How "NOT" to get a speeding ticket

If I was a cop, and I saw you blowing by on an ORANGE 'lol' motorcycle I would be all on that too :)

Good advice!

I've been thinking the same thing...That orange color is good for being visible to other motorists, but the cops can pick you out from space...
That's crazy, the fine for $1200 is like all my mods or a 4th of what my bike cost.... Hope you pull through with it all.
Sometimes, there's really not much logic to speeding tickets (other than being unlawful). Take extreme rural areas, such as in much of Nevada, where, it used to be there was NO limit. You can see,sometimes, the highway clear for over a mile. Then, the federal gov't (which gets money from the states in the first place) came along and said: "Unless you have speed limits under 70 mph we're going to "withhold" significant chunks of highway funding. So now, Nevada has the same speed limits in and desert, high plains areas as some freeways do in urban areas. What happened to state's rights? Now, travel along many of these lonely (US 50 in Nevada has been nicknamed "Loneliest Highway in the US" by a major magazine) and despite this, you'll see many/most motorists moving along much faster than 70 MPH---more like 80's or 90's. Is it illegal? Of course. Sometimes, it's all about politics and not much else. Sorry, to hear about your expensive ticket!
It woulden't have helped in your situation but it seems to me like it's common knowledge for cops that all it takes is a blip of the throttle to gain 15 mph so. When I got pulled over last time I said 78 when he asked me how fast I was going, and he said no it was more like 88. I said oh well anything over 65 all feels the same to me. He said he knows that with me going down a hill I could have gotten up to 88 in no time and gave me a warning. He was a young cop and definetly seemed like one of those guys that doesen't let anybody out of a ticket. Just thought that might come in as a handy excuse for someone in the future.
Well, they say you do the crime you do the time.

But you know the kind of things they say.

Look, our bikes can do eaily 240km/h give or take. That's double the highest speed limit we're allowed anywhere round here. Thats like saying: buy this house, but you are ONLY allowed in the lounge and kitchen, the rooms and bathrooms are off limits. :confused:
I respectfully disagree, sir - I'm not trying to be an advocate for reckless driving or excessive speeding. However, based on your statement, the "sole" reason for speed limits is safety. I then must ask why the state of Illinois (and many other states) are still using speed limits from the 1950's, when by contrast, automotive technology (brakes/suspension) have improved exponentially since then. Why does the autobahn have such a spectacular safety record....? IT's a safer road, yet it has higher speed limits... Hmmm.... (This discussion could be another thread in itself!)

Speed limits are part safety, part politics. On a clear road, I don't believe that 100mph on a FZ6 is dangerous. On a bike, any collision over 25mph is potentially lethal, and honestly, 50mph+ to a motorcyclist pretty much has the same results - death if you're stupid enough to not wear gear, and potential death if you're wearing a helmet/gear.

If safety was the primary concern, we shouldn't be riding motorcycles at all.

As I said, I am not condoning reckless driving or speeding through school zones. However, 100mph in the left hand lane on a clear freeway is not a problem to me. To the state, however, it is a problem - one that can be solved by excessive ticketing.

Just my .02

Lonesoldier: I realize that we're two individuals from different countries, but I simply don't see the logic in your reasoning.

It seems ignorant and dangerous to suggest that riders should be able to exceed the speed limit if nobody is around and the rider has the ability to stop.

I'm not going to stand on a soapbox and try to convince anyone here that I've never exceeded the speed limit on my FZ6. The truth is, I've run the bike over 130 mph on a public highway, and I was scared to death. Sure, nobody was around, and I never got caught. Despite all that, I put myself in significant danger because there simply is no way I could have safely stopped to avoid an animal (I live in Northern Michigan).

Lets look at this from a mathematical standpoint. At 130 mph, a rider will cover 191 feet per second. It takes the average person .75 seconds to perceive something and another .75 seconds to react to it. So now we have used 1.50 seconds to perceive/react to a deer standing in the roadway 300 feet ahead while we're doing 130 mph. In that time, we just gobbled up 286 feet and we have not done anything to bring ourselves safely to a stop. By the time we begin to brake/downshift/take evasive action, we've hit the deer, and are now pavement surfing just hoping our gear holds out (if we're not already dead).

Speed limits exist for a reason. They are meant to keep folks safe, and not exceed the capabilities of vehicles and the folks who drive them.

I may catch hell for this post, but I needed to get the info out there.

I have to agree with most of what both of you said, but have a couple cents to add myself.

