He was my friend for 15 years............

Well,as I expected,my oldest son did not take it well.Toby had these fave biscuits in the shape of a bone that Lachlan gave him everyday after school.He went to do it before I could stop him.
He came inside asking where Toby was and I told him,he broke into tears.
I went to have a beer just now and was at his grave and the damn biscuit is sitting on top.
So sorry to hear the news Mick. It's never easy to lose a family member. Time heals all wounds so just try and remember all the good times.
So sorry to hear this sad news. We have a 15 year old dog and know he's well into his twilight years. We're dreading that day.
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Been there and done that and it never gets easier.

They bring so much joy into your lives (lol and trouble, and anger sometimes LOL) but they become a part of you. Just remember all the good times. We have two greyhounds now, and one just turned 8 today! They don't last forever although I wish they would. Kasey has been told to stop getting old.

Toby is running pain free at the bridge.
Sorry to hear this Mick. I know how your son feels - we had to put down the dog I grew up with too. That biscuit on the grave image got me a little sentimental. Rough stuff, but it gets easier.
So sorry for your loss. 4 years ago I had to put down my Golden Retriever. Sadie was 10 years old and just stopped eating one day. Took her to the vet and found out she had stomach and intestinal cancer. Vet gave her some steroids so I could have a few days left with her. I had two before she stopped eating again, had to have her put down. It was very hard to do. About two months later I badly missed having a dog around, so I started looking and wound up with my Boston Terrier, Oliver.

The pain will go away, and while it may not be immediate, it does get better with each passing day. The loyalty and love of a dog makes our bad days better, makes us smile when we are angry and picks us up when we are down.

I am very sorry for your family's loss. You will know when the time is right to get another one!
I disliked this thread (but I forced myself to read it), as I do the charity pet TV ads showing abused and tortured animals (how can somebody torture a dog?). Dogs are so innocent (outside of the ones raised to kill & maim) and trusting. My Springer Spaniel can no longer can take me for walks, something with his paw pad---vet and I are trying to figure it out. Doggies are forever.
Very sorry to hear about your loss, put a big old lump in my throat. Have been through the same, isnt nice. Am sure he had a great life with you and your family.