Hey all you all you South Aussie FZ6 riders, who's interested in getting together for a ride?

Gotta love Delamere Road....awesome black top, and with Victor at One End, and Aldinga near the other end...whichever way you ride it, there is a great destination...i, myself prefer Aldinga to Victor....better beach!

You will have to come for a ride on my new hills run...you start on Upper Sturt Road, then go through stirling, Aldgate, Mylor, Hahndorf, Oakbank, Woodside, lobethal, Birdwood, and then back. From your joint, you could also take in Main Road, through Cheery Gardens to Blackwood/ Hawthorndene! This route is for the Twisties lovers, lots of low speed corners, with quick switch backs...the FZ loves it!

I like to grab a chicken wrap from the Aldinga bay takeaway on the foreshore as it's owned by a friend of mine and the wraps are wikkid. Usually stop in to see how the old man is ticking along. Victor is nice on a stinker with Northerlies though...lol.:cheer:

Sounds like a delivery run on my brothers old smallgoods route you just rattled off for your ride:thumbup:. I bet it's a bit more fun than doing it in a truck ( although we did get up onto three wheels at times- out of a total of 6...lol)
Sounds like a delivery run on my brothers old smallgoods route you just rattled off for your ride:thumbup:. I bet it's a bit more fun than doing it in a truck ( although we did get up onto three wheels at times- out of a total of 6...lol)

I hit a Tree in a truck going a bit hard on River Road near Mylor, after getting it on 3 wheels! ;Lol, was 3 in the morning, and we just picked bits of tree off the truck, and kept driving...in hindsite we were lucky, but at the time it was pretty funny...:rockon:
She's normally great, but we didnt have our headsets and she said after she wanted me to slow down, but i wanted to hear the pipes.;)
Well boys, i just got home from a quick ride with Simon (R6), and Matt (R1), Who both work at Yamaha World. We did a few laps of the old Eagle on the Hill Road, from Glen Osmond, to Eagle on the Hill, then went for a quick low speed cruise down to the Bay.

Weather was perfect tonight, not too cool, no wind, nice crisp night air that the fz likes so much.

Bike was good tonight...Stiffened up the rear suspension a bit today, and tonight gave it a good test...was never far off the back wheel of the R1, and i reckon i could of ridden about another 3/10"s faster than i was reasonably safely, bike now just loves to corner.

Dont reckon i am too far off R6 horsepower & handling now, the R6 on the ride could not get past me.

Anyway, it was a great ride, am so very happy with my bike, it is handling brilliantly now.

Was nice to ride with the boys from the shop, as they got a chance to see all the mods they have helped me with in action, and i got to see their bikes, both very nice, especially the R1.....nice carbon GYTR pipes!

Going for a quiet ride tomorrow (Thursday Oct 02) (Son on back of bike), So far it's me, and my mate Matt on the TRX. We are leaving Blackwood at 10.30am for lunch at Meadows, and a lazy ride home back through, Strath, to Aldinga, then home via South Road....Should take about 3.5 hours including lunch break.

If anyone's up for it, let me know.

Argh, I've got a doc's appt at 10am tomorrow, otherwise I probably would have come. Can't put the doc off again, was meant to see him today. Nothing major, wrist is playing up, but riding isn't a problem.

Argh, I've got a doc's appt at 10am tomorrow, otherwise I probably would have come. Can't put the doc off again, was meant to see him today. Nothing major, wrist is playing up, but riding isn't a problem.


Stumbles, if you could get up to Blackwood by 11.15am, you would still be cool....am happy to stand around and talk dribble to you get here! Ring me if you up for it...you have my number.

Great ride today...weather was perfect...and the bugs agreed, they were all out too...Bike, my leathers & helmet are all fairly well trashed right now! Bug City!

Full report about to come in the new thread stumbles just started with the photo's from today.

Really have to start posting for company every time I leave the house:spank:...lol.
Went out to wash my bike about 11am. Just got home at 630 with my bike not only dirty, but dirtier than before I left:. Two tanks of juice seems to be the norm. Not too many bugs either:thumbup:. If anyone is heading up to Lobie via Lenswood soon watch out for the gravel on the road:eek:. About 5 corners have gravel all over them and some was up to an inch thick. Scared the carp outta me as I was just starting to get into the swing of things:jawdrop::eek:. Also saw some folk outside next to a dam watching Qualifying for tomorrows race:cheer:. Bbq going, and kids kicking a ball around:thumbup:. I slowed down as soon as I saw them so as not to upset anyone and after I realized what they were doing I reckon they were probably disappointed:rockon:...lol. Had a chat at Lobie with a ducatti rider who had just come from The Eagle on The Hill so guess where I went next:D. Then back up Greenhill road through Uraidla and off to Stirling, Aldgate, Meadows, Clarendon and home.
Stopped at Yammy World on the way past and spoke to the guy with the R6 who went for a ride with Wolfman the other day. LoL...he reckons you go pretty quick for a FZ6 rider...lol. He seemed a bit suprised:rof:...lol.
Anyone else get out today. Loads of cops but really very nice.
Stopped at Yammy World on the way past and spoke to the guy with the R6 who went for a ride with Wolfman the other day. LoL...he reckons you go pretty quick for a FZ6 rider...lol. He seemed a bit suprised:rof:...lol.
Anyone else get out today. Loads of cops but really very nice.

What he really meant was, he didnt expect an FZ6 to be able to keep pace with his R6, and then a bit more. :sinister:

Lol, got quite a kick out of that ride...gave me a good idea that my mods are doing what they are supposed to....make the bike go, syop, and handle a whole lot better.

Another 2 tank spur of the moment ride today:rof:. Went down to Aldinga to drop off a jacket with my Ma for some alterations and ended up at Victor via Delamere for a toasted ham sanga and a coffee:drool:. Passed through Willunga and had a Ginger beer at Meadows then Mylor, Adlgate, Stirling, Uraidla, Lenswood, Woodside and Lobie. Headed off to Birdwood via Mt. Torrens and down the gorge to Campbelltown and then back up the gorge to Gumeracha and back to Lobie, Lenswood, Uraidla and back down Greenhill road and off home:D. Managed to make my new tires slip for the first time today on about 6 occasions....lol. Also Wolfman will be happy to know there is no "chicken strip" on my rear now:rockon:...lol. Great day out and the only nasty event was my own fault on the way back:spank:. I was so stuffed after a huge weekend of riding that when I sussed out a corner only to find it tightened up ( I normally ride about 70% max on an unknown road:thumbup: ) I just couldn't quite get myself sorted to use the safety buffer so I stood her up and played the emergency braking game:eek:. ( yay! My first stoppie...lol) Pulled up on a dime and let go of the front brake and lightly on the rear just in time to leave the road at about walking pace:thumbup:.....Phew! That's why I leave myself a safety buffer like that but never actually had to use it before:eek:...lol. Got a bit chilly towards the end but otherwise ......What a day!:steve: