Halloween costume help?


SuperFlanker Moderator
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Apr 19, 2008
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Surrey, UK
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Trying to figure out a good way to shred up a pair of jeans so they look like they were in a motorcycle accident but are still wearable.

Don't think just taking a knife to them is a good idea or it will look weird and just ruin a pair of pants without being able to use them for the costume.

One pair of pants, one attempt.

Looking at a pair of Levis that I crashed in, to make a costume look realistic I would take a cheese grater or cheese grater type file to them. The abrasions on my jeans aren't slices like from a knife, but the material is very frayed.

Of course, you'll have to balance realism with wow factor. Are the people that will be seeing this know what a pair of jeans that had been in a m/c accident would look like? Maybe cutting or tearing them into tatters would get more attention, and the people looking won't know that it isn't true to a m/c crash aftermath..
Borrow a belt sander from someone.
Buy a cheap cut of meat to push pants into said belt sander.
Trying to figure out a good way to shred up a pair of jeans so they look like they were in a motorcycle accident but are still wearable.

Don't think just taking a knife to them is a good idea or it will look weird and just ruin a pair of pants without being able to use them for the costume.

One pair of pants, one attempt.


A large brown stain on the rear and just say you walked away without a scratch
This sounds like bad karma to me..............:(

Haha, it's only bad karma if you haven't crashed 27 times already.....

And was thinking belt sander last night. Might go that route.

@ motogiro....it's started snowing here....I try to avoid being outside if I can help it lol. Cooooooold.

@ chemiker.....but I would know. In my heart, I would know. Lol. But if I can't track down a belt sander between now and then I'll go the grater route.

I'll post pics when I'm done. I've already got a smashed up helmet and torn up jacket to use in the get-up. Cover myself in blood and lay down on the street I will look like I just wrecked. If the road conditions are okay I will ride to the party haha to add to the effect.

What's everyone else doing for halloween?
Frankly Lone, I can't find a reason for any need for a costume, What's wrong with this?

Fill them with rocks and drag them behind you!?

I was thinking the same thing!!! maybe tie off the leg holes and stuff them with snow and rocks to get a more all over effect.... :BLAA: the ice and slush on the roads should be able to rip through the material....
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Lol vegas thats so random. Just a picture of me wearing normal jacket and pants that's not any sort of costume.

But as for dragging it might be worth it just to give the pants a rougher look to them. Otherwise they might look too cleanly torn up. That would actually give them more of a look like they've been through hell.
I've done this before. Put your hand inside the jeans and rub them across some pavement a bunch of times. You will be surprised how quickly they start to wear down. Might want to put some gloves on. Works well.
I was thinking the same thing!!! maybe tie off the leg holes and stuff them with snow and rocks to get a more all over effect.... :BLAA: the ice and slush on the roads should be able to rip through the material....

I agree, drag them up and down the road tied behind your car... Just stay local. :p
Frankly Lone, I can't find a reason for any need for a costume, What's wrong with this?


Hahahaha! :rof::rof::rof:
See....This is why I love this forum!

You and Lone both have this perfect timing comedy thing going on and you get me every time! LOL!
Hahahaha! :rof::rof::rof:
See....This is why I love this forum!

You and Lone both have this perfect timing comedy thing going on and you get me every time! LOL!


Btw, I am down about 25lbs since that trip. By New Years I should be down another 15.

Feels good seeing a picture of me stretching out that leather haha.