Hey all you all you South Aussie FZ6 riders, who's interested in getting together for a ride?

Thanx aussie thats the first time ive smiled and laughed after that ride home. Yes i have had plenty to drink and feel asleep while watching the race,only to see the last 3 laps. woooooooohooooooooooo go you ford lovelllllllieeeees., WWWWWWWooooo hhoooolooooooo, yes i do love my fords and i do love my(sorry our) bathurst.
Stupid Fords:spank::rant:, stupid race:spank::rant:. I hate Bathurst:(...lol.:rof::rof:
Ok guys, here's a few pics from today's ride...

1st shot is from the pub where we stopped for a cleansing Ale!
from left, Mike (Ozzieboy), Julian (Aussiejules), Jamie (Wolfman), and Matt.

View attachment 8750

What is Mike up to in this second shot???

View attachment 8751

Mike trying to look innocent a few seconds later!

View attachment 8752

The boys chilling.

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View attachment 8754

Great day today guys...was great to stop and have a quick beer and a chat...weather was awesome...33 celcius, and have a sunburnt neck to prove it....bring on Summer...Woo Hoo!

And for Mike.....:cheer::rockon::thumbup:;):Flip::spank::D

And for Jules...that cop showed he had a bit of "Ambience" in him today! Lol!

Watch out for Kangaroos.......ok that's cryptic...relates to the "Ambience" thing...you had to be there!

Oh and for those who liked my "Duran Duran" shirt so much today...i am going to wear it next time! .....Simon Le Bon.......Sheeesh!

They will have to start designing new emicons cause mike going to wear them out. :Flip: Istill dont know why that ambiance (cop) picked you out, unless they could see a blur from where they were.
Looks like you ladies had a great time, wish I could have come, but I promised the missus I'd do some work around the house. (My fault for being so goddam lazy during my holidays..lol)... plus the fact, my wrist is only just starting to work properly now.

Catch ya's next time, hopefully.

Plenty of events coming up.:rockon: What will people think with that first photo, maybe are all australians that big and ugly?
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Plenty of events coming up.:rockon: What will people think with that first photo, maybe are all australians that big and ugly?

Lol.........Yes we are a beautiful bunch...great advertisements for the "real" Aussie male.....LMAO!

Just went for a quick ride to empty my tank of the crappy 96 octane Mobil fuel i had to put in the bike the other day...now full of BP ultimate...98 octane, and ready for the dyno!

Was a bit chilly getting arund tonight...took a couple of photo's while i was out, most turned out crap, as i didnt have my decent flash, but here's one i liked.

View attachment 8910

nice shot none the less

Yes, i just rode up onto the footpath, jumped off and started snapping, cops drove past, slowed down, wound down the window, said nice bike, dont be long, and ride safe...after Sunday, i just about had a cardiac arrest, due to their politeness!

You werent in a group with three bikes destroying the peacefull surroundings, i think we were real lucky that day, with mike's standard they had something to compare us to.
It would have echoed like mad down there.

What when we were riding through the hills the other day, or on King William Rd? Was actually not an issue down near church, very open. Sunday, against those cliffs, that would of been a different story, especially as for a short distance i was up and above 8000rpm most of the time. Still i am deaf, what would i know?

, with mike's standard they had something to compare us to.

LOL. Why let the truth stand in the way of a really good story:eek:. I'd just tell 'em I'd modded my exhaust for silence 'cause I work arvo shift.:thumbup:

After all, when a motorcycle copper gives me a ticket and as much as admits that I'm safer speeding:spank: I don't really have too much left as common ground unfortunately. So my conscience won't suffer greatly :D.
LOL. Why let the truth stand in the way of a really good story:eek:. I'd just tell 'em I'd modded my exhaust for silence 'cause I work arvo shift.:thumbup:

After all, when a motorcycle copper gives me a ticket and as much as admits that I'm safer speeding:spank: I don't really have too much left as common ground unfortunately. So my conscience won't suffer greatly :D.

Oh yeah i forgot you got booked in the morning, on your way to meet us...far out, it really was an eventful day...and an expensive one for you Mike...gotta hate that revenue raising...
