He or she? (or maybe even it)

He or she?

  • Chuck Norris FTW!

    Votes: 9 11.8%
  • Hot babe...

    Votes: 52 68.4%
  • Neither... It's a monster! (for Wolfman)

    Votes: 15 19.7%

  • Total voters


Not a senile member.
Sep 10, 2009
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So lately I have seen an increasing habit of people calling their bikes by a gender... So my question is rather simple.

Is your bike a dude or a dudette?


(Before anyone complains about searching for a similar thread I already did it.)
A dudette of epic nerdyness


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I've never really thought about it - but based on those pictures choices, and when you put it that way, I'd rather not be straddling a dude.
A dudette of epic nerdyness




I ride Zooey....I mean that is my bikes name :D

It's usually just "the bike" but sometimes it's she I'm done straddling a dude that's why I bought her.

Oh and no man should have curves like that.;)
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WHY?! Why must you make me pick between Chuck and chick? :(

I did pick she, not he. Although my lady is more like this:

Rachael Leigh Cook--- sexy dressed in jeans and a shirt and willing to always go to a baseball game in the summer

Okay, here is a little Chuck for us who have voted:

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Honestly, how'd you think this poll would end up?
Most of the members here are male....so naturally they are gonna go with the " Babe" option.
There might be a few of us women here who will go with either Chuck or the "it" option! Duh!

Silly boys :spank:
Most of the members here are male....so naturally they are gonna go with the " Babe" option.
There might be a few of us women here who will go with either Chuck or the "it" option! Duh!

I would've picked Chuck, except his beard is too ticklish on my man parts when I'm riding :eek:
I think of The Fizz in the same light as I think of The Stig...Some say that his genitals are on upside down, and that if he could be bothered, he could crack the Da Vinci Code in 43 seconds... all we know is, he's called the Stig, or for our purposes The Fizz!

Re the poll, my bike is a monster, for an FZ6, it has an evil glare...the headlights, or mask as it gets called by my Missus, it has 1 HP shy of 100, is black, has the loudest set of pipes on captivity (with the baffles out) it screams at people that walk past it too closely (Proximity sensor on the alarm) has been known to throw me' off, attack four wheel drives, and drunken pedestrians...

Hence it gets called evil...in fact my Missus reckons she doesn't like it, cause she reckons it's headlights look sinister, and the bike's eyes follow you around the room! Lol!

So it has been known as "Damien" for quite some time now...after the character in the movie, The Omen....

But I don't think of it as a male or female. Bikes are bikes, and they don't ever tell you to get off, the don't drink the last beer, steal your last smoke, complain when you smell, etc...
Same thinking here!
If I wanna joke and feel childish, I think of it as my monster, my blue dragon ;)
(2007 blue, with the "manga dragon like" fairing)
But no, I haven't named it.

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As one of our clever politicians said... "he is a woman"... referring to one of our athlete's caught up in a gender issue!

My bike is female, couldn't imagine riding a man.

FZ6-ZN - Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk...
How could anything with such beguiling curves and such a subtle tone of voice be anything other than female?;)
But no, I haven't given her a name.
Tough enough remembering Pillion's real name!:spank::spank::spank::spank::ban: