GO!!!!! New Hampshire

Nice find! Good on the NH state legislature, the constitution didn't establish anything resembling our current federal government. More states need to follow this lead and reasert their authority.
Loved this part:
"That the Constitution of the United States, having delegated to Congress a power to punish treason, counterfeiting the securities and current coin of the United States, piracies, and felonies committed on the high seas, and offences against the law of nations, slavery, and no other crimes whatsoever; and it being true as a general principle, and one of the amendments to the Constitution having also declared, that “the powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people,” therefore all acts of Congress which assume to create, define, or punish crimes, other than those so enumerated in the Constitution are altogether void, and of no force; and that the power to create, define, and punish such other crimes is reserved, and, of right, appertains solely and exclusively to the respective States, each within its own territory;"
If they get it passed, they are going to have beat people away at the borders with sticks.
Oh Crap! Steve! The cat's out of the bag now.... thanks. :Flip:

;) :D

I don't read legalese, what does it say? I should know, since I live here, but I'm kind of a hermit.
Basicly that the constition is very clear. The federal government has about 1/100th of the power it has taken, and that it can F. off and die in a fire.

But it says it nicely.

Any rights not expressly given the federal government remain the states rights or the peoples rights.

The federal government has taken what is very plainly a exclusion of thier rights and turned it into the largest bunch of crap ever.

They are saying we will be glad to remain a part of the union, but the union needs to follow the rules that were laid out for it. The federal gov was offered very very limited powers, and has no right to take what it has now.

Or basicly

You also might notice that the federal gov has no express right to tax.

Income has been all twisted out of shape when it is considered trading labor for money.

Income is profit from investment or business activity.

If you ask for a definition of income defined by the supreme court that is what you get.

When you ask how that the IRS can define income as trading labor for money, you get a whole lot of nothing, also quite often a jail term.

See above where it says what the feds right to punish is.
Cool. That's what I thought, but like I said, I am not well-versed in legalese, and I often misinterpret things.

I love my state. It's why I have always lived here, and will probably never leave :)
good on us!!! AND we just had one of our own appointed to the presidential staff... maybe we can get some stuff taken care of !
You also might notice that the federal gov has no express right to tax.

Income has been all twisted out of shape when it is considered trading labor for money.

Income is profit from investment or business activity.

If you ask for a definition of income defined by the supreme court that is what you get.

When you ask how that the IRS can define income as trading labor for money, you get a whole lot of nothing, also quite often a jail term.

See above where it says what the feds right to punish is.

Looks like I am moving to NH when I finish college.

But unfortunatly according to amendment XVI congress can tax income. " The Congress hall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source dereived, without apportioment among the sevreal states, and without regard to any census or enumeration"

I say we go back to the Articles of Confederation.
LOL you would think that wouldnt you. LOL Seeing as its repeated over and over as a law.

Can you find proof that 3/4 of the states ratified the amendment as a whole? LOL just one day if you get bored.

Also there is another problem with it.

The whole these rights not inmurated and given to the federal government remain states rights or rights of the people.

You know the part where it says just exactly what powers the federal government has and no more. LOL
For years Oregon had a sign at the boder:

"Welcome to Oregon, have a great stay.... Then go Home."

Sadly in this PC age, they took it down. I bet NH can pick it up on sale ;)
"...this State, from motives of regard and respect for its co-States, has wished to communicate with them on the subject: that with them alone it is proper to communicate, they alone being parties to the compact, and solely authorized to judge in the last resort of the powers exercised under it, Congress being not a party, but merely the creature of the compact, and subject as to its assumptions of power to the final judgment of those by whom, and for whose use itself and its powers were all created and modified"...

"I came down with it" Charley Murphy
You do realize that New Hampshire is basically The New South...minus the :Flip:redneck:Flip: agenda.

No Federal 'Income' Tax would have to lead to a Fair Tax, ratified and agreed upon by 2/3 of the states. Also, that if a state so chooses...they could literally, not just figuratively, tell the Fed to go suck a big fat donkey and have nothing AT ALL to do with the Fed.:spank: This could lead to total anarchy...let's start a fight club.

GO NEW HAMPSHIRE!!! It's always the little guys starting the good fights. :rockon:

You also might notice that the federal gov has no express right to tax.

Income has been all twisted out of shape when it is considered trading labor for money.

Income is profit from investment or business activity.

If you ask for a definition of income defined by the supreme court that is what you get.

When you ask how that the IRS can define income as trading labor for money, you get a whole lot of nothing, also quite often a jail term.

See above where it says what the feds right to punish is.
You do realize that New Hampshire is basically The New South...minus the :Flip:redneck:Flip: agenda.

No Federal 'Income' Tax would have to lead to a Fair Tax, ratified and agreed upon by 2/3 of the states. Also, that if a state so chooses...they could literally, not just figuratively, tell the Fed to go suck a big fat donkey and have nothing AT ALL to do with the Fed.:spank: This could lead to total anarchy...let's start a fight club.

GO NEW HAMPSHIRE!!! It's always the little guys starting the good fights. :rockon:

Why would no income tax lead to a fair tax? The federal government takes in over a trillion dollars/year on top of the revenue derived from the federal income tax. I think they could survive just fine on a trillion dollar budget, but they feel the need to extract another 1.5 trillion from us anyway.
Also, I see people continually banter about the word, "Anarchy" as if it's synonymous with the word, "Chaos".
Anarchy means "without rulers", or "no state".
I see no reason why we couldn't form society based upon property rights and the sanctity of contracts, but without a state apparatus of coercion, that would be more peaceful and more prosperous than our current cluster****.
There's been a lot of serious thinking and writing done on the "No State" solution by people more eloquent than I , I would refer any interested to Murray Rothbard's, 'The Ethics of Liberty' as a good starting place.
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