Hey all you all you South Aussie FZ6 riders, who's interested in getting together for a ride?

Sigh....Raining a lot. The wolfcub has no weather gear so I guess I'm off back to bed...Doh! Stupid rain....Driest state on the driest continent in the universe my 455...lol

Sigh....Raining a lot. The wolfcub has no weather gear so I guess I'm off back to bed...Doh! Stupid rain....Driest state on the driest continent in the universe my 455...lol


It was the Wolfcub who alereted me to the fact thatr it was raining cats & dofs...still is up my wayt...the gateway to the Twisties....

But in reality, it doesnt take that much rain to make me not want to ride with my son on baord! Why take the risk, kids are wortn more than a ride

Gazza wasa also mumbling something about not riding in the rain for pleasure, when he has to do ride in the rain out of neccesity all winter long.

Sigh! Sigh! Bloody sigh! God damn late Autumn weather!

Rain has stopped ( here at least )....wanna see me make it rain. I'm thinking I might hop on my beast for a bit of an assault on Willy Hill. Might even do some stationary camera work...lol.

Any one keen for a possible photo for the scavenger hunt is more than welcome to pop by. I'll be the one with the bike and a directors chair on my back...lol

Rain has stopped ( here at least )....wanna see me make it rain. I'm thinking I might hop on my beast for a bit of an assault on Willy Hill. Might even do some stationary camera work...lol.

Any one keen for a possible photo for the scavenger hunt is more than welcome to pop by. I'll be the one with the bike and a directors chair on my back...lol


I am so keen for a ride that I am thinking now that I am just about to drop both my kids back to their mothers that I might even go out for a night ride in this crap weather!
I am so keen for a ride that I am thinking now that I am just about to drop both my kids back to their mothers that I might even go out for a night ride in this crap weather!

When I went through Corro Valley about an hour and a half ago, the roads were dry and sticky all the way up to the Cherry Gardens Turnoff......turn around and run back to the Corro valley shops....U- turn...repeat....kept me amused for some time.

I spent hours butting up against the hills looking for a dry spot and this was the only bit I could find.....of course once my tires got nice and warm on this bit I could even extend my laps down to Clarendon in the wet...lol.

Don't know if it's worth dropping the cubs off for though...lol

When I went through Corro Valley about an hour and a half ago, the roads were dry and sticky all the way up to the Cherry Gardens Turnoff......turn around and run back to the Corro valley shops....U- turn...repeat....kept me amused for some time.

I spent hours butting up against the hills looking for a dry spot and this was the only bit I could find.....of course once my tires got nice and warm on this bit I could even extend my laps down to Clarendon in the wet...lol.

Don't know if it's worth dropping the cubs off for though...lol


One cub dropped off,one cub to go...going to do a bit of recon in the car on my way home...at the very least I will do a short blat to somewhere...
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Well i ended up going for a pretty decent night ride...very little traffic, no wind, dry roads, and a few twisties on Damien....sheesh it was nice to ride that bike again....so much fun!

Oh and i dropped in on Ozzieboy and his Bro to shoot the breeze for a while....thanks for the mocha latte thingimy jiminy drinky winky Mikey Wikey!...very la di da indeed!

who else has the day off today?
Am thinking that if the weather holds off ill be heading out for a ride.

Lol....now that i have arisen from my slumber...i am available this arvo....might be too late by the time you see this...but heading out myself in about an hour!

barker summit, nairne (dropped in on a mate), hahndorf, bridgewater (dropped in on a mate), aldgate, echunga, meadows, clarendon, blackwood, crafers then a fast home run down the freeway home.

Roads were unbelievably sticky last night. What an awesome night for riding..couldn't post up as my internet connection was down....again...grrr
barker summit, nairne (dropped in on a mate), hahndorf, bridgewater (dropped in on a mate), aldgate, echunga, meadows, clarendon, blackwood, crafers then a fast home run down the freeway home.


Lol....sorta similar ride, but through Clarendon., Meadows, turn around and home via Mount Barker, Hahndorf......through to upper sturt, and home.

Hey Boys...how good is the weather today.....just been out riding for the last couple of hours.....Just awesome! Definitely the best Autumn weather we have had so far this year!!! Pity in a way that i have to go get the kids now, otherwise i would of stayed out all day....

Here's hoping this weather sticks around for the weekend!

I'm starting to crave a coffee...lol. And everybody knows the best coffee comes from the other side of some really twisty roads. So in keeping with that theory, I'm off to Strath tomorrow for a coffee and toasted hambo. This will also net me some more pics for the hunt and somewhat sate my need to go near horizontal from side to side...lol.

All welcome. More the merrier. Come one,come all. Got my new chain and sprockets on now too.......WOOT!:cheer::cheer::cheer:

I'll be going through Clarendon around 1030-ish I reckon. Seems to be a good time to miss the Lycra Brigade and the Funstoppers:thumbup:.

De Ja Vu........Any takers?...lol:D
I'm starting to crave a coffee...lol. And everybody knows the best coffee comes from the other side of some really twisty roads. So in keeping with that theory, I'm off to Strath tomorrow for a coffee and toasted hambo. This will also net me some more pics for the hunt and somewhat sate my need to go near horizontal from side to side...lol.

All welcome. More the merrier. Come one,come all. Got my new chain and sprockets on now too.......WOOT!:cheer::cheer::cheer:

I'll be going through Clarendon around 1030-ish I reckon. Seems to be a good time to miss the Lycra Brigade and the Funstoppers:thumbup:.

De Ja Vu........Any takers?...lol:D

You might have a couple of takers...found some 'new" twisties last night....Gazza and myself, with the Wolfcub...plan to take advantage of this morning's awesome weather....and go and investigate...we plan to leave my joint at about 10am....will call ya Mikey!

You might have a couple of takers...found some 'new" twisties last night....Gazza and myself, with the Wolfcub...plan to take advantage of this morning's awesome weather....and go and investigate...we plan to leave my joint at about 10am....will call ya Mikey!


Yoohoo!...lol...you off and racing?