Last I knew (several years ago) to drive in Germany as a German citizen, you had to undergo extensive driving training and learn a concept called "Drive Right" and it cost about $1200 US equivalent to get a license. I think that has more to do with the Autobahn's safety than "safer roads" which are much better than US roads. Nearly a 15" thick of concrete in most places compared to our 4-8" (not including support structures).

Also, my reaction time as tested by the Marine Corp MEPS, maxed at 0.14 sec., averaged at 0.20 sec. I didn't check your math or figure how many feet of travel I save in a dangerous situation, because it doesn't really matter. Just thought I'd give others actual data instead of a "statistic."
Lonesoldier: I realize that we're two individuals from different countries, but I simply don't see the logic in your reasoning.

It seems ignorant and dangerous to suggest that riders should be able to exceed the speed limit if nobody is around and the rider has the ability to stop.

I'm not going to stand on a soapbox and try to convince anyone here that I've never exceeded the speed limit on my FZ6. The truth is, I've run the bike over 130 mph on a public highway, and I was scared to death. Sure, nobody was around, and I never got caught. Despite all that, I put myself in significant danger because there simply is no way I could have safely stopped to avoid an animal (I live in Northern Michigan).

Lets look at this from a mathematical standpoint. At 130 mph, a rider will cover 191 feet per second. It takes the average person .75 seconds to perceive something and another .75 seconds to react to it. So now we have used 1.50 seconds to perceive/react to a deer standing in the roadway 300 feet ahead while we're doing 130 mph. In that time, we just gobbled up 286 feet and we have not done anything to bring ourselves safely to a stop. By the time we begin to brake/downshift/take evasive action, we've hit the deer, and are now pavement surfing just hoping our gear holds out (if we're not already dead).

Speed limits exist for a reason. They are meant to keep folks safe, and not exceed the capabilities of vehicles and the folks who drive them.

I may catch hell for this post, but I needed to get the info out there.

I am sorry you made the poor decision to barrel through an area chock full of wildlife and potential hazards at over 130mph. I am also sorry you now seem to relate, in your mind, this experience with speeding in general.

What do you mean by speeding? Rocketing around at mach 3.

What do I mean by speeding? Finding the right speed of travel based not on road signs, but rather on visibility, road conditions, stopping power, rider limitations, and traffic (both pedestrian and automotive). Nine times out of ten, speeds arrived at via this sort of assessment are higher than the posted limit. Sometimes, they are significantly higher.

I have ripped around at over 200kph and felt safe in doing so. I live in the prairies where you can see for MILES in every direction and the road is dead straight. Out in the middle on nowhere, with zero traffic, this is not the maniacal experience many make it out to be.

In the twisties, I find myself much closer to the posted speed limit, though the only time I am within 5-10 kph of it is when there is traffic. 20-35kph over the posted limit in the twisty stuff on what is nearly a supersport machine is NOT dangerous and ignorant. 40-50kph over the posted limit is a bit aggressive, and my wrist pulls me up into that range sometimes, but only when conditions allow.

So, I repeat, US speed laws are draconian and western speed laws in general are silly.

The numbers they have selected applied in the 70's to tanks built by Buick and Oldsmobile and also to supersport machines in the year 2010. Can you seriously tell me those numbers are reasonable?

They take our money. They take our machines. We are reasonable adults. We do not deserve it. I think of it as an additional tax. So, all riders out there, who pick their speeds rationally, are essentially downtrodden and overtaxed feudal serfs in this draconian system. It is god damned retarded. And it drives me up the wall. It really does.

And they do not have a system in place to assess the situation when the individual was speeding. A ticket for going the speed the OP was going may well justify their taking his bike away. But it also may only warrant a small fine, or no fine at all.

As it is, they blindly and haphhazardly slap on this rider-tax. And this poor man has lost his bike for it.

This is a travesty, but we must endure it, because to speak against it is to be labelled a crazed maniac.
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I was a little bit more lucky last sunday.
It was 6:30 in the morning, nobody on the road, and cruising thru some nice roads. all straight and wide. I passed a school and pulled up to 100km/h. Behind me was a car, but it was no policecar so I kept on speeding.
I passed a sign that said "end of 30km/h-zone" so I was speeding 70km/h over the limit. (but really, 30km/h on a sundaymorning with not one man in sight. Nobody drives that slow.) I drwas driving to fast, but I was not driving crazy or accellerating like hell.

so I stopped at the next red light, and the car that was behind me the whole time pulled up next to me. He looked at me and gave me a friendly wave. That was the moment that I saw that he was wearing a police uniform.
He did not do anything, probably going home from a night shift or something.

I was very very very lucky. Thank you Mr. Policeman!
I get the feeling that Lonesoldier feels I'm personally attacking him. Like I said in the beginning of my post, "we're different people from different countries".

