How's everyone's weight loss going?

was 204 lbs in june 2006 .. became 170 lbs in august 2008.. .pretty hardcore exercise .. diet control.. hardly any dinner at night .. mostly on liquids .. i thought that was an achievement for me .. now I am 176lbs gaining muscle
I've done some pretty hard times of doing nothing but working out, especially in my first year in the military.
I was a bit too big entering basic and we did the usual running every day, pushups, core exercises, ruck sack marches etc. I lost quite a bit of weight in 14 weeks (30 lbs or so)
My next big drop was 2 months after basic I lost 10 lbs in a week but it was a week I was in the field during one of my toughest courses with limited food and water and we were going non stop for 5 straight days in middle of july.
So I know what weight loss is about (unfortunately the last bit of training wasn't physical at all in my job and I gained alot back but I still have my fitness I just have put on my padding).
One of the best types of exercise for anyone is something similar to the P90X system, and the best part is it takes minimal equipment... all you need are running shoes and anything small but heavy (sand bag, cinder block, medicine ball etc). Use biometric exercises, (pushups, squats) and incoprporate your weight in with it so things like upright rows, and such.
This exercise works on your cardio and muscle tone, it helps with both aerobic and anerobic ability. Do a set of your 4 exercises (like 20 reps) then run about 500 metres ( I mean run, not jog) then do your exercises with 15 reps, and run your laps. Just keep decreasing by 5s and do your laps.
This is rumored to be very similar to the "300 workout" even though that is just a rumour and the "300 workout" was really a test that they gave the actors and stunt men at the end of their training to see what their fitness really was. Kind of for ****s and giggles and also for study reasons.
You can do a very intense hard workout in about 25 muinets and it works, but this is for people that have worked out for a while, and you really need to watch your heart rate with this!
Well done to all the guys who have lost weight :cheer:

I didn't post a goal but I've lost 2Kg's (4.4lbs), I'm pleased you posted this thread as a reminder, as I've been doing very little the last couple of weeks (I lost 1.5 Kg's in the first week and since then I've been slacking).

Oh well I better get the Wii fit/sport out again :thumbup:
Hi everyone :cheer:, First of all i'd like to say well done to you all for starting the road to a new and better you. I to started on 5th January at a weight of 167lbs, i have given up bread, pasta, potatoes and junk food, but i'm eating loads more salads and fish, chicken, burgers (with no bun) No it is not the Atkins as i still have thd odd fruit and diet coke and em chocolate (within reason) and so far i have lost 9lbs. i've even had one bad day a wk where i have had a chinese with rice. I havent started exercising yet, i'll do that from monday :D, so current weight is now 158lbs. Goal weight is 136lbs by 21st August as i'm heading on a Europe Trip with 15 other friends and everyone of us on our bikes :D:D

Cant wait to give and recieve motivation from you guys. good luck to you all :thumbup:

Start = 167lbs
Goal = 136lbs
left to go = 22lbs
was 204 lbs in june 2006 .. became 170 lbs in august 2008.. .pretty hardcore exercise .. diet control.. hardly any dinner at night .. mostly on liquids .. i thought that was an achievement for me .. now I am 176lbs gaining muscle

The last time I weighed 170, I was a senior in high school (almost 11 years ago). That's back when I played sports on a regular basis, and was a LOT more active. Topped out at 230, and am working my way back down, hoping to hit 200 (about 215 right now).

I'm not doing anything to lose weight, it's just coming off. My fiance started Weight Watchers, and I think some of her stuff is effecting me since I do the cooking and it's just easier to cook one meal for 2 than it is to make two separate meals.

Once the weather clears up (this single digit crap is getting old), I'll be outside and being more active (walking the dog rather than just hooking him up to the garage and running back inside).

Gotta look good for the wedding pictures in July!
I have lost 7 pounds so far. All I have done is change my diet. I eat about 500 calories for breakfast and again for lunch then I am left with about 800 or so for dinner. Used to drink alcohol a couple nights during the week and then on weekends but have stopped drinking during the week. I do still drink too much soda but I am working on that. Trying to transfer to one gallon of water per day which is a task. I am going to start exercising 3 days a week starting this weekend. Good luck everyone.
I have lost 7 pounds so far. All I have done is change my diet. I eat about 500 calories for breakfast and again for lunch then I am left with about 800 or so for dinner. Used to drink alcohol a couple nights during the week and then on weekends but have stopped drinking during the week. I do still drink too much soda but I am working on that. Trying to transfer to one gallon of water per day which is a task. I am going to start exercising 3 days a week starting this weekend. Good luck everyone.

Drinking a gallon a day will help with the exercise because you'll be running to the bathroom every 5 minutes.
Kudos to all who are trying. This is a "growing" problem for all of us with our lifestyles. It is winter in Boston, snowy, icy and I feel like doing nothing but going back to my warm home, eating, desserting, drinking tea with something, etc...No gym in a long long time...Anyway, hoping to "reshape" the body rather than loose weight.
Keira: I take it you are about done with first trimester? it is a wonderous thing growing in you...wait 'till they talk back!
Keira: I take it you are about done with first trimester? it is a wonderous thing growing in you...wait 'till they talk back!

Next week I'll be in my 5th month :)

I agree with the whole motivation piece. I also have been trying to remain active, which used to be easy when we had a gym at our condo complex, but now that we don't have one (and I won't pay for a real gym membership when it's tough to buy groceries), I have to do my working out either at the school I intern at, or outside. Makes it hard to fit into my schedule when it's -22F out, or I have a snow day on an internship day... Great job to you all who can find the time and motivation!