Hold on


Junior Member
Sep 20, 2008
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Westerville OH
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When you tell your pillion to 'hold on.' What do you think that means?
I was riding with a friend last night and I said 'hold on' and gunned it.
Needless to say her definition of hold on and mine are a little different.
I think she almost wet herself...
Its pretty important that you have your signals clear before getting on a bike with a passenger. I have read a number of stories of crashes because a passenger does does something unexpected.

When I'm ready to gun it, my wife knows what "hold on" means. I also make sure I feel her tighten her grip before I whack the throttle. Also, if I reach down a squeeze her knee it means the same thing.

I tell all my passengers that if they want my attention to hit me on the shoulder and I will slow down or stop so they can talk with me. If there is an emergency they are to hit (within reason) me until I stop. At speed its pretty hard to communicate by speaking.

If it's a chick and she's never been on a bike before I tell them to wrap their arms around me and lean into my back:eek::cheer::D:thumbup:. This way they are just an extension of the rider. I rigged up a gearsac rack for my ex on my last bike that she could (and did) lean back on, again making her part of the bike:thumbup:. If it's a guy:( they have to take their chances and I ride like I'm on egg shells. It's pretty hard work hanging on on the back of one of these bikes.
Same here. My girl is an excellent passenger. When I tap her, it means we are gonna fly. When I lane split she knows to hold on and lean forward so when the light turns green we can get ahead. When we stop she puts her hands on the gas tank so i dont get my balls crushed as bad.