Hit and Run


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Apr 16, 2008
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Well, my husband and I, and another couple we ride with, were out in B.C. last week for my father-in-law's 80th birthday. We went out on the bikes because my FIL likes to do an annual Birthday Ride. He's 80 and still riding his Harley! :rockon: I hope I'm still riding when I'm 80!!

We spent an unfortunately rainy week with him in Spences Bridge, B.C. (wide spot on the Trans Canada highway, about 50 km south of Cache Creek), and were going to be heading home Saturday morning. With that in mind, we loaded the bikes up and road them to the local coffee house for breakfast. When we went to leave, I noticed that someone had decided to customize my gas tank for me while we were eating. :mad:

It's a really odd hit, because the bike was parked with the steering locked, and the hit is on the left side. I suspect it was the bumper of a larger pickup truck, as it went right in under the handle bar without damaging the handle bar, clutch lever or any other body work. There's a slight rub mark on the frame right below the dent, but you have to look hard to see it. Unfortunately, the way the tank is crumpled in, I think I'll have to replace it. I'm just glad the bike wasn't knocked over, because that would have knocked it into my husband's ZX-11.

Because I'm an optimist, and I prefer to think the best of people, I'm hoping that the person just didn't realize that they'd hit the bike.

I have to say though, after reading Hobbesca's post on his bike's encounter with at 5-ton truck earlier this week, I'm feeling pretty fortunate that the damage was a minimal as it was! The bike was still rideable, and I didn't notice any handling issues riding it home to Calgary.
That is just plain freaking ignorant. It's not the fact that the person hits the bike that pisses me off; it's the fact that people don't take responsibility for their own actions. It's a good thing that you are an optimistic person. Will your insurance cover that? I do feel sorry for the other member who had their bike backed into with the 5 ton truck. I would be wordless. Anyway least there wasn't a domino effect and no one was on it when the incident happened.
Oh man, that stinks. :( I am surprised your bike remained upright, but very glad that nothing else (and no other bikes) got damaged.
Is that your dad leaning on his bike in the last pic??
Fortunately, insurance will cover it, and because it was a hit & run, it falls under the comprehensive coverage, rather than collision, and for me that's a lower deductable.

That isn't my father-in-law leaning on the bike in the last pic, although it is his bike; it's a friend of his. He's part of the group that's standing to one side, but you can't really see him.
It's crazy that the bike wasn't knocked over. It takes a lot of force to make a dent like that...Anyway, maybe that can be your silver lining...;)
That is so wrong...

Some might say, that's why you have insurance, but people need to be responsible for their own acts.

I'm sorry. At least it was only material damage which money can easily fix.

Good Luck,:thumbup:
It is really amazing that drivers don't see bikes, parked or moving. The fact that most bikes are bright colours makes them highly visible and yet everyday there are reports of accidents.

Are there really that many bad drivers out there ? Of course the answer is yes.

BTW SueMC I like the red FZ6 looks great, good luck with the tank.
We can only hope that what goes around comes around.....the wanker will get his in the end!
Very curious how it happened too.....with a dent that big, you'd think they'd have knoced her over :confused:
Good Luck with the repairs