Gixxer gotta love em


Riding the Big Honda
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Aug 25, 2008
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Blue sky for the first day in ages, so decided to take the TL out for a spin down to a piece of road frequented by bikers trying to hone their skills (knee down,wheelies, emergancy stops etc) there was a guy on a gsxr 1K tearing up and down. Now the TL sounds like armageddon and probably registers on the richter scale so i soon caught his attention, he pulls up and asks what cans i got..the conversation went something like this.

gix - nice bike mate what cans you got, that sounds amaizing
me - cheers mate, their ART race cans
gix - i gotta get a set of those ive never heard a gsx like that before what year is it, it looks different
me - your bike wont sound like this mate.this is a v twin
gix - serious?? i never knew there was a gsx twin .. is it a race replica or something?.. special edition ??
me - no this is a TL1000 its more like a SV if you want a comparison..anyhow i gotta be somewhere ..catch you later

i rode away with a feeling of total disbelief..are people really this dumb


apart from the fact it actually says TL1000 on the side of it i dont think his error was that aggregious.


apart from the fact it actually says TL1000 on the side of it i dont think his error was that aggregious.

Ok Granted ..we share the same colour scheme..but still,i would of thought someone riding that calebre of bike would know their Marque

Ok Granted ..we share the same colour scheme..but still,i would of thought someone riding that calebre of bike would know their Marque


It's like someone not knowing the difference between FZ6 and FZ1 - BIG difference if you know your bikes, which, riding one, they should.

Maybe their other bike is a H.D. :spank:
Ok Granted ..we share the same colour scheme..but still,i would of thought someone riding that calebre of bike would know their Marque


Considering that the whole reason Suzuki built the TL was so that they could race competitively against Ducati, this guy's question wasn't so far off the mark. As I recall, the bore, stroke, valve diameters, duration and lift, header runner length, intake diameter and length were all direct copies from the Ducati race bikes that were stomping the 750s..... Honda did the same thing with the RC51. Both were a serious flop in the market place. Ducati just turned up the heat a little more.

2, 3 years and out, right? How many TLs were sold, worldwide, I wonder? 1/100th the number of GSXRs? Less? It's impressive that Suzuki found a home for that motor in the big DL. At least they got some return out of their investment. Honda just 'ate' it.....

The motor was a big enough challange that Suzuki kept the frame and body work as minimal changed as they could.....

Granted, you'd expect someone to know more about bikes in general...... but I've met an awfully large group of people who are on their first street bike, with less than 4 years of experience.
It's impressive that Suzuki found a home for that motor in the big DL. At least they got some return out of their investment. Honda just 'ate' it.....

The bike itself was a flop..overweight and the rotary damping unit just couldnt cut it on the track

you mentioned the Strom ,but dont forget the hugley popular SV and Aprillia's V-twin efforts..its still regarded as one of the best V-twin power plants ever made

didnt honda adapt their twin into the DL equivelent too. the Varadero

Anyhow i digress ..i'd forgive anyone who doesnt recognise a bike point was how genuinley clueless this guy was about his own appeared that he bought it purley because "someone" said he should, eyes wide shut..then there's the irony..a GSXR :BLAA:..

And as a side note us fazer owners hate it one someone tells us one of our lights are out..imagine how being accused of being a GIXXER rider feels :spank:
Here in the US, the RC51 just went away.... the VTR 1000 Super Hawk was a (as I understood it) different engine design... that one didn't do much in the US either.

High performance twins seem to be more thirsty for fuel and seem to be rougher on tires than an inline 4 of similar displacement..... add in limited production numbers, and the support becomes expensive.

There's now a whole bunch of 'big' vee twins that I think are very interesting.......not very likely someone will mistake a KTM or an Aprillia for a GSXR, tho.

I'd love to give a Super Duke a romp.....
Here in the US, the RC51 just went away.... the VTR 1000 Super Hawk was a (as I understood it) different engine design... that one didn't do much in the US either.

High performance twins seem to be more thirsty for fuel and seem to be rougher on tires than an inline 4 of similar displacement..... add in limited production numbers, and the support becomes expensive.

There's now a whole bunch of 'big' vee twins that I think are very interesting.......not very likely someone will mistake a KTM or an Aprillia for a GSXR, tho.

I'd love to give a Super Duke a romp.....

Super Dukes are FUN bikes. The dealership where I work sells KTM's and I have had a chance to ride some incredible bikes. The Super Duke 990 is pretty high up the lust list.
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Suoer Dukes are FUN bikes. Ther dealership where I work sells KTM's and I have had a chance to ride some incredible bikes. The Super Duke 990 is pretty high up the lust list.

My biggest grief with KTM is with the 'unique' stying..... I don't much care for the shrouds and stuff. Buell sort of followed that model with the 1125. I guess there's some sort of good reason for it; for me, when you have a bike with a 'hot' motor I WANT TO LOOK AT IT!!! It doesn't need to have lampshades wrapped around it.

Motor. Frame. Wheels. What a great idea.:thumbup:

High performance twins seem to be more thirsty for fuel and seem to be rougher on tires than an inline 4 of similar displacement..... add in limited production numbers, and the support becomes expensive.

Expence is the main reason its up for sale once the riding season kicks in

Thirst is a big issue for me..drawing a comparison to the FZ is unfair but i was originally shocked at the milage difference. And im guessing theres probably no more than 1000 miles left on my clutch..the risk of compression lock on the back wheel means your constantly on the clutch in slow traffic.

these are just "isms" of the bike i pay your money and take your chance. I might get another big CC sport bike in the future (or maybe even a DL - im 6' 7") but the Fazer is just fine for me atm (it is the do everything bike afterall)..the TL was an itch that had to be scratched
........ i was originally shocked at the milage difference. pay your money and take your chance.

.....the TL was an itch that had to be scratched

When I was 25, I had a VF1100S... sort of a Honda Nighthawk on steroids. The motor was powerful enough that the suspension had to be made really stiff to prevent the shaft effect from topping it out every time I whacked on the gas. I did that a lot. :D

Big heavy bike, with powerfull motor. Ate tires speeding up and slowing down. Hard on the throttle got me 35 MPG. Highway cruising, got 50. There was a lot more time spent in the mid 30 MPG range than the 50 MPG range. New tires every 5K, when could get 2X that with something lighter, with less HP.

Yeah the FZ6 is a good compromise for all the things I need a bike to do.