How cold is too cold for you?

last year I rode until it was about 11 degrees Farenheit, it was chilly, but only when the roads have been dry for a day or so.
I don't know if I have a too cold, I'm more worried about the conditions. I can be pretty well bundled up, I've pushed through 40 degrees with no issues and I think I'd be good enough up until 25-30.

At that temp, of more concern to me is whether there's moisture on the road, which would be extra slippery even if it's not frozen. Also, unless you have an amazing anti-fog solution, your visor is going to be a layer of fog ... which would then freeze. All bad things.

If it were sunny out and had been for a few days, at perhaps 30 degrees, I might chance it if I just want to take it around the block a few times to keep the fluids from gooing up.
I figure 32. Last week I was out in 35F came home and put a hot water bottle on my thighs. Also a couple of 37s in the last couple of weeks.

Just walked in the house from a ride and it is 46 outside and it actually felt warm.

However, once they put salt down, that will stop me.
+24 F. Anything colder and my faceshield frosts up. I might try the Visor inserts, although as Shreveport said, your tires don't stick too well down there.
"Way back when", I used to ride to school every single day, no matter what. One morning it was like 7 degrees F and when I went to kickstart, (remember those?), my little 90cc bike the kickstarter, (with a high-pitched "dink"), just snapped off like glass!
There was ice and snow and I could not push the thing off so I had to ride the bus that one day! I suppose I will ride year round, (just not as far and not as "enthusiastically"!). My Fazer does need to keep limbered up and charged up doesn't he? "Way back when" was WAY back when!
I've been out in the low 20's. Heated gloves are a must along with overpants and lots of layers. I don't do snow or ice.
I used to drive my suzuki sierra (samuari) in the snow with the top down and the windscreen down. about -3 c. Back when i liveed in the aussie alps, now i live in the desert.

its never to cold i say, you can always keep warm. It gets hot here and all you can do i try to keep in the shade.

You can only get so naked.

Im with Matty , it never to cold in Oz :BLAA:
I guess it depends if it is a quick ride or a longer ride, I have ridden to a friends house in the 20's just down the street but I like to have it at least in the 50's if I ride farther than a couple miles. As I get older, I like warmer riding conditions 'cause I'm a big baby.:D
I'M fine riding in the forties here with light gloves and my rocket jacket. But below freezing, I'm out. I've hit black ice as well in a shallow corner and how I didnt lay down the bike is still a mystery. Second scariest moment I've had on a bike.

I'M fine riding in the forties here with light gloves and my rocket jacket. But below freezing, I'm out. I've hit black ice as well in a shallow corner and how I didnt lay down the bike is still a mystery. Second scariest moment I've had on a bike.


Ok I'll bite - what was the first?
Did about 1500km in temps from 20-45F. Was so cold the temp on the bike never got above 75C. This was two up mind you, and I was the passenger. First long trip two up on my dads FZ1 to get my first (big)bike. I was so happy I couldn't feel the cold, or I was just too frozen. Area where I live windchill is the worst. I've had days where the windchill drops the temp close to -100F during severe blizzards.
Ok I'll bite - what was the first?
The first was getting hit by a drunk driver who blew a red light at 50mph a few years ago.

That was number one :) the story is somewhere on this forum. Totally sideswiped me as I was making a left through a green. Though I really didn't have time to be scared. Or anything else for that matter.

I try to ride to work every day. Last winter I often rode in 15-20F temps. One morning I left the house it was 5F. That was fun.

Fogged shield? You have to open it just before coming to a stop and you have to keep it open the entire time you are stopped. I never have fog problems even in the single digit temps.

Cold roads / Cold tires? Go easy... ride like the road is wet.

Ice patch? stay vertical and straight while crossing it. And don't change your speed at all (unless you can scrub some speed before hitting the ice.)
Im good down into the high teens, but i have heated grips, and good winter gear. dont ride when its that cold if the roads are wet though i dont do ice!
I'm usually good to the low 20's without much trouble. I don't joy-ride anywhere near as much when it's that cold, but I still enjoy my morning commute. I won't ride when it's cold AND raining. I can handle the cold, and I can handle the rain, but not at the same time.
my thoughts exactly but I try not to ride bellow freezing ice=bad