How do I fix this?

If it really bothers you I would get a custom decal made. I have found some shops on fleabay that if you send them the dimensions and a drawing they will make whatever you want.

If you're worried about the scratches I think it does give it character but I'm like you and prefer to have perfect paint jobs. :thumbup:
If its any thing like buying a replacement stator or voltage regulator, you order them and then go buy a new CBR600 that has good one on it and the problem is over looked for a good long time! lol

Any repair is going result in a form of ugly unless you repaint everything - so you leave it for now. Metalic paint doesn;t touch up well.
i would re paint it black and buy a decal off yamaha. that way the decal colour matches perfectly to the bike. the problem i found with sticker shops is that they never have the exact colour of the bike so it would look a bit off.

that s the best solution for a clean look.

or else buy a red pod off a 2006 model, they are the same, its just painted red all of it, then buy the FZ6 sticker to stick to it. but this may turn up to be more expensive (since you have to buy two pods for both sides plus you would end up with extra pods)
I say dab it with some touch up paint. Then lightly use a, plastic, headlight restorer on it. You will need a new decal too.

My scratches were not that deep, but it worked on the plastic fairing around my headlights. My fairing has some light scuff marks and was faded and foggy. After I lightly used the headlight restorer once it looked almost new again.

Just a suggestion.

Here is the link to what I did.
I've got a few of those from swinging my leg over the seat. Its mostly the edge of the decal that's scuffed. I used a black sharpie. You could use a black and a red sharpie.

When getting on/off the bike, make sure not to drag your boot. I've got short legs, so sometimes I stand on the left peg with my left foot before swinging my right leg over the seat.