the front while passing cars in the right lane. It's hard to tell with the wide-angle camera lense, but he definitely did a no-no. I don't think pulling a gun out was necessary. That cop had back-up and probably a license plate number. They could have let him go and paid him a visit at his home later.
What did the poor guy do wrong? :BLAA:

Here in America, what the rider did was probably considered reckless because (I'm guessing) he exceeded the speed limit (65MPH or 104KPH) by more than 25 MPH or 40 KPH, even if it was just for a short distance.

I know, in some other countries it wouldn't be a big deal what the rider did.

Did you notice the section where his front wheel was up and the key chain was flapping around like a flag in a hurricane? Can't do that here in the states. :)
this got into a heated thead on a local forum that i am on... bottom line is that the biker rode a wheelie going 125 mph with traffic around.

This is considered reckless endangerment and is considered a very serious crime in the states. the rider knew he was in trouble the second he saw the cruiser at the 1:04 mark and continued at over 80MPH where he took the next exit (often viewed as trying to hide, which is the sirst step towards running). Now, if the biker DID run and the LEO let him go, then any havok that the biker causes is now on the concience of the LEO. So, if the biker runs down a group of kids in a crosswalk, then the officer needs to be able to rest at night knowing that he did everything in his power to stop the rider.

He never even pointed the gun, i would think it is more of an intimidation technique than anything... more like to say "Don't you even think about it" than anything.

hard to tell, but he might have had blue lights on the front of his car too... unmarked cars often do not have a full light setup, especially if it is his personal vehicle and has just the emergency response lights, and not the installed setup.

Just my 2 cents, (probably only worth 1 cent)...
I'm with you 100% except when he gets out, draws gun, starts yelling, and THEN identifies himself as a LEO.

Why not sooner?

Looks like the whole thing wouldn't have happened if he hadn't lofted the front while passing cars in the right lane. It's hard to tell with the wide-angle camera lense, but he definitely did a no-no. I don't think pulling a gun out was necessary. That cop had back-up and probably a license plate number. They could have let him go and paid him a visit at his home later.

See previous:
At that point in the stop as with a car, the vehicle can be used as a deadly weapon, so until the officer feels that threat has been abated he is covering himself and others.

If you're committing a perceived dangerous act to yourself or others the consequence is usually stop the guy right now! If you can't catch up with him and have a tag number you can look for him at home, after of course the many different scenarios that may play out between now and when he gets home. Nope! You're getting stopped now!

Please protect me, my family, friends and citizens.

Did you see the other marked vehicles? He (the rider) would know it's probably not a bank robber out for his money. The professional LEO is covering first by securing the person who has decided to start moving the bike after the initial stop. If the rider doesn't have a sense of what's transpiring around him, he probably shouldn't be on a bike.
Backup would mean nothing when you're in immediate eminent danger. You mean to say because someone else will pick your broken dead body up you shouldn't defend yourself or protect another person?

The stop was good and no one got hurt! When the guys with the guns tell the guys without the guns to stop???? It's pretty simple. I don't think he was treated unduly. Just like getting stopped in a cage, don't reach anything in the glove box that makes the LEO nervous. Thinking about it. The rider exhibited and brandished his own style of weapon.

A bullet doesn't do this...

You can argue the intent of a gun but you really have to think how often our well being is threatened by cell phone calls and texting while we're on the road, and truthfully, put this all in it's proper perspective... The Leo can do something about what he can see and I'm thankful for that.

Please don't get me wrong! I love to play on my steed!

Good Stop!:rockon:
im sure Sean Penns character in Colors was this guys inspiration to take up his chosen career