i am back!!! check this out!!!

Anyone else notice the amount of garbage (litter) in the streets? There seems to be a ton of debris laying around. All it would take is a bottle in your "line" at those speeds and bye bye. Save that type of riding for a track where you only endanger yourself.:disapprove: End of:rant:

which line? there are several.. lol

as said before you need to look more ahead and read up on a few topics like taking corners
Do what you want it's your life.

Don't try to encourage others to think what you do is cool.

Promote responsibility, keep your irresponsibility to yourself.

You know very well that this Forum's general concensus doesn't agree with that type of behavior.
i figured my post would stir up some more hate than it did..... :Flip:

So what you're playing devil's advocate?!?!?!
Seriously this type of inconsiderate motorist is what makes the roads for cager and non-cager dangerous to be on. Like most people have said, take all that energy on the track and learn something useful out of that time. Sure some of us may sound "self righteous" on this forum, but we have some moral responsibility here. Alot of "newbies" or former riders come to this forum not just to get our opinion about our bikes, but also how to become a responsible motorist...whether you're on a bike or in a cage. It's not enough to tell people ATGATT......... that's completely useless unless you "Ride your own ride".
Have I had a spirited run on my bike.... YES, but I make sure that the highway is free of any traffic for that short burst of speed. I'm not claiming to be a saint all the time when it comes to riding, but consider the implications of your actions when riding.
If that was "your" family that got hurt because of a motorist such as the video depicts, could you look at yourself in the mirror and say "I'm not his mom, let him do what he wants"?
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dont try this at home

Oh don't worry, I won't! I don't think I've ever ridden that poorly, even when I first started riding.

I think you are posting these videos in the wrong forum mate. Perhaps you should be looking for a Stunters forums instead? (but I doubt even they would be impressed with this bush league crap).

What you are 'demonstrating' isn't skill. You just look like a guy who has no idea how to ride or hold a line. Pick a lane for christ sakes dude. I'd call you a newb rider, but that would be an insult to new riders (who can ride much better than this!). You might impress 12yr olds with this, but not anyone here. Your maneuvering is erratic and just plain dangerous. Your style of riding puts you in some very bad situations with surrounding traffic and is nothing to be proud of.

I especially liked the part where you took a left though a median/crosswalk to do a U-turn. That was special.

The only positive thing I'll say about this video is that I plan to show it to my riding students as an example of how not to ride and what idiot riders look like and to watch out for. Not to mention riders like you make the rest of us look like rock stars baby!

Dosen't matter what any of us here say about your riding as I'm sure you will continue to ride like a clown regardless of what anyone here says and that's your decision. My guess is that it will probably take a serious accident for someone like you to stop riding like a tool. However, this forum doesn't need to 'see' or hear about riding like this so strongly suggest you think twice before posting another video like this here again....
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fazer600spGR: What insurance company did you say you have? Maybe you should email the link to the company.... And, yeah, see if you can get a higher resolution camera.
My friend rides like that sometimes, but it is when he is playing Grand Theft Auto, you will eventually get nailed by a cager if you keep it up, your life, so thats ok I guess, but you should do it in the country, deer are great for an adrenaline rush. People like you let gov make crappy laws and raise insurance on the rest of us. But hey, a lot of us were probably like you at one time(16), hope you wake up before someone gets hurt.
since you are obviously not going to stop trying to show off, if you do this once and get flamed in the normal mind twice is not an option. So I would just like to thank you for my high insurance rates and bad reputation among the motorcycling community. Keep doing what you do and maybe your next video will be posted by your family as an in memory of :squid:
Looks like this should be spent on the track before you get hurt. Nice power wheelies.
Back again huh..........?:rolleyes:

In case you haven't figured it out yet...most of us on this forum are not impressed with reckless driving........:popcorn:

Maybe you should post this stuff on the "other" forum, I think you'll find "they:squid:" will appreciate all you can give them.

Good luck.
G'day mate. Have you got any twisties in your neck of the woods? All that traffic makes me nervous just watching.

As you can see from the first car in the vid and the VW, these guys don't always do what they are supposed to, so I find it just better all round to stay away from them.

Of course after seeing so many oncoming cars in my lane, I'm a little nervous about the tight stuff now.

+1 on the nice wheelies too.:thumbup:

Watch out for traffic and stay safe.
