Helmetless motorcycle riders = organ donors?

Well, if you were the organ recipient, would you rather have the biker's organs or the smoker's. :eek: I'd pick the biker's. Ever see the inside of a heavy smoker? Not pretty even if they haven't developed cancer (yet). My mother, god-father and father-in-law died of lung cancer so I'm a bit biased on this topic.

Fair comment fella
want wind in your hair? buy a vented helmet. only morons ride without a helmet. a bicycle i can understand. but on a motorbike ur going quick quick quick relative to a bicycle. you will fall EVENTUALLY in 30 years of riding. if you go down your head WILL snap back and slam and the ground or curb. moronic not to ride with a helmet. utterly appalling imo. repealed the laws? wow, way to move backwards, congrats!

I always wear a helmet on my bicycle. I've been hit by 3 cars and crashed many times. I estimate that a bicycle helmet has saved my life or at least brain injury at least three to four times.

Two of the times I was hit by a car was from behind. I was thrown up and hit the windshield breaking it. I've also landed square on my head, like an arrow hitting the ground, on my mtn bike. I cracked the helmet in half.

Even on a bicycle wear your helmet!
That's a pretty big leap.

He or she just might be the most skilled physician around. Their judgement may be sound, their priorities for their life may be different than yours.

Disqualifing the best in any occupation because of some a single trait or making a harsh generalization about that trait is not wise.

Babe Ruth ate a lot of hot dogs and drank a lot of beer, I'd still take him in the clean up spot over a mediocre vegitarian any day of the week.:D
Smoking cigarettes is not a trait, it is a choise. Their judgement is not sound when choosing to smoke and knowing the health problems that arise from it. Choosing to smoke shows signs of not caring about your own health, so why would I trust my health with someone who smokes? It wouldnt be wise to put your life in the hands of a baseball player either. If you smoke you need to quit. When I was 14 (40 years ago)I was standing outside a hospital and written on the phone booth next to me was this. "CANCER CURES SMOKING". I can go on and on but the truth is, the addiction is so strong that a person will come up with every reason in the world in their mind to keep doing it. The addiction is stronger than crack addiction, so there you go!
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Good topic, I live in PA and spoke to a friend's dad who is a local doctor about it recently- he hates motorcycles. He sees a lot of horror stories every summer and so far there have been a lot of them here, mostly middle aged male riders for some reason, hitting cars and animals (deer and bear). Anyway the good doctor said that when we had the helmet law they got a lot of eyeballs donated posthumously from fallen riders, and now without the law he gets a lot of kidneys. He also believes that part of the decision making that went into repealling the law had to do with the cost of keeping vegetables alive. Young kids that were severly injured and kept alive in vegetative states now die instantly since they don't were helmets. Pretty creepy stuff. The death rate is definately up but I wonder about the "vegetable" rate... is it down as a result? I have no idea.

Around here we see a lot of cruiser riders without helmets, not a lot of sport bikers do that. I've seen Harley guys with only shorts and flip flops riding around (not even sunglasses...) and I work with a woman who wears a bandana rather than a helmet (and she's closely related to 2 MSF coaches in the area). Personally I'll never ride without one.

As for the seemingly bizarre 2 year rule- most accidents happen in the first 2 years of riding, according to MSF 50% of all reported crashes involve someone with less than 6 months of riding experience, so it does make sense. This is America after all, we should be free to make our own decisions :america:
Good topic, I live in PA and spoke to a friend's dad who is a local doctor about it recently- he hates motorcycles. He sees a lot of horror stories every summer and so far there have been a lot of them here, mostly middle aged male riders for some reason, hitting cars and animals (deer and bear). Anyway the good doctor said that when we had the helmet law they got a lot of eyeballs donated posthumously from fallen riders, and now without the law he gets a lot of kidneys. He also believes that part of the decision making that went into repealling the law had to do with the cost of keeping vegetables alive. Young kids that were severly injured and kept alive in vegetative states now die instantly since they don't were helmets. Pretty creepy stuff. The death rate is definately up but I wonder about the "vegetable" rate... is it down as a result? I have no idea.

accidents that would otherwise have been stand up and brush yourself off would now result in vegetative states. i think removing the law would actually cost the health care system way more rather than less. you have more head injuries = more money spent
I always wear a helmet on my bicycle. I've been hit by 3 cars and crashed many times. I estimate that a bicycle helmet has saved my life or at least brain injury at least three to four times.

Two of the times I was hit by a car was from behind. I was thrown up and hit the windshield breaking it. I've also landed square on my head, like an arrow hitting the ground, on my mtn bike. I cracked the helmet in half.

Even on a bicycle wear your helmet!

agree with u 100%

just saying i can understand why people would ride a bicycle without one. motorcycles u have no excuse really.
I couldn't agree more. In April, my husband was riding his FZ1 home from work and was in an accident caused by a car driver on a cell phone running an intersection. He was wearing full gear, as he always did, and his full-faced helmet, and that is the only reason he is alive today. Even with the helmet, he suffered a traumatic brain injury and was in a coma on life support for over a month. I will not go into all that he and I have endured, but a helmet is a necessity, not an option!
I think removing the law would actually cost the health care system way more rather than less. you have more head injuries = more money spent

This has always been the argument about a lack of helmet but looking at the states that have a limited helmet law or no helmet law at all and it doesn't pan out. Yeah, head trauma is an issue no doubt but the cost in terms of medical care to the public isn't there. It is however there is terms of the insurance industry however, the states with no helmet law or a limited helmet law don't appear to have the frequency of incidents that the states with a helmet law do.
I was shopping for my first helmet and saw this on a poster for Bell helmets years ago.


After seeing this I bought the most expensive helmet the shop I was in had.:D