As such, it's not too hard to imagine there is going to be a difference of opinion from time to time.

Draconian or not, the Western civilization has adopted speed limits for a multitude of reasons ranging from enhanced safety, increased fuel economy and the generation of revenue. Speed laws are here to stay, and the OP is the one who made the conscious decision to twist the throttle. It could have just as easily been anyone of us.

It saddens me the OP is considering selling his motorcycle to pay his fines and costs. I sincerely hope he does not take that step since there are options available to mitigate the situation. There are safety classes and traffic lawyers that are often able to lower the punishment substantially.
I get the feeling that Lonesoldier feels I'm personally attacking him. Like I said in the beginning of my post, "we're different people from different countries".

As such, it's not too hard to imagine there is going to be a difference of opinion from time to time.

Draconian or not, the Western civilization has adopted speed limits for a multitude of reasons ranging from enhanced safety, increased fuel economy and the generation of revenue. Speed laws are here to stay, and the OP is the one who made the conscious decision to twist the throttle. It could have just as easily been anyone of us.

It saddens me the OP is considering selling his motorcycle to pay his fines and costs. I sincerely hope he does not take that step since there are options available to mitigate the situation. There are safety classes and traffic lawyers that are often able to lower the punishment substantially.

No, I do not think you were personally attacking me. You were attacking everything I hold dear.

Lol, just kidding. It's ok, mon ami, I am not taking your freely expressed opinion as a personal attack at any level. You feel a certain way, and I feel another way. The two are at odds, but I must express myself vehemently to ensure my view is adequately expressed.

Draconian or not, the Western civilization has adopted speed limits for a multitude of reasons ranging from enhanced safety, increased fuel economy and the generation of revenue. Speed laws are here to stay, and the OP is the one who made the conscious decision to twist the throttle. It could have just as easily been anyone of us.

I agree with this assessment, as much as it saddens me.
I feel for ya Chris, loss of a bike to pay the fine sucks.
Up here in Ontario, the O.P.P. cops have a plane watching out for us, and if we are doing 50kmph (31 mph) over the limit, we lose the bike for 7 days, have to pay for towing and storage for said 7 days, lose our licence for 7 days, and face a fine up to $10,000.
So if any of you guys south of here decide to ride in Ontario, watch your speed.

BTW, most speed limits are for the lowest common denominator, learners, old people...

Sorry, kinda side tracked, but still feeling for ya chris...
$572 in tickets I am paying today. Three from the last two months. No I am not a rich man.

What do I mean by speeding? Finding the right speed of travel based not on road signs, but rather on visibility, road conditions, stopping power, rider limitations, and traffic (both pedestrian and automotive). Nine times out of ten, speeds arrived at via this sort of assessment are higher than the posted limit. Sometimes, they are significantly higher.

Agree 100%. Indicated speed limits are designed around worst case scenarios, so whilst it's dark and wet, to avoid confusion. So on a clear day with no traffic (or traffic moving consistently) then they can often be far too conservative.

If our highways were 200km/hr instead of 110km/hr, I wonder if this would reduce the road toll? Perhaps not, but if I were driving at 200 then I'd probably take MORE caution when changing lanes or whatever, because of the increased risk. So perhaps we'd all be on higher alert and thus more observant.

Condolances to the OP, that's a big $ hit. I've been there (front wheel had a gravity issue!) and know what a drag it can be.
If the speed limit were 500kph, Wally McWallace and his wife would still not drive over about 120 or so kph. If you remove speed limits or raise them much higher, people will not become unsafe.

The less you have people thinking about their speed the more you have them thinking about actual safety.

I dont know about you but now when I am approaching intersections I am scanning intensely for the new speed-on-green ticket cameras they installed around here....EVEN WHEN IM NOT SPEEDING. The second thing I scan for is photo radar. THEN I check to see what the traffic situation is in the intersection I am approaching. It is retarded.

I repeat.

Not to mention overtaking. If I want to pass someone doing 50 in a 60 zone, if I do it at 60 then I'm a walking duck. I need to crack it, and maybe I top 90 momentarily until I can merge back into my lane, then grab the speed limit.

But if I'm caught at 90 I have an automatic 3 month loss of licence (in Oz). Crazy.
Update. Didn't have to sell the bike. I will be broke this summer, but o well right?
Anyways, Didn't think a post made in anger would stir up so much discussion :p
only losing my license for 30 days, which is good as well. Tri-met in august :( tears... lol
Anyways, learn from me guys and ride safe. I'm now looking into going fast on the track at Portland Intl Raceway :) 1/4 mile at a time.