Helmet cams???


Just a Member
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May 28, 2009
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Cincinnati, OH
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Hey everyone,

So after following tcmalker's story with his recent accident and everything, I've been seriously looking into getting some type of helmet or bike cam of some type as I ride hundreds of miles a week and want to be better prepared in case of a similar situation or whatever may get thrown my way.

So...who's got suggestions and/or product reviews of what they have/are using?? I'm looking for something that takes decent quality vid and audio. Preferably somewhat water resistant and lower profile.

Please whoever can help give me some advise!! Thanks in advance everyone!!

The contour works great with Scorpion exo900 because of the flat part on the side is perfect for mounting. When you lift up the visor (for ventilation or whatever) it doesn't affect the camera at all. Contour also has a rotating flat mount that could work for other helmets but would require adjustments if you frequently have to move the visor around. You can actually put it anywhere there's a flat spot because you can rotate the lens about 180 degrees.

I got the contourHD 1080p version. It cost $279. You could still find 720p version for about $50 less. They also came out with a new GPS version if you're interested.

I just put my bike up yesterday and going to try to use this in my car. Might as well make it a good investment.
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Thank you! Agian sorry about that a**hole. But thanks for gettin my butt in gear to protect myself. If you decide you wanna sell yours let me know. Unfortunately I can't afford to spend that much right now so I'm looking for alternatives to the one you have, even though I really like that one. Hope you're feeling better! :thumbup:

Any other product reviews?
The Oregon Scientific ATC2K is not bad, but the Go Pro HD has to be probably the best out there. Sadly it's almost the most expensive!

I've got the ATC2K and have used it on the Fazer before. The image quality isn't bad in fact, but the microphone is pretty poor. It comes with lots of different mounting options - I've tried it on the handlebars (not good as all you can see is the speedo), on the rear grab handle (nice angle but a little limited for the front view) and mounted on the side of the radiator (def the best option). The helmet mount isn't the best for a full face helmet though (it's just a rubber band through the mounting plate).

Brand new they're around the $80 mark I think. They're a little more expensive in Europe.

I never use mine, and have thought about selling it lately, so let me know if you might be interested (located in France though). Read some reviews on Amazon. I have some video somewhere and can post up a clip if you want an idea of the quality.
I got the GoPro Hero wide angle camera and I love it! It takes great video and it comes with lots of mounting clips that use really sticky 3m tape. I was worried about the tape but its never let loose. I have even stuck it to my wake board and plan to use it on my snowboard this winter, with the waterproof, shock resistant case, I feel safe abusing it somewhat. My first video actually was a video shot from my dogs collar in the snow!
I do wish it was easier to edit the video, I have had trouble figuring it out. Also sometimes I cant tell if I actually have it recording, but it wasn't too expensive ($199) considering the quality of the camera.
i bought the keychain cam but didn't have too much time left this season to really test it out and abuse it but the price is asweome for the camera.

As to gopro's they are certainly great but they cost almost 20 times more so it all depends what you will be using for. if i remmember right gopro's are sticking the video into .avi files, that's one of the most populars containers to edit, you can use VirtualDub (free) or any other more complexed editing software, here's a video of how to even sync a few camera's (including go-pros) into one video:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QURuWi0hWI8]YouTube - Multiple Camera Tutorial[/ame]