How do you pee...?


Jan 23, 2008
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I thought I would ask this after a funny scenario at the supermarket. How does everyone take a leak when carrying their helmet? (Ladies, feel free to answer as well, if you wish)

I went into the grocery store carrying my helmet and had the urge to use the restroom. Well, there was not a sanitary enough place for me to put my helmet, so I just slipped it back on my head. Well, a customer walks in and sees me at the urinal, all geared up (with alpinestar jacket and helmet on) while taking a leak. I start chuckling as he enters the stall. Then, when I go to wash my hands I still have the same predicament... so the helmet stays on. As I am heading out an employee walks in and then I take my helmet off. He must of thought : what the hell is this guy doing in the bathroom that he needs a helmet for...

I just thought it was really funny and wanted to share, because from the other peoples point of view, that must of looked totally random.
You know, I have come across the same situation. There are times when I can't find a "clean" or "dry" place to set my helmet when I have to go, so I end up holding my helmet in one hand while I do business. I'm such a dumb ass, never occured to me to put the helmet on while I go.
Hey I leave my helmet on unless I have a safe place to put it; I paid too much for it. I guess I can add to that rule that the place must be sanitary as well. Thanks!
I have never had that issues in the last 4 years of riding... i Am laughing at your situation though, it is hilarious..
I ride an 07 so if I don't feel like carrying a helmet around I just use the helmet lock. I usually don't carry the hlemet inside. the exception is restaraunts where I can leave it on the table or beside me in the booth.
Good idea in keeping the helmet on............... BUT why not just lock it up on the bike helmet lock?? In my case i have a topcase...... I lock my helmet in there and do my bizzzzzzzzzpizzzzzzzzzzzzz. LOL.:D
A picture is worth a thousand words...

I ride an 07 so if I don't feel like carrying a helmet around I just use the helmet lock. I usually don't carry the hlemet inside. the exception is restaraunts where I can leave it on the table or beside me in the booth.

I use my helmet lock from time to time. However, if I am just running in and out somewhere, or if it is a questionable location, I just carry it with me. It is usually not worth the extra effort to lock it up and then unlock it 5 minutes later... and I was not planning on going to the restroom. In any case, it was worth it for the laughs.
never really thought about that. sometimes it's helmet in one hand and junk in the other. I suppose if I needed both hands I'd just wear the helmet on my head like a hat. not fully on but enough that it wont fall off.
I haven't had that situation come up yet, but when I do, you can bet I am going to wear my helmet. I will probably take my time just so I can make sure to get a few laughs out of it.
Helmet in one hand, helmet in the other hand. :)

If you're worried about cleanlieness when you set the helmet down, just put it down upside down. It won't matter as much if the outer shell gets dirty, it's already spatered with bugs.

I had my helmet on only one time at a gas station. I now just leave it on the helmet lock, it was very awkward having everyone stare at me.
I wear my helmet in and out of places all the time. Though it did feel like all of the cameras were following me at the bank the other day:confused: