How fast have you ever driven fz6?

I managed to briefly show 144MPH on clocks on 2005 FZ6N while following a Scooby WRX on dual carriageway... prob only about 130MPH real speed though...
I have managed close to 130mph, on err...cough... a private road/track. I was not chasing a car, just belting it down to get home...on a nice sunny day, with hardly any traffic.

The weird thing is, for me at least... i can get upto speed no problem, its slowing the machine down that freaks me out..!?? Especially when things come at you so so quickly...

I haven't done that in a while tho...
I seem to back off @ 120 MPH (194kmph) ish everytime I do a speed run these days. Must be getting old. The bike has plenty of go left in her and I often have plenty of road in front of me. :)
The speedo read 115 on the 405 freeway. Take off 10% for speedo error...lets say 104

I was once clocked on the 91 Freeway by CHP back in 1981 on my Honda 750 at 95mph. I was doing a lot more...a hellova lot more but the speedo on that bike only read up to 85mph. The CHP was on a Kawasaki 1000 told me that he never would have caught me on a Harley or a Moto Guzzi which were also used back then by the CHP.

That was back when the national speed limit was 55mph. Federal laws mandated speedo's to read only 85 mph.

Yes, 40 mph over the speed limit resulted in a reckless driving conviction
Just got back from the German Autobahn where there is no speed limit :cheer:

Got it up to 244 km/h on the speedo. Thats 151,6 mp/h. (FZ6 S Fazer 2004 - Completely Stock)

On the way back my max was 239 km/h. That was because of the wind. There was almost no traffic. But you still have to be really careful. There are still people that drive 80 km/h over there. They get close really fast when doing those kinds of speeds.

I wonder what my new S2 will do when its done and the PC-V is installed.
Took the 2010 FZ6 out for a spin on the autobahn a few weeks ago. It did do only 236 KM/h. Compared to the 244 of the old FZ6 2004 that was stock.

This one did have the GT fairing. Maybe more are resistance? Or the speedo is off more.

I now modded the 2010 with a 17T sprocket so i dont think i will hit that 236 anymore. But i dont need that kind of speed anyway :D Speedo should need less correction with the 17T tho.

Maybe i will try again next year if i do the LKM tunning.
I was at almost maximum speed one time but just as I cracked the sound barrier she started to develop high speed wobble and I had to deploy the chute :)