Going for a SS1000


Touring Mod
Nov 10, 2007
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Lexington, NC
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Well on a kinda random last minute whim, my father and I have decided to go ahead and attempt the Saddle Sore 1000 tomorrow. We will be leaving out of Lexington tomorrow at 6am and then head south/west towards the Atlanta area, then turn due south to the Florida pan handle over to the east around Jacksonville, then head north up 95 till we get home!

Bikes are all packed up and ready to roll almost, just a few last minute adjustments and double checks then we will be off to try and get some rest tonight (I hope, too excited).

Below is a copy of the tankbag map.

Bryan McCrary's Photos | Facebook

And if you so choose I have also set up the SPOT and you can follow along by clicking here:

SPOT Shared Page

Most of you have probably heard of this ride/organization. But if you havent, spend some time and check it out!

IBA - World's Toughest Motorcycle Riders

Have a good trip and hope you make the 1000miles! Will you have any time to take any photos and post them up here? I've never been to that part of the States and wonder what it's like.

Have an awesome adventure. Man! I wanna get out and ride! We'' really need the rain here but ..... mu...mu..must ride!

Have Fun!
Have a good trip and hope you make the 1000miles! Will you have any time to take any photos and post them up here? I've never been to that part of the States and wonder what it's like.


Flat ground, and straight roads..... lol. Ill be taking photos on the go. Not alot of time for much else though I hear it is possible to do. For our first ride like this we arent planning on many "stop and smell the roses" breaks.

Good luck, you should have over 100 miles by now. Let us know how many hours it took to do the Saddle Sore.
We made it!

1111.7 miles in 18 hours and 50 minutes. (i put 19:50 on my facebook last night, I was tired,lol)

It was fun, Dad and I had a great time, but the real fun starts now. We just went down stairs and highlighted the route we took on our map. We have a large map of the south east and we highlight the roads we have been on. We just spent 30 minutes talking and gloating about how glad we are we did it.

Honestly knowing that I am capibable of doing something like this makes me extremely happy! Every rider that has the though of one day completing this task needs to set asside the time to do it. Its worth every mile!

Just looking back at the fact that I covered 4 states in 19 hours and went from Florida to North Carolina in 5 hours on a bike at night... just wow!

Thanks for all the support. It means alot!

I'm glad you & your Dad had a good time & made it home safe. Now that you know you can do it....gonna think about venturing out of the south???
Yea! I have some plans to try and make it up to Niagra Falls this year if time and $$ will allow. I have been wanting to cross the Mississippi for as long as I can remember. In my younger travels I have been in about every state on this side of the river, but never crossed... so hopefully after I graduate Mom, Dad and I can make a trip down to New Orleans? We shall see...
We made it!

Well done and that it was fun, so much the better! I did this 2010 National Road Rally a while back - 540 miles overnight and I was toast by the end, the enforced breaks overnight where you got an hour's sleep here and there was the worst for me!

I'm with you on wanting to see Niagara and the Mississippi by bike, for me quite a trip from England, maybe one day!

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Congrats! Someday I too will belong in this elite club.

But IMO, I think it's kind of a waste to do the SS1000 without a destination. I mean, wouldn't you get more out of it if you set a destination point that would require you to ride a 1000 miles and stay and enjoy the area for at least a day? Yeah, it would make the trip into 2000 miles, but seems just a waste to just ride to knowhere.
I agree, Vegas, which is why I haven't done a SS1000 yet. That, along with the fact that I like to stop and smell the roses along the way.

I did Dallas Texas and back in 47 hours last year and still had time to hand out with some friends, relax in the hotel pool, and stop at restaurants to sit down to eat.

We ended up doing 780 miles in 23 hours but we weren't trying for any mileage goal.

I got 52 mpg on a stretch of that trip too.... also got high 30's on one stretch... :Sport:
Congrats on the SS! My dad and I have been wanting to do one for quite awhile, maybe this summer... Any long distance tricks of the trade to share with those of us thinking about undertaking something like this? :thumbup:
Congrats! Someday I too will belong in this elite club.

But IMO, I think it's kind of a waste to do the SS1000 without a destination. I mean, wouldn't you get more out of it if you set a destination point that would require you to ride a 1000 miles and stay and enjoy the area for at least a day? Yeah, it would make the trip into 2000 miles, but seems just a waste to just ride to knowhere.

That would be a nice way to do it, but unfortunately it isnt the most economical way to do it. With Dad being unemployed it was honestly a stretch just to pull this off. So eliminating a hotel room was the key. The ideal plan was to stay close to the house and just make a loop around the NC area, however with the abundance of snow and truck eating pot holes present in the northern states, it made more since to head south.

"Riding to knowhere" depends on what your definition of no where is? I kinda like it out there... its peaceful. LOL Or to put it better, one of my good riding buddies said, riding isn't about the destination, its about the journey.

Congrats on the SS! My dad and I have been wanting to do one for quite awhile, maybe this summer... Any long distance tricks of the trade to share with those of us thinking about undertaking something like this? :thumbup:

Just keep riding!

Prep yourself for good long day rides in the saddle. If you can manage to be on a bike for a good 12 hours for a day ride, you should be fine for this type of deal. Most of my rides before this trip averaged 300 miles and I would normally leave by 8am and be in just about dark. (summer rides) 100 miles of highway to go play in the mtns, 100+ miles tearing up the mtn roads and checking out the view, then 100 miles back down the highway home. So the thought of going from my max day mileage of 450 to over 1000 in a day was kinda nerve racking.

There is a thread in this subforum that talks about Iron butt rides and prep. Now that I have done one I will be sure to add some info to this list.
