How to illegally climb up on the highest construction crane in Europe

I could have guessed that it was in Russia without even opening this topic haha.

I don't know whether to call those guys brain dead or a guys with balls of steel.

You know, it's nice to feel the rush of adrenaline from the comfort and safety of my chair.

Good on them.
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Crazy things, but I kinda wonder how they got back down again. Since the other guys jumped and alarmed dozens of guards and they were not carrying any parachutes..?
Crazy things, but I kinda wonder how they got back down again. Since the other guys jumped and alarmed dozens of guards and they were not carrying any parachutes..?

I'm just guessing, One of the guys that went back down, his father was either the construction formen, chief of police or even the building owner. Isn't that how it is in Russia, you have the really rich kids that get away with anything cause they have family connections to the mob/government.