Got myself a new tank!

You wont have to wait long... i have plans to take a few shots in the morning! aint seen it in daylight myself yet!

This also means i have to polish my wheels...bug guts everywhere!


well if you weren't sliding sideways around corners it would be harder for the bugs to get in there! :D
Wolfman, this is the first time I come across one of your posts and I have to say.. your bike looks amazing!
Keep the pictures coming!
yeah we have lovebug seasons here........they are not big....but there are millions of them!

Can get quite annoying, but i guess it's all part of the experience...and there's another reason for a tank bra, keep those bugs off that nice new paint!

Noice mate. I'm with you I nice as it looks, that tank bra over the top does protect it from nasties.

Noice mate. I'm with you I nice as it looks, that tank bra over the top does protect it from nasties.


Yes, i looke at my new tank tonight, and then i looked at Gazza's...also black, and the difference is glaring...even he, who takes very good care of his bike....said that a tank bra might be a good option for him, when he gets his re-sprayed!

It aint hard to damage them!